Where Everything Ends

The two dragons, Nethrath and Arelon, had now penetrated deeper into Thanar's world.

The atmosphere became more and more oppressive when they ventured into unknown lands. Whoosh. Every village, every city, every temple was part of a meticulously arranged whole, a vast network of religious structures and funerary rites intended to honor death as the inevitable end of all beings.

Thanatos was not only revered here, he was the very essence of existence, the balance between life and end, between incarnation and dissolution.

The two dragons watched everything with great attention and were ready to exploit every weakness, every crack in the fragile balance of this realm. Nethrath focused on the movements of the inhabitants and studied their rituals and the cycles that governed their society.

Every gesture of the devotees was charged with a mystical significance, every prayer, every sacrifice was a symbolic act in the great book of death. At his side, Arelon was content to observe the cracks in this world with a smile, hmmph, as if the degradation that was taking place around them was a mere distraction.

Clink-clink, the echoes of the funeral chains echoed.

They were in a valley where an imposing temple stood on the horizon, a colossal construction of dark stones covered with moss and lichen but of incalculable grandeur.

Giant statues of Thanatos carved in marble watched over the main entrance, each with their eyes closed in a serene posture as if death itself were looking at the world through a lens.

Nethrath stopped for a moment and looked around the surroundings still curiously. This world was ruled by an immutable code, a structure that governed every aspect of the inhabitants' lives.

On every street corner they crossed, there were altars dedicated to Thanatos. The priests were dressed in funeral robes and continued to sing hymns while distributing blessings intended to prepare souls for their final journey.

Sacrifices whether symbolic or real were daily rituals that served to appease the deity and maintain cosmic order.

*Funeral song of the priests*: "O Lord Thanatos, master of the passage, receive our offerings...."

Nethrath: «These people live in a state of perpetual acceptance of the end. They are dedicated to death but even more so to the belief that everything in this world must return to it.»

Arelon: «This kind of devotion seems to me... boring. Let me make a little chaos. »

He raised his hand and, wouuush, a wave of decay spread through the city, distorting the stones of the temples and cracking the walls of the surrounding buildings. Devotees who were performing a ritual in front of an altar froze, amazed, when they watched the sudden change that surrounded them.

The priests reacted immediately by deploying their magic in response to Arelon's subtle aggression. Boom! A pale light burst out in the center of their circle, it was a force field that repelled the corrupting energy. They began to sing louder:

"God Thanatos, protect us! God Thanatos, purify evil !"

Nethrath, meanwhile, intrigued, watched as the locals tried to fight against what was, after all a simple test of his companion.

Arelon (smiling): «Nethrath, come. There's much more to discover here. »

They were moving away from the stage, Arelon was looking for flaws in the very structure of the magic that permeated this world. As they moved, crack, crack, sounds of stones followed their steps. They soon arrived at the foot of another temple more modest but nevertheless imposing.

Inside, a group of necromancers stood in a circle with an open ancient book in front of them. Fsshhh... Black smoke rose around the mages and vibrated with the mysterious energy of their spells. Their rituals accumulated in invocations, pacts with the souls of the deceased and magical exchanges where life and death were constantly mixed.

The necromancers dressed in black and purple robes decorated with mystical symbols, chanted incantations in a forgotten language with their deep voices that resonated loudly in the temple: "Mors invocat, spiritus audi."

Ziiiing! A light suddenly came out of the book and made the circle shine. Nethrath and Arelon stood at a distance but an amused smile appeared on Arelon's face.

Arelon: «That's something more interesting... Let's play. »

Nethrath approached the group, hiding in the shadows to take a closer look. Every word, every gesture revealed a deep knowledge of the secrets of death. One of the necromancers, an old man, was looking at him. The dragon's eyes met hers.

Without saying a word, Nethrath took a step forward. Craac... But the old man didn't react. With a wave of his hand, he invited Nethrath to come closer. His companions were unperturbed, as if they were accustomed every day to the presence of outside powers.

«You are from another world. A dragon... Your aura resonates with death but your essence is too ancient to belong in this world. »

Nethrath: «I seek the truth of this world, master. The truth about God Thanatos and how you serve him. »

The necromancer bowed his head with a respectful smile on his lips: «Hmmm... What are you really looking for, Infinity Dragon? You desire to unravel the mysteries of the world of the dead but these can only be understood by submitting to the very essence of the end.»

Twitch... twitch... tock... drops of water fell from the ceiling. The other necromancers watched and waited for Nethrath's response. He knew that his words were only instruments to satisfy the spirit of the man in front of him. He was looking for the loophole, the common thread that could allow them to manipulate this world to their advantage.

Finally, Nethrath turned to Arelon: «We have learned what we owe. The cult of Thanatos is powerful but its secrets are as fragile as dust. »

Arelon: «And all we have to do is blow on it and make everything collapse.»

They were leaving the temple of the necromancers, leaving behind a society built on the cult of death but unaware of the looming threat. Clang... The immense portal of the temple closed behind them.

The dragons now had a clearer understanding of the forces at play in this world. Nethrath and Arelon knew that the key to their dominance lay not only in the magic of Thanatos but in the souls of his worshippers.