"Reinhart, your back is really broad" Selina buries her head in the lady's warm back.
"I know, does that matter?"
"Not really, I'm just bored out of my fucking mind." The easily bored Selina replies.
"Language miss delicate noble lady"
"I thought that on the battlefield, I was no longer a sheltered lady."
"Everyone on the battlefield get treated the same under my rule, but that doesn't mean I'll let such vulgar language slide." The knight quips back.
"Oh? That rule only seems to apply to me because I could've sworn, I heard so many vile words back when you were training us all to the bone. But surely the all-so-righteous-leader wouldn't have double standards."
"And as the so-called righteous leader, I have the authority to command you to shush it."
"Tsk, fine." As they kept traveling, the once dark green leaves turned deader and deader. And Selina's eyes kept going down and down until she finally closed them.
She was shaken awake. Fear lanced through her as she blinked her eyes open, only to be met with a pair of familiar crimson ones.
Selina rubbed her eyes and took in her surroundings. She was in the carriage. Of course. That explained the comfort. She stretched, feeling the weight of sleep still lingering, and took off her hairband. Her silver hair cascaded down her back, glinting in the soft moonlight.
"Reinhart? What is it?"
"We've come to a stop for the night. Meals are being prepared, and I wanted to wake you so you could wash up." Reinhart handed her a small water canister. Selina accepted it with a grateful nod, taking a long, satisfying sip. The cool water soothed her parched throat as it slid down.
She passed the canister back, feeling refreshed. "Everyone's sitting around the campfire, you should join them."
"Alright." Selina climbed out of the carriage, the cool night air brushing against her skin.
"Ah, Amelia, you're awake! Sit with me!" Noah is as energetic as ever.
Troye's expression showed that he had so many things to say, but for some reason, he held back his tongue. He sat further away on another log, his gaze turned towards the fire.
"What's his problem?" She whispers.
"Everything." The prince shoots back. They both snicker quietly to themselves.
"How was the ride?" Selina asks.
"I wanted to talk Troye's ears off, but I was afraid my head would come off first. Ugh, I can still feel the pain from his whacks." Selina pats his head in sympathy.
"Thank you."
"Anything for a comrade."
"Pfft, hey, at least I know someone has my back" Noah fails to stifle a chuckle.
"I have your back and Troye has your head."
"You know what, I take that back"
Talking with Noah was so easy, especially when they had a common enemy. It reminded Selina of her friends in her past life; she wondered how they were doing.
Of course, their little interaction didn't get pass Reinhart, who was observing Selina the whole time. His royal highness and Selina were a bit too close for comfort. Yeah, she said that everyone was equal on the battlefield, but they weren't on the field currently. Selina should maintain at least a little distance as a woman and the prince should as well as a man. He might be the heir to the throne, but that doesn't give him the right to be so…intimate with her lady.
Her job was to monitor and protect Selina, especially her reputation, that's exactly why her legs were moving towards Selina's direction…totally. In a barren field, on a mission that no one should know about.
"Reinhart? What's wrong?" Selina questions, immediately straightening her posture.
…Was she really that harsh and scary? Reinhart notices the shift in the atmosphere as both Selina and Noah stiffened under her presence.
"Food will be ready. I just want to let you know in advance that you shouldn't expect a three-course meal like before. We only have a limited number of rations that can feed all of us and not spoil by the time we come back to the capital."
"Yes ma'am" The prince responded while Selina answered in a slight nod.
"..." The knight stayed a bit longer despite having no words to say.
"...Do you want me to tie your hair?" Reinhart's voice was quieter than usual as she reached out, her gloved fingers brushing against Selina's silver strands. The hair felt softer than she expected, silken and delicate. She stroked it absentmindedly, almost reverently, before realizing what she was doing.
Selina stiffened, her eyes darting away from Reinhart's face. "I-it's fine, I can handle it myself." Her voice wavered slightly as she quickly gathered her hair into her hands, her cheeks flushing pink.
Reinhart pulled her hand back, her expression as unreadable as ever. But inside, something twisted. Her hand lingered at her side, as if still remembering the texture of Selina's hair.
"...I'll take my leave then," Reinhart said, turning sharply on her heel.
As she walked away, she scolded herself under her breath. What was that?
Although a little confused, Selina continued back to her conversation with Noah, acting very animatedly compared to her awkwardness with Reinhart.
The redhead on the other hand, felt so strange. She was making excuses to herself to go over to Selina, to stay just a bit longer next to her.
"Focus, what's with you?" She mumbles to herself. There are more troubling matters at sake, her feelings could be dealt with later.