The Quest in the Dark Forest pt—3

"What am I even seeing." Skyler muttered in disbelief, "Isn't this supposed to be the lair of the Black Serpent? Then why the hell is that massive white serpent there with it?"

Skyler stood near the swamp. He looked as the swamp stretched endlessly, with a disgusting smell of poisonous water. In the center, an island-like land rose from that filthy water. There, the two serpent— one white, one black, lay together, soaking their bodies in the faint ray of sun that barely managed to penetrate the dense trees.

The white one was immense, stretching over hundred feet long. Its golden stripes shimmered, from head to tail. Its fangs were much larger than those of the black one, and the tail bore a golden rattle-like structure. Its scales reflected off the faint sunlight, enhancing its ethereal and majestic appearance.