The Ultimate Truth: The Unattainable Beauty of Death

The two dragons, Nethrath and Arelon were starting to feel tired after finally getting rid of the spirit creatures.

The fight had begun but it was a confrontation far beyond the limits of what was possible. They were about to strike with all their might, but the avatar was amused by their audacity.

Thanatos' avatar, with a smirk, snapped, snapped, and a mirror appeared in front of him floating in the air. The mirror had a silver frame decorated with skulls and faded roses.

— Thanatos avatar: «You think you're defeating me, really? Before that, I have an important question for you.»

He turned to the mirror and placed an elegant hand on his chin as if he were looking at a work of art.

— Thanatos avatar: «Tell me, mortals... Am I beautiful?»

The two dragons exchanged confused glances. Arelon finally exclaimed:

— «What... What could it change? We are not here to admire your face!»

— Thanatos avatar: «Everything changes, poor fool. Beauty is eternal and I am death. Eternity suits me well, don't you think?»

He was taking a step forward, tap, tap, with the mirror moving by his side. With a wave of his hand, whoosh, he turned it towards them and suddenly, the reflection of the dragons appeared in the mirror. But it was not just their image: the mirror revealed their hearts consumed by their fears and doubts.

— Thanatos avatar: «Are you looking, huh? Ha-ha-ha. Are you not hideous compared to me? Your hearts tremble. The beauty is not to fear the end... and you are already trembling.»

The rage that overcame Arelon forced him to leap forward towards the avatar. Crack, fwoosh! But no sooner had he crossed the distance than the mirror turned towards him. A spectral light, zzzzzzzz, enveloped him, and he fell to his knees screaming as his own image seemed to suck his life energy.

— Thanatos avatar (sigh): «Tsk, tsk... So in a hurry to die. You know, I always find it tragic: mortals want to escape my grace, but end up throwing themselves into my arms.»

He made the mirror disappear with a nonchalant gesture, then made a sign inviting the dragons to attack.

«Then who is next to face eternal beauty?»

Nethrath raised a hand and recited ancient incantations. Indistinct murmurs... A blinding golden glow, BOOM, came out of his palms with an energy.

This energy was unfolding on an infinite scale, wooooooom, devouring the environment around him. Dimensions collapsed under the weight of his power and temporal fissures, CRACK-CRACK, were created as they engulfed everything in their path.

The ripples of his power were intended to destroy the avatar of Thanatos, to eradicate this form, to break his very existence. But something unexpected was happening.

The Avatar of Thanatos raised a hand slowly, whoooosh, as if he didn't care about Nethrath's titanic assault. He calmly observed the energy that was devouring the world around him. It was an energy that bended reality but he didn't seem to be worried.

— Thanatos avatar: «Really? You threaten me with that ? You are mistaken about the very nature of death, Nethrath. You see, I'm not a mere existence.»

Nethrath, surprised that it had no effect on him, tried to intensify the distortions, ZIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIP, but the Avatar just smiled.

— Thanatos avatar: «You see, I'm not an entity that exists in space or time. Your understanding of infinity has no hold on me. I transcend reality itself, space, time, dimensions. Anything you call destruction is child's play for me.»

The avatar of Thanatos did not "live" in time in a linear fashion. He is not blocked by beginnings or ends. Space and time then become concepts useless to his existence. What happens in a particular moment or timeline is of no importance to an entity that may exist both before and after those moments. He is like an omnipresent observer of the "flow" of reality.

While Nethrath failed in his attempt to annihilate the Avatar of Thanatos, Arelon, after being restored from the light mirror show, joined the battle with a sadistic smile.

He was ready to wreak havoc on a much larger scale. He raised his finger and waves of entropy erupted around him. Boo! Entropy devoured the organized chaos of death.

Arelon's power was a raging chaotic cascade that sought to erase the Avatar of Thanatos by making existence itself unstable. But, like Nethrath, his attacks were also quickly countered. Tshhhh... Boom!

Entropy, while inevitable, was a force that affected the universe over time. However, the Avatar of Thanatos embodied the definitive end, the total annihilation of existence. Where entropy can disrupt, but cannot annihilate existence itself absolutely, Death represents a clean and irreversible break.

The avatar began to burst out laughing. Ha... ha... ha... ha!

Thanatos Avatar: «Really? Entropy? Such a trivial concept to disrupt the structure of existence? Have you forgotten, Arelon, that I am Death himself? The absolute end? Your chaos is still far too limited a notion to affect who I am.»

Arelon: «You're kidding us, but we're going to make you understand what chaos really is.»

The Avatar's smile widened but it was not a smile of contempt. It was a smile of amusement. Craaaack.

Every word the Avatar uttered caused the space around them to waver. Vrmmmm...

The Death represented by the Avatar of Thanatos as a primordial force possessed a power beyond mere destruction. The Avatar was the end of everything, the complete and total cessation. The chaos that Arelon was trying to cause, while instantaneous and disruptive was actually a disruption in a system that was still alive.

Death, who was one with the avatar and represented a state where the system no longer exists to be disrupted. Thus, entropy remained an incomplete force in the face of the Avatar of Death, who was a final and irreversible force.

Thanatos Avatar: «I am not a flesh and blood being. I'm not a concept limited to one dimension or one multiverse. I am beyond all that. My existence is not linked to any space, to any time, to any logic. I can exist independently of all of that just as I can choose to interact with these elements when I feel like it.» Boom... BOOM!

Nethrath and Arelon were now completely unsettled. The Avatar was not simply an entity that existed beyond death, he transcended all concepts of reality, space, and causality. And their power, gigantic as it was had no hold on him.

Nethrath, frustrated, raised his arms again. FWOOSH. This time, he was channeling infinity in a deeper way by seeking to attack the Avatar from a higher level. He was diving into the deepest layers of reality and trying to twist the very structure of the Avatar, to rewrite his existence.

As usual, Nethrath's attack had no effect on him. BOOM. He was visibly having fun and playing with the two dragons like children playing with fragile toys.

Thanatos Avatar: «You think you can destroy what I am, but I'm beyond destruction. You are simply two children playing with forces that you do not understand.»

Nethrath: «You are only a specter, an illusion created by your True form. But we are real. We will be your end.»

Thanatos Avatar: «Reality? What does this mean, Nethrath? You talk about what is tangible, but even that only makes sense in your little perceptions of existence.You are just grains of sand in an endless sea.»