Trôk and the Dance of Shadows: The Negotiation of Destiny

A few hours later, Nethrath went to the observers' room. The time mages were working on enchanted crystals. These crystals were time portals that allowed each mage in Cælora to travel, if only briefly, through different versions of the future. But these journeys were risky and required great mastery.

Nethrath stopped in front of a large sphere that gravitated in the air. Inside a scene was unfolding: Faerundian soldiers were crossing a dark valley but suddenly a flash of light surrounded their camp altering the course of the event. It was not a question of an imminent battle but of a deliberate change in the way the camp was positioned.

Nethrath: «So, it seems that we have an opponent in the shadows. But it is too early for us to act in full light. Elara gathers the remaining observers. We will manipulate this deviation to our advantage. But above all... We have to understand who is fighting us.»

Elara: «We know that the magic of time is not a matter for mere mortals, Lord Nethrath. Faerund doesn't have that ability.»

Nethrath: «No, they don't have that ability. But another one does. And this magic is ancient, very ancient. It's been a long time since I've seen the traces of such power. Maybe someone outside our realms or an ancient enemy who has risen from the limbo of history.»

A few days later, Nethrath went to the council chamber where Volmeryn was waiting for him. Volmeryn, though accustomed to the calculated appearance of his advisor sensed a tension in the air that day. Nethrath was tense more than usual and the looks of his observers were more serious than usual.

Volmeryn: «So, Nethrath what do you think about the situation in Faerund?»

Nethrath: «Faerund moves along distorted timelines. Ancient magic alters their movements and it is possible that this deviation is linked to an external power. What we have observed so far... It's not just an army on the march, it's a carefully set trap.»

Volmeryn: «A trap? Who would have the power to manipulate time like this and why?»

Nethrath: «I believe that we are facing an enemy that we have forgotten or that we no longer understand. Someone who has the means to distort reality. I will send observers to the Southern Kingdoms to gather more information. Every movement must be monitored.»

Volmeryn put his hands on the table with a smile on his lips.

«Your time spy network is my greatest weapon, Nethrath. Without you, Cælora would be vulnerable. But if this outside power you mention is indeed a threat, it will take more than just observation to counter it.»

Nethrath: «I know that, Volmeryn. This is not a simple observation. It is a war that is written on the fabric of time. And I did not intend to leave you alone in the face of this challenge.»

Nethrath knew that he had discovered the extent of the threat but he wasn't ready to reveal all his secrets yet. The future in his hands still remained to be shaped.

In another place, the goblin Trôk walked with discreet steps through the dark forests that bordered the mountains of the kingdom. Trôk, wrapped in a dark cloak made of leather and silver threads knew that his work here was more than just a mission. It was a quest to ensure the survival of the kingdom and ensure that the dark forces remained powerful.

Trôk was heading to a small village that was hidden in a valley that only a small circle of wizards and occultists knew. This village of Cælora forgotten by most of the world was a landmark for creatures of the night and beings who walked in the shadows. There, Trôk was supposed to make an alliance with the vampiric clans but it wasn't going to be easy.

Vampires were known for their arrogance and desire for independence. They didn't care about Volmeryn's status in the kingdom and creatures like Trôk.

He arrived at the edge of the valley where there were the first grey stone houses. An old man dressed in a long black robe who was watching Trôk with suspense was waiting for him. He was the chief of the local sorcerers, a man named Morvran with a reputation as mysterious as his magic.

Trōk: «Morvran, I suppose you weren't just waiting for me for a friendly chat.»

Morvran: «No, Trôk. We need something much more... substantial. »

Trôk: «I know what you want. The magical artifacts... Those who control the shadows, right? »

Morvran (smiling): «You know a lot of things for a simple goblin but yes. There are old artifacts, powerful artifacts that we have been looking for for centuries. Does this kingdom have these artifacts in its possession or should we take them? »

Trôk: «The kingdom has everything it takes to maintain balance... but at what cost? We have artifacts, yes but their power is a double-edged sword. These items can nourish the souls of shadow creatures but also awaken forces that you may not be able to control. »

Morvran: «And you think you can protect them? You who go from one clan to another, seeking to maintain precarious alliances with creatures even more treacherous than you? »

Trôk: «Alliances are all that maintain balance. You know as well as I do that a strong kingdom is not only made of light and glory. The shadow, the secrets, the manipulation... they are equally essential strengths. »

Morvran: «And that's where we have to get along. You goblins have your own goals. You are cunning and you negotiate like no one else. But don't forget one thing, Trôk: You're not the only ones in this kingdom who want to maintain this balance. We also have our interests. »

Trôk knew that the sorcerer was not just talking. He was looking for a way to influence the situation to his advantage perhaps even to take a dominant position. But Trôk, as a master of negotiation had a secret card to play. He took out of his pocket a small crystal-shaped artifact that shone with a strange blue-violet light.

Trôk: «This is what I have for you.» He held out the crystal to Morvran. «It's just one piece of a whole, but it contains a power that could be useful to you... and that will help you keep the shadow creatures under control. »

Morvran looked at the object with great fascination.

«Where did you find it?»

Trôk (smiles): «It's not important. What is is that you and your allies can take advantage of it. But there is a price. You must support the kingdom in its quest to retrieve the more powerful artifacts. »

Morvran: «Very good. We will do our part. But know that the balance of shadows should never be tilted too much towards the light. Too much light ends up erasing everything. »

Trôk: «I'm well aware of that. That's why I'm going to make sure that the shadow always finds its way. »

The next evening, Trôk traveled to another place in Cælora, a secluded castle that served as a lair for the oldest vampires. The smell of fresh blood wafted through the air and Trôk knew that these creatures were never easy to convince.

He arrived at the entrance of the castle where a slender guard was waiting for him. The vampire's eyes rested on him.

«Trôk, it looks like you've come once again to negotiate. It's Lord Volmeryn who sends you again. »

Trôk (smiles): «Yes, but this time I have something you can't ignore. An artifact... and the alliance necessary for you to expand your influence in this realm. »

The vampire was amused but showed no surprises.

«An artifact? You are very bold. But what do you have to offer in exchange, little goblin? »

Trôk: «Your place in this kingdom. Your power. And a promise that if the creatures of the shadows ever overflow, you will be the first to intervene. We all need to work together. If we do not stand together, this precarious balance will be broken. You know this as well as I do. »

The vampire thought for a few minutes about what Trôk had just said and then he replied:

«All right, goblin. But know this: we vampires never forget a promise. And we always claim the price, sooner or later.»

Trôk: «That's what I hope. Because a world in balance is a world where everyone must play their part.»