A Spark of Empire

The system resonated in his mind:

[Master, these creatures are goblins, they are former servants of your ruined kingdom. Their leader was defeated long ago by demons and they now live scattered under the sway of other, more powerful clans. But they may be convinced to follow you again.]

A smile appeared on his lips. If he was to rebuild his kingdom then he might as well start by rallying those who were destined for him. As he advanced towards the goblins, he did not try to hide his presence. Their eyes turned to him and terror spread through their ranks. One of them a little taller than the others advanced brandishing his spear:

«Who... Who are you? »(Trembling voice)

The Dragon King: «I am your king, the dragon king reincarnated. Bow down and I will give you a future beyond your expectations. »

The goblins exchanged worried glances, some of them stepped back sharply. But the goblin leader seemed to hesitate. He had probably never heard of him.

[ System : Show them your power, master. They will follow you if they understand that you are more powerful than anything they have ever known.]

Following the advice of the system, he would reach out and recite an ancient incantation. A green flame appeared dancing in the palm of his palm, ssshhh ! until it formed a small sphere. The goblins recoiled further, Criiiiic ! from their feet on the stones, fascinated and at the same time frightened.

[Infinite System: Skill activated – Primordial Green Flame.]

[Description: An ancient flame endowed with a conscience of its own which fascinates the weak-minded and destroys impure souls. The sphere can be projected or used as a catalyst for more complex spells.]

[Passive effect: Nearby enemies feel instinctive fear and uncontrollable fascination.]

With a quick gesture the Dragon King sent the flame to the ground. It exploded in a ring of fire, BOOOM ! lighting up the clearing.

The goblins terrified fell to their knees, resting their foreheads on the ground.

One of the goblins named Greuk had a heart that was pounding Thump Thump ! . He wondered how he could submit to this monster, to this creature that crushed them all like insectes? But what could he do? His life was not worth an arrow in the throat.

He bent with rage burning in his belly, a rage he could never let erupt. Not here. Not now. Not in front of this creature.

Another goblin named Vrag felt like an insect, crushed under the weight of the dragon king's gaze. How could he have come to this? He, the proud goblin warrior reduced to mere prey. He hated that feeling, that humiliation that burned in his mind, grrrrk.

But what could he do? If his pride had to be sacrificed to survive then he would leave it at the door. There was no honor in rebellion, just death. Then he submitted, sighed.

As for the leader of the goblins, Trôk, his eyes shone with a gleam of admiration despite the terror that invaded him. Every move the dragon king made created admiration for him. He was more than a king, he was a god. What else could he do but submit to such a being? His pride as a goblin leader collapsed before this majesty. Submission was no longer an option, it was a no-brainer.

At first, they had feared this dragon king, but with every majestic gesture, every authoritative word he began to feel a form of admiration. Shhh... Maybe they were all there to serve a greater cause. After all the Dragon King had a greater purpose than his own. He was just a little goblin. If obeying this higher being brought peace why not?

Trôk: «Master... Dragon King... We'll follow you, wherever you go! » sniif.

All of a sudden, the group of goblins split in two: those who accepted the Dragon King's rule for survival and those who even if forced to submit felt a form of anger or injustice.

Trôk: «Listen to me you crazy people. There is nothing to discuss. If the Dragon King wants our obedience he will have it. Do you think you have a choice, that you can escape his will? We will do what he wants. »

Following their leader's message several voices resounded in the crowd in the form of whispers:

—Yes... He is... too powerful. Why rebel when he can crush us in an instant? It is better to be in his favor than under his anger.

—But that's not fair! Why should we all bow down to that dragon, huh? We are not his dogs! Grr...

—Do you really want try to resist him? Do you think you have a chance against a being like that? Don't be stupid.

The air vibrated with thwarted emotions sssssss ! .

—There must be a way of resisting. One day, he will get tired. Dragons aren't invincible, right?

—Yes! There may be other creatures that can help us. We just need to find a strong enough ally. Hhmm-hhmm!

—You are idiots. Stop dreaming. If you really believe that someone is going to help us, you're fooling yourself. This dragon is far too powerful for that.


—All we can do is survive. We obey or we die. It's as simple as that. Crrr...

Trôk: «Don't be fooled by fear my brothers. The Dragon King offers us a unique chance to grow under his protection. Those of you who loyally submit will have his favor, I guarantee you. I will be the one who will be able to guide you on this path.» Tak!

— Do you think we can really be stronger? Chhht...

— Of course. By following his orders we will earn his respect. Those who doubt will be left behind. Tch..

— And if he decides to kill us after all? How do you know that he won't do it? Haa...

— Don't speak so loudly you idiot! He could hear you. All we have to do is follow his orders or we will disappear into his flames. Chht...

Dragon King(Smile slightly): «I've heard all you along, but don't worry, keep thinking about my proposal»

Trôk: «I know what we have to do. He is our king and he deserves our respect. I've lived my life fighting for power and now I see it in him. I'll do the right thing even if it means giving up everything I've known.» Krrr...

— But at what price, chief? We're going to have to sacrifice everything we were before, everything we had. Our souls will be lost in his shadow. Crrr...

Trôk: «It is better to serve the dragon than to die in indifference.» Grhhh...

Despite their disagreements within the group, they made the decision to follow the Dragon King, no matter the risks, some had understood that it was better to survive than to die.

He ordered them to rise and invited them to follow him. They were to be the first of his future army, a force that would shake these lands and repel any threat.

As they walked towards the old ruined fortress Crshh... he felt the satisfaction of laying the first stones of his empire.

The fortress they discovered was in poor condition, overgrown with vegetation and memories of a glorious era. Crk... But it retained a sparkle of its former power. The goblins immediately set to work,Kshhh!, clearing the debris and rehabilitating each wall with devotion, Splash, splosh, cleaning the walls and filling the cracks.

Laughter was heard among them:Hahaha!, as they reorganized, finding a form of hope in their new allegiance.

The Dragon King watched them with a satisfied look.

[System : Well, master, the foundations of your kingdom are laid. But this is only the beginning. You will have to strengthen your ranks, find resources and powerful allies. This world is full of peril and many will seek to crush you.]

He shook his head as he realized the immensity of the task that awaited him. But he would not back down.

Krrrk... Thus ended the first day of the dragon king's reign. It was a small spark but one that, in time would touch the world in a burst of power.

Night had fallen and the old fortress was at last dark. Hhhhhh... The Dragon King stood atop the tallest tower still standing, observing the land around him. The wind blew his black and green hair, and in his blue eyes there was a new flame, an ambition that was even more vivid than the first hours of his awakening in this world.

This fantasy world with its demons, its kings, its plurality of creatures, its lands to be conquered, called him as a playground commensurate with its power. Yet, despite his determination, one question lingered in the back of his mind.

«System, why me? Why did you choose me to carry this title? » Fff...

[System : Because your soul possesses the indomitable spirit of a king. Dragons are the natural lords, creatures of power and wisdom. Only a soul as strong as yours could claim that fate.] Zzzzzt...

The dragon king clenched his fists as he felt the energy run through his body. Maybe it was true. Perhaps fate had called him to accomplish this mission, restore this ancient dragon empire and become a legend.

A noise to his left had suddenly stopped his thoughts. Crrck... He turned and saw the leader of the goblins.

The latter stood there uncomfortable, his figure fragile in front of the imposing grandeur of the dragon king.

Trôk: «My king... We have done everything you asked for today. The others are resting, but I... I wanted to thank you for giving us a purpose in this new life.» Hhfff...

The dragon king watched the goblin surprised by this feeling of loyalty so quickly. He realized that these creatures though weak individually possessed a unique devotion. This devotion could be their strength and it could be the backbone of his kingdom.

Dragon King : «Stand up goblin, what's your name?» Crr...

The goblin raised his head astonished that a dragon king like him would be interested in him by asking such a question.

Trôk : «Me... They call me Trôk.»Shhhh...

Dragon King: «Trôk, you will be my right-hand man. The one who will lead others, who will speak for them. From that day on you are more than just a warrior. You are the first captain of the army of my kingdom.» Hhh...

Trôk: «Thank you, my king...I will not disappoint you. He bent over again.»Crssh...

As the goblin walked away and returned to his duties, the Dragon King turned back to the horizon. Ffff... The weight of responsibility was beginning to make itself felt but he welcomed it with a quiet strength.

Dawn had finally broken over the old ruined fortress. His goblins had already woken up and were working with discipline to clear and fortify the fortress.

Trôk, his new captain gave orders in a confident voice and it was surprising to see how invested these creatures seemed to be in this quest.Hooo... A simple spark of power from the dragon king had been enough to rekindle a forgotten loyalty in them.

Sounds of hammers on stones: Dang, dang...

As he contemplated the progress of his early subjects, the voice of the system still echoed in his mind:

[Master, a group of adventurers approaches the fortress. There are three of them and they carry light weapons and armor. According to my analysis, they are relatively inexperienced but could pose a threat to your goblins. What do you want to do?]

The Dragon King did not expect to have to defend his territory so soon. But this intrusion also represented an opportunity.

Dragon King : «System, tell me what you know about them. Do they have any connection with neighboring kingdoms? »

[No, master. They are simply adventurers seeking fame and fortune in ruins. The information I have collected indicates that they are from nearby villages. They have probably heard of the abandoned fortress and hope to find treasures or ancient weapons there.]

The dragon king smiled. If they were looking for treasures then he will give them a glimpse but it won't be in the way they imagine. These adventurers could be involuntary emissaries. He decided to receive them in person to judge their skills and intentions.

Dragon King : «Trôk, gather your best goblins and get ready to escort guests. We have visitors. »

The goblin moved his head and immediately complied. In a few minutes there was a group of alerted goblins standing by his side. They were ready to carry out his orders.

The adventurers advanced cautiously into the forest. They looked at every corner carefully but they were unaware that their movements had been observed since their arrival in the woods.

The Dragon King was waiting for them in the center of a clearing in front of the fortress. He was surrounded by his goblins in a defensive position.

When the three strangers entered the clearing, they stopped because they were surprised by the scene. Their eyes first met the armed goblins and then the imposing silhouette of the dragon king who was staring at them.

Dragon King : «Who are you and why do you approach my territory?»