1. The Genesis of Chaos:
Pre-existence: The Primordial Chaos Before all else there was only the Primordial Chaos which. Was a formless and unconscious mass. This Chaos was neither empty but a raw substance, that is to say a cosmic soup where all possibilities were intertwined. It was a state of absolute and immutable balance. A formless essence composed of infinite potentials.
This Chaos was neither good nor evil, neither light nor darkness—it was the perfect balance between all possibilities.
From this state emerged the First Gods, conscious entities shaped by the subconscious desires of Chaos. Each god embodied a fundamental concept of existence, such as order, disorder, time, space....
2. The Awakening Of primordials Gods :
-The First Gods:
But this balance was preparing a great tension. An explosion of cosmic will – a "divine Big Bang" – disrupted this balance to give birth to the First Gods who were the incarnations of the fundamental principles of existence:
Nyxhalia, the Essence of Nothingness and Infinity.
Tharion, the Flow of Time.
Eryndra, the Source of Life and Energy.
Ankaryos, the Pillar of Order and Laws.
These entities were not born as conscious beings from the beginning. They emerged slowly from Chaos, growing in form and thought as they shaped their environment.
Each god had become aware of his role in the cosmic balance. These gods are abstract incarnations closer to cosmic forces than anthropomorphic beings.
Their role was not to rule but to structure reality to allow the emergence of life and existence.
3. The Creation of the Universal Pillars:
After their emergence, the First Gods became aware of their role: to give form to Chaos. Together, they created the Universal Pillars that support reality itself:
Ankaryos (Order): He structured Chaos into immutable laws. Space, time, and dimensions were born under his will.
Nyxhalia (Chaos and Void): She opposed Ankaryos to preserve the freedom of chaos by preventing existence from being completely rigid.
Tharion (Time): He separated formless eternity into past, present and future allowing change to be born.
Eryndra (Life and Energy): She breathes the spark of life into the void opening the way for the creation of mortal and immortal beings.
4. The first conflicts:
Nyxhalia violently opposed Ankaryos, believing that structuring Chaos was a violation of his essence. It created rifts in the Pillars giving rise to the Forces of Disorder (precursors to natural disasters and destructive forces).
Tharion clashed with Eryndra arguing that Life could disrupt the natural flow of Time.
These conflicts caused distortions in the nascent reality, leading to the creation of unforeseen elements such as black holes, time paradoxes, and alternate dimensions.
1. Fragmentation of power:
Once reality was stabilized, the First Gods realized that their power was too great to interact directly with the world without destroying it. They then decided to fragment it by giving birth to pantheons of less powerful divine entities but capable of ruling over specific domains.
Each First God divided his essence to create subordinate gods:
Nyxhalia fathered gods related to darkness, discord and nothingness such as Hades, Anubis,Yama, Lucifer, Yanluo, Thanatos, Hajun, Loki...
Tharion gave life to entities of time and destiny, such as Chronos, Tsukyomi, Amaterasu...
Eryndra created gods of nature and life, such as Shiva, Buddha, and Sun Wukong, Susanoo...
Ankaryos fashioned gods of order and power such as Zeus, Odin, and Poseidon, Hermès, Thor etc...
Sun Wukong was formed from a celestial stone imbued by the winds of Chaos created by Eryndra.
Hermes: The Messenger of the Worlds and Guardian of the Borders
-Origin: The Essence of the Paths
When the First Gods established the universal laws, a problem arose: how to connect the dimensions, realms, and souls scattered across the vastness of the Multiverse? To solve this challenge, Ankaryos created a pure essence that embodied movement and communication: Hermes.
Hermes was born from the fusion between the cosmic winds and the energy currents of the Pillar of Energy. He is literally the emanation of the paths between the worlds able to travel across dimensions.
Hermes is the mediator between gods and mortals. He is the guardian of passages and the bearer of divine messages. He also plays an important role in regulating wandering souls while ensuring that they reach their destination.
Hermes maintained a cordial relationship with everyone even with the gods renowned for their duplicity like Zeus or Odin because he brings crucial information and acts as a spy when necessary.
Apollo and Heracles :Champions of Humanity
-Origin: The Rise of Mortals
When mortals began to prosper, they attracted the attention of the gods. Some mortals were chosen to be elevated to the rank of divinities.
Apollo inspired by the light of truth and the beauty of art became the god of the sun and perfection. His birth was blessed by Zeus but he obtained his status as a god thanks to his own exploits.
Heracles who is a demigod overcoming impossible trials to prove his worth. He achieved immortality by embodying the resilience and indomitable strength of humans.
Ashura: The Avatar of Cosmic Rage and Eternal Combat
-Origin: Blood of Chaos
When the First Gods fashioned the universe from the Primordial Chaos, they neglected the purification of certain regions, emerging realities. These areas gave way to whirlpools of hatred and conflict that created a raw essence of Chaos still untamed.
From one of these chaotic zones a figure was born: Ashura. An entity created in violence and pain. He was not born to create but to fight, he is an absolute warrior whose role is to face injustices and imbalances.
Unlike the gods of wisdom or creation, Ashura seeks neither to build nor to destroy but to prove that only strength can transcend limits.
Ashura despises gods who manipulate and plot (such as Loki or Lucifer... ) and respects those who fight for noble causes (such as Thor or Héraclès... ).
Lucifer, Hajun, Loki: Rebellions against the Order
-Origin: Divine Dissonance
Lucifer and Hajun are anomalies born to challenge the order established by the gods.
Hajun was born from the remnants of a destroyed reality of Nyxhalia. He became a deity, a being of pure destruction seeking to bring back the original Chaos.
Lucifer created by Nyxhalia to watch over the universal laws rebelled against the rigidity of these laws. He embodies freedom and knowledge but also pride and corruption. He later sets himself up as the god of darkness.
Loki is born in a collision of disordered thoughts Nyxhalia. Born to wreak havoc, he used his cunning to manipulate gods and mortals oscillating between ally and foe of the divine forces.
Yanluo, Anubis, Hades, Thanatos, Yama: The Judges of Death
-Origin: The Nexus of Souls
When Eryndra, the Goddess of Life breathed into creation, an imbalance appeared: life seemed endless. Nyxhalia as the guardian of balance had created a rift in the Pillars of Energy and Life by forming the Nexus of Souls, a place where souls and living beings would return after death.
Yanluo was born directly from this rift as the avatar of impartial judgment and reincarnation.
He embodies relentless justice by guiding souls to their own destiny.
Anubis who was formed from fragments of dark energy became the ferryman of souls to the afterlife. A guide between the world of the living and the realm of the dead.
Hades the god of the sovereign world symbolizes sovereignty. He claimed the subterranean realm, distinguished by his authority over souls and his ability to store the residual energy of the dead.
Nyxhalia, guardian of the Void and Nothingness feels the need for an additional entity to embody death not as an end but as a natural transition in the cycle of life.
She fuses fragments of her essence with the residual energy of the Nexus of Souls, giving birth to Thanatos and yama, the embodiments of inevitable and peaceful death.
Thanatos and Yama, the last to emerge, were ranked on the same level as Yanluo, Anubis and Hades in forming the circle of gods dedicated to managing the various aspects of death and souls.
Relationships with the Other Gods:
Yanluo: A direct collaborator in the judgment of souls but with a more rigorous approach.
Anubis: Partner in the transport of souls, each with complementary responsibilities.
Hades: Ruler of the underground realm with whom Thanatos and yama shares the duty of maintaining order in the afterlife.
Buddha: Mutual respect, because Buddha offers a path of enlightenment that can influence the destiny of souls.
These five gods despite their differences work together to establish the balance between life and death but each with their own vision which often causes occasional conflicts.
Zeus, Thor, Odin and Poseidon: Masters of Elements and Sovereignty
-Origin: The War of the Sky and the Elements
When Ankaryos structured space and dimensions, fragments of his essence were divided into three realms: sky, sea and earth. These fragments were endowed with natural forces and gave birth to powerful gods linked to the elements and sovereignty.
Zeus was born from the angry sky, from a living storm that became conscious. He armed himself with lightning and held celestial authority.
Thor emerged from a more brutal cosmic storm. His birth was accompanied by thunder and he was given Mjöllnir, a hammer forged from the heart of billions of dying suns.
Poseidon emerged from the abyss when the oceans created by Eryndra rebelled against the order established by Ankaryos. He tamed the currents to rule the seas, carrying the trident as a symbol of his dominance.
Odin emerged as an embodiment of warrior wisdom, a strategist capable of unifying the realms under his authority. He sacrificed himself to the World Tree to obtain infinite knowledge which allowed him to dominate the Nine Worlds.
Odin, in order to have infinite knowledge had to make a pact with Yggdrasil which cost him the division of his essence in two: Odin is now divided into two gods named Vorlindr and Tyrfingr.
Buddha and Shiva: The Gods of Awakening and Destruction
-Origin: The Cycle of Creation and Destruction
After the initial stabilization of reality, Eryndra discovered an anomaly: existence stagnated without destruction. She released part of her essence to generate entities capable of regulating the cycle of birth, destruction, and renewal.
Buddha was born as the embodiment of enlightenment. He represents spiritual balance and liberation from the shackles of the cycle. He also offers an alternative path to destruction and despair.
Shiva emerged in return, embodying the destruction necessary to allow rebirth. His power is the cosmic fire that consumes worlds so that they can be reborn in a new form.
2. The Pantheons in their Domains:
Each pantheon was assigned to a region of the universe and responsible for regulating an aspect of it:
The Olympians (Zeus, Hades, Poseidon...): Responsible for ruling the Earth, the Sky and the Oceans.
The Aesir and the Vani (Odin, Thor, Loki...): Guardians of the Nine Norse Worlds.
The Japanese Kami (Amaterasu, Susanoo, Tsukyomi... ): Protectors of the natural and spiritual balance of mythical Japan.
The Hindu Deities (Shiva, Vishnu, Brahma... ): Regulators of destruction, preservation and creation.
The Judges of Death (Yanluo, Anubis, Hades, Thanatos... ): Guardians of the passage of souls between life and the afterlife.
These subordinate gods took shape according to the laws of the worlds they were to rule (the Titans for the Earth, the Aesir for the Nine Worlds, the Kami for mythical Japan...).
These pantheons were designed to rule over the different aspects of reality, with each group having a specific domain (sky, sea, earth, death, war... ).
The First Gods knew that their power was too great to interact directly with creation without destroying it.
By creating hierarchical pantheons, they established a balance between order and chaos through intermediaries.
1. Establishment:
The First Gods imposed fundamental laws to protect reality from the forces of Chaos:
The Law of Order and Disorder: No pantheon or force can completely dominate the universe; The balance must always be maintained.
The Law of Death and Renewal: All that is created must one day perish to make way for renewal.
The Law of Duality: Every force has its opposite (light and darkness, chaos and order, creation and destruction).
The Law of Free Will: Mortals must be able to choose their own destiny, even in the face of God's will.
The Law of the Cycle: No deity is allowed to have sentimental relations with mortals.
2. The Rebellion of the other Gods:
The subordinate gods having gained some autonomy began to compete with each other for control of mortals and the elements.
The First Gods, unable to meddle directly in the affairs of the pantheons became passive observers allowing the universe to shape itself through these conflicts.
The pantheons ambitious and jealous of their power, began to violate these laws:
Zeus, Buddha, Hajun, Odin, Yanluo, Thanatos obsessed with absolute domination tried to suppress Free Will.
Loki, through his cunning, sought to disturb the Balance by favoring darkness.
Lucifer rebelled against the imposed order, attempting to destroy the Cycle by creating a corrupted immortality.
These transgressions sparked divine wars between pantheons, leaving scars on reality (such as natural cataclysms or the birth of several mythological creatures).
In the universe of my story, the gods, while immensely powerful, cannot interact directly with creation without risking unbalancing the cosmic order they themselves have established. To do this, they use avatars, physical or spiritual manifestations that act as extensions of their divine essence.
What is an avatar?
An avatar is a small projection of the power and consciousness of a god on a lower plane, often in human or even semi-divine form. Each avatar embodies a specific aspect of the god who created it, such as his anger, his wisdom. Each avatar of a god resides in a world specific to the god who created it according to his principles and philosophy.
An avatar is only a fraction of the power of a god. Although he is extraordinarily powerful compared to other beings, he can be defeated or destroyed but this will have no effect on the god who created him. This means that you can destroy multiple avatars of a god and he won't have any damage. All gods have avatars and their avatars develop a consciousness of their own and act independently which can often lead to conflicts with their creator but they still remain obedient to their true form.
1- Hades
Weapon: Nyxion( the Spear of the Primordial Depths )
2- Zeus
Weapon :Aetherion (Spear of Divine Judgment)
3- Hajun
Weapon : Kaibutsu (The Primordial Monster)
4- Shiva
Weapon:Vishwadhar (Trident of Universal Truth)
Weapon :Dharmachakra (The Eye of Emptiness)
6- Sun Wukong
Weapon :The Ruyi Jingu Bang (Malleable Gold Staff)
7- Lucifer
Weapon :Omniterra Nihilum (The Land of Everything and Nothingness)
8- Poseidon
Weapon :Tridentus Aeonis(Spear of the Eternal Tides)
9- Anubis
Weapon :Djed-Osirian(The Eternal Soul)
10- Vorlindr & Tyrfingr(Odin)
Weapon : Divine Gjallarhorn (Horn of Absolute Truth)
Weapon : Hypnos Mors(Scythe of the Infinite Eclipse)
12- Loki
Weapon : Nox Aeterna(The Extinction of the Eternal Skies)
13- Thor
Weapon :Mjolnir(Infinity Shard)
14- Dyonisos
Weapon : Omniphon (The Arc of Infinite Aeons)
15- Yanluo
Weapon : Yinlong(The Eclipse of the Lost Soul)
16- Apollo
Weapon : Lumesis (The Arch of the Singing Skies)