The Invasion of the Unfathomable

The shock could be read on the faces of the other allies.

Lysandros (arms crossed): «If even you failed, then we underestimated this enemy.»

Trôk (sarcastic): «You had to be damn crazy to face something like that.»

But the tension was abruptly broken.

The ground of Cælora shook Boom! then an icy aura invaded the palace. The flowers began to wither flock and flock and the torches went out.

In the center of the courtyard, a table suddenly appeared CRAC! . Sitting on it, the Avatar of Thanatos quietly crossed his legs with a cup of coffee in his hand.

Thanatos avatar (with a smile): «Hello, I hope I don't disturb. I just wanted to see what this famous kingdom looked like.»

The panic was immediate. The Avatar's aura was so oppressive that the soldiers and inhabitants were unable to resist the wave of death that swept through the court. Volmeryn jumped to his feet CRASH!.

Arelon : « Impossible.... He is the avatar of Thanatos »

Volmeryn: «How did he get over our barriers?»

Thanatos Avatar: «Barriers? Oh, you're talking about those little ones... Tricks? It's cute, but unnecessary.»

Lysandros was the first to act against the threat. Manipulating time on an unimaginable scale, he was attempting to trap the Avatar in an infinite loop Vshhhhhh!. The other dragons joined the attack:

Nethrath summoned cosmic vortexes. Arelon sought to disintegrate the very essence of the avatar Szzzzt! . Sepharon was trying to break the avatar's will. Eirlys channeled primordial forces. The attacks erupted in a rampage of light and darkness BOOOM! Crash! ZZZZSHH!.

But the impassive avatar burst out laughing :Ha Ha Ha!.

«Charming, really, I admire you. But... You seem to forget one thing.»

He stood up slowly as he put his cup on the Clink!

«I am beyond all your power. Your laws, your systems, your ideas of logic do not affect me. Even your attacks, as complex as they are, are just fun distractions.»

With a simple movement of his hand Swish! he swept away attacks like dust.

The other soldiers were also rushing into battle Clang! Crash!. Lyara, Darius, Trôk, and Carlos threw themselves into the assault but the Avatar effortlessly annihilated them Bam! Zap!.

Thanatos Avatar: «You could have stayed behind, but no, you chose insolence.»

Lysandros, Erylis, Sepharon, Nethrath, and Arelon fell one by one, unable to endure the overwhelming power of the Avatar

Volmeryn, after seeing his subordinates beaten by the enemy, spoke in his mind with the system:

«System what is the weakness of the avatar of Thanatos? Tell me everything»

[System : I told you, master, I have no idea of the power of the gods or their avatars.]

Thanatos Avatar : «So you're hoping to beat the avatar of a god with your Omniscient system? Ha... Ha.. Ha ! »

Volmeryn : «How do you know I have an Omniscient system? »

Thanatos Avatar : « Maybe because you're so weak that it's easy to know? This omniscient system may one day be your undoing. »

Volmeryn, furious, rose from his throne Crash! He tried to attack the avatar but the avatar reacted before him in a nonchalant way.

Thanatos Avatar: «You're impressive, Volmeryn. But let me remind you of something. I am not simply beyond your power. I am beyond consciousness itself. I'm not an entity you can understand, let alone affect.»

With a simple gesture Sheeek! , he threw his weapon Hypnos Mors at Volmeryn. The mere presence of the weapon cast doubt on the very nature of what is perceived as real. Everything he touched fused matter with metaphysical concepts.

Volmeryn, confronted by Hypnos Mors, could see reality bending under him Craaak! . The nature of his environment was changing and the boundaries between what is tangible and what is no longer tangible were dissolving.

The boundaries between what lives and what is dead became uncertain and the very possibility of Volmeryn escaping from Thanatos' avatar scythe became a fleeting illusion.

The concept of struggle and escape is vain in the face of this weapon. In this fight, the only possible victory lay in Volmeryn's submission to the inevitable. The weapon locked Volmeryn in the eternity of non-being.

After annihilating Volmeryn, the Avatar of Thanatos was left alone at the center of the Cælora ruins. He sipped his coffee as he glanced at the disaster he had caused.

Thanatos Avatar: «Ah, that was fun. But if I leave this kingdom in this state, I'm going to have problems. Hades, Hajun and my true form... Will not appreciate the fact that I did not respect the instructions.»

He raised his scythe, Hypnos Mors. The glowing blade "shhhiiiinnnngg" moved, reshaping the very structure of reality. In an instant, everything was back to normal. The dragons, soldiers, and inhabitants of the kingdom found themselves in their original states with no memory of what had just happened. "fwoooshhh".

Thanatos Avatar: «That's it, as if nothing had happened. This coffee was really excellent, I have to make another one later.»

He would finish his coffee "gulp" and put down the "clink" cup then disappear in a smoke of shadows whooooshh! leaving the kingdom intact behind him.

Later the avatar of Thanatos materialized in a large room, lit by a dark light, the place where he was seemed to be indefinable. There were the towering thrones of gods such as Hades, Hajun, and his true form Thanatos that stood in the center.

But apart from them there were other gods like Lucifer and Buddha who were also present, their heavy presence amplified the atmosphere.

Hades watched as Thanatos' avatar appeared. Next to him, there was Hajun who was eager to hear what the avatar had to say while Thanatos' true form was in a serenity.

Thanatos Avatar: «Mission Report.»

Lucifer, at the end of the room watched in silence. He seemed to be both intrigued and indifferent to the situation.

Hades: «So what?»

Thanatos Avatar: «The mission has been accomplished, but... Things didn't go as planned. Volmeryn showed greater resistance than we had anticipated but the weapon trapped him in the eternity of non-being. »

Hajun (chuckling): «A dragon, really? You let yourself be overwhelmed. »

Lucifer (smile slightly): «You sometimes underestimate the resistance of your opponents, dear avatar of Thanatos. Maybe a little more finesse next time? »

Thanatos Avatar: «Because he wasn't as easy to take down as he looked. I went beyond expectations. But... I repaired the damage. »

He lifted Hypnos Mors, the scythe shone in the light: «Everything is back to the way it was before. The dragons, the soldiers, and all the inhabitants of the kingdom have returned to their original state with no memory of what had just happened.»

Buddha, sitting in a calm posture, raised a finger.

Buddha: «An act erased from history, yes. But what about the soul of this kingdom? What did you learn from this experience? »

Lucifer turned his eyes to Buddha with a sparkle of amusement in his eyes.

Lucifer: «Still a philosopher, isn't he, Buddha?»

Buddha: «It is difficult not to see beyond appearances, Lucifer.»

They were all waiting for the avatar's response.

Thanatos Avatar: «No lessons to be learned, not this time. I acted effectively, without getting carried away. The kingdom is intact, the mission is accomplished. »

Lucifer: «Very well. Let's make the next task more... Entertaining, isn't it? »

Hades: «It's true that your judgment is... interesting, but the consequences of this intervention could be beyond all of us.»

Thanatos True form (annoyed):«Just blah blah. The important thing is that the task is accomplished. He turned to his avatar with satisfaction: Go. Don't waste any more time. »

Thanatos Avatar: «Good. I have to go and make myself another coffee. »

In a haze of shadow, whoooshhh, the Avatar of Thanatos disappeared. The remaining gods exchanged glances and remained immersed in their own thoughts.