The chamberlain stood in the grand hallway with a self-satisfied smirk, watching his accomplice maid and a group of guards systematically check every room in the palace.
It was a calculated show, one designed to appear thorough and professional while serving his true purpose.
He wanted to humiliate Elias publicly, to paint him as a thief and a fraud, all while sowing further distrust among the royal family.
As the search dragged on, murmurs began to ripple through the palace. Servants whispered behind their hands, and even the guards exchanged uneasy glances.
Lady Selene and Prince Aedric, who had been observing the situation with growing suspicion, eventually joined the chamberlain near Elias's room.
"What is the meaning of this?" Selene asked, her voice sharp but composed. Her gaze was icy as it landed on the chamberlain, who immediately bowed low in deference.