The Lords of the New Dawn

Apollo continued to observe the other archangels who seemed to hesitate with their tormented thoughts.

«Grrrmmm...They don't yet realize that Volmeryn is a black sun capable of devouring them while offering them the light they seek. And yet, he himself fights against this same abyss. What a fascinating paradox.»

Then he closed his eyes for a moment to think more deeply: «But he does not know, not yet that even the brightest of suns can be swallowed up by an older night. If he believes that he can escape his own destiny, he is very naïve. The forces at play here between light and shadow, are not destined to be mastered so easily.»

He stood up on his throne with a smile: «But maybe I'm wrong. Perhaps this confrontation will be the most entertaining scene of all. I wonder how long he will last before one of these archangels or even himself gets burned by this too intense light.»

Apollo observed one last time: «Fshhh...The universe is a big theater and we're just playing our parts. At this moment, Volmeryn is the main actor. But just as the sun always eventually sets, it too should face its twilight. And on that day I'll be there to watch.»

The archangels, Gabriel, Raphael, Metatron, and Michael had agreed to join the kingdom of Volmeryn but the repercussions of this act and the reorganization of the celestial forces, were not yet fully understood.

Gabriel stood in front of Volmeryn: «We have failed. I have led the heavenly hosts in a war that has only wreaked destruction. But maybe this kingdom, Cælora, offers a second chance... A chance to repair what we have broken. I didn't follow the light but maybe you're right. Maybe the true way is not through the sky.»

Raphael, with a pensive look, added: «I have served the war all my life and without war, I am nothing, tchck... But with you, I see a chance to redefine the battlefield. We lost but that doesn't mean we're finished. I agree to fight alongside you but I want guarantees. Power has a price.»

When Volmeryn, accompanied by the four archangels passed through the gates of the kingdom of Cælora, a silent ceremony took place. The stones echoed under their feet, crrshh. From then on, a new era was dawning.

Lysandros stood in front of them. He looked at the archangels with a cold but respectful look.

Lysandros: «So, you're finally here. Welcome to the kingdom of Cælora. I hope you are ready to face what Volmeryn has built.»

At his side was Arelon who relaxed for a moment. His eyes watched the newcomers suspiciously, but he tilted his head slightly.

«Volmeryn's shadow has always been imposing but you are not just strangers here. You are potential allies. It's up to you to prove your worth.»

Erylis in her graceful posture smiled: «We saw Volmeryn's power and he didn't falter. If you truly desire to participate in this realm, know that every action here is a step towards something greater.»

She paused then continued, «And believe me, there is no place for the weak here.»

Seraphon intervened: «The wind has changed, It is a new wind, a wind of freedom. But remember, the heavens are never still. Just because you have overthrown the current order does not mean that the balance will be easy to maintain.»

Nethrath: «Volmeryn, we have seen your power and we respect it. But you must not forget that even here in your kingdom, every creature has to fight to keep its place.»

These five dragons were the pillars of Cælora and while Volmeryn showed them his strength, their loyalty could not be earned by power alone. The adhesion of the archangels was only a first step.

Gabriel: «Tss..... We have joined this kingdom to offer our help but that doesn't mean we have to bow to the whims of the dragons» he said, looking at Lysandros suspiciously.

«The old alliances have a stability that you seem to neglect.»

Arelon: «The heavens have made their choice but here it is the dragons who rule whether the archangels accept it or not, this kingdom is not that of the heavens but that of the creatures who live in it.»

Metatron: «We followed Volmeryn for a simple survival principle but at what cost? Is this alliance really fair, or is it a trap in disguise?» he whispered away from the group.

In the distance, Darius stood in the shadows watching the group, today he seemed more relaxed.

Darius : «Then the archangels join our little meeting, Welcome to our people. I hope that your wings and your celestial ideals will be able to adapt to the darkness of Cælora.»

Next to Darius, Carlos also stood. He was smiling.

Carlos: «A nice group, welcome to the kingdom where the powerful have no equal. We all belong here and now you're invited to prove yours.»

Lyara: «I'm happy to see that Cælora is expanding, I can't wait to see how these new alliances will change the future of this kingdom. But know that here more than anything, respect for the rules and harmony is essential.»

Trôk: «I totally agree with Lyara.»

Volmeryn watched each of his allies taking note of their presence and the momentum that was taking place. These beings, from all facets of existence from the magic of dragons to the intelligence of elves were now all united under his aegis. But he knew that the real work had just begun. Maintaining this alliance would be a major challenge.

Volmeryn: «The kingdom of Cælora was born of a vision. A vision of freedom, evolution and power. But this vision will not be achieved without challenges. We will walk together towards a future where the impossible becomes possible where the balance you have sought to create will no longer be a hindrance but a path to new heights.»

He turned to the archangels:

«Your role here is not to defend obsolete laws, but to participate in the creation of a world where we will define our destiny together.»

«Welcome to Cælora. Together, we will forge a future that no one thought possible.»

The archangels, although doubtful at first were beginning to understand the depth of what they had just joined. Volmeryn had not only overthrown an order but he had opened the door to a new era. An era where the ancient world of heaven, and even dragons, vampires, demons, and elves could find an equal place.

And so began the new epoch of Cælora, a realm where all beings, divine and mortal, could finally break free from their past chains and reinvent their own destiny.