Are you talking back?

This is the third time this week I've been called to your school! What is wrong with you two?" Mom fumed, pacing the kitchen like a general preparing for battle.

"Mom, it wasn't even my fault this time!" Levin protested.

"And yet you're always involved," she shot back.

She turned her attention to Levia, who was slumped in her chair, looking unbothered.

"Levia, why on earth would you put a frog in Susan's locker?" Mom demanded.

Levia shrugged. "It was just a prank, Mom. Chill."

"Chill? Is this how you speak to your mother. Chill? Have you forgotten iam from a black home? dont let me get things started. "Oh, come on, Mom," Levia pleaded.

"Don't 'Mom' me. Go to your room!"

"I'm really sorry, Mom. Look, I was only-" "I don't want to hear it," mom interrupted. "Mom," Levia tried to apologize.

"Go. Now!"

"I am loving every moment of this," Levin said smirking. enjoying the rare sight of Levia getting scolded. Unfortunately, his moment of triumph was short-lived.

"And you," Mom said, rounding on him. "You're supposed to be the responsible one!"

"She's older!" Levin protested.

"You better not talk back to me." Back home you dare not say a word when you are being scolded. Try it and the whole community will be against you."

"Fine," levin grumbled, trudging toward the stairs.

"And no electronics for either of you tonight!" Mom called after us. "you better not talk back" he mimicked to himself.

"What was that?" his mom asked.

"Ermm, I said, 'I'm going right to bed now,"