grand failure

• (Oh my!) Max picked up the wrong makeup bag, so I now have to apply non-waterproof makeup on my face. I'm hoping I won't react, perspire, or worse, get so awkward that I end up with water on my face. Hell no, I hope this doesn't happen. I will not reveal my face to anyone if it does. 😢 • I received a bruise on my hand and leg, a bleeding nose, and I looked like a zombie in a concave glass when I got up. Oh, my face 😭. A bad day, huh? That wasn't enough for the universe, you know, so the kids who had been focusing on Max and me were now only interested in me, They made fun of me, recorded and shared videos and photos of me on the school group; was it enough for a girl who was attempting to fit in? No! It wasn't to them; horrible! They also shared the footage on TikTok and Snapchat. I got well-known. At least I broke the record, isn't that right? even though things didn't go as planned. Even though this should count, I still shattered the record. 😂 • "Why are you laughing, Mia? 😤 Oh no. Consequently, I was in the school clinic with River when I opened my eyes after blacking out in embarrassment! Yes, that is the same river where I flipped my hair into his eyes. He was sent to come take care of me because he enjoys helping out in the clinic and the nurses were busy that day. I knew at this point that he wouldn't be kind to me because he doesn't like me, but he looked at me tenderly and said, "Don't worry, I'll be kind to you, and guess what?" I naively thought so. God, please don't cry with me.

River's pov.

Hi there, my name is River Walter 👋. I attend Oceanhills High School as a student. Even though I'm in my last year, the women at my school think I'm cute 🥰. Okay, let's face it, even if it's evident that I'm cute, I don't expect everyone to think so. I believe that's enough about me, aha. The time was Monday morning. Since I don't like people, I tried to avoid showing them around when I was told that Eva and I would be showing some transfer students around. I visited the clinic to pack the kits that will be required for the field today.My efforts were in futile because the transfer student was outside as soon as I got there, appearing completely disoriented. She was also cute, but who cares? I approach her and introduce myself, but before I could finish, Psycho gave me a back pat and flicked her hair while I was looking and talking. I strolled back to the clinic with the hope that the psycho would one day come in for some treatment and I would be accessible on that day. Gosh, really, I felt so embarrassed that I realized now that it was going to be a bad day for me.Guess what? I was fortunate. Today was the day the universe agreed to grant my wish. She apparently attended my class and we had English class together. She arrived late, and while making her way to her seat, she fell and had a minor accident that resulted in a broken nose. When she opened her eyes in the clinic and realized that I would be treating her, she screamed and looked so scared that I found it hilarious. She kept saying, "No, sorry," but I assured her that I would be gentle because she looked so adorable in pain and I had to think about her because she looked so adorable in pain, but I also had to satisfy myself, so I increased the pressure and she screamed. I felt terrible, so I finally stopped and approached her gently because I was already experiencing an unfamiliar feeling in my stomach, but I think I enjoy it. I offered her a lollipop after I finished the treatment, and she grinned and said, "You know, I'm not a kid." Still, thanks. My day instantly became wonderful when she smiled, and I was ecstatic that day.

Mia's pov.

I finally had the opportunity to talk, ughh 😒. River is a really cruel person, but he's also kind of adorable. Throughout the procedure, he made sure I felt the pain.

River and Mia argue

River: But in the end, I was lenient with you.

Mia: You were dressing the nose at the time.

River: At the end of the day, didn't I go easy on you?

Mia: What?

River: I even gave you a piece of candy, so come on. You know, you didn't say that?

Mia: If you hadn't interrupted me, I would have, and besides, who the ***** gives their patient a candy? Scratch that WTF are you doing with a candy

River: that's a NONYA. Goodbye

Mia: NONYA? Hey!!! what's a NONYA?

Max: "non of your business "

Mia: non of my business? How rude 😒

Mia's POV.

After returning to class, we packed up and went to the cafeteria, where it all began. I walked with my best friend, feeling very embarrassed, but Max kept saying things to distract me from the fact that my grand entrance was a complete mess. We thought we had an empty bench and sat there by ourselves, but then we saw River, ughh 😒. He walked over to our bench and sat with us, and people kept staring at us, but we didn't mind. At that point, all that mattered to me was what he was doing on this bench after the pain he had caused me.