Chapter 44: Totally Normal Relaxing Day

If Amelia went out, she could just follow her. Reinhart was confident in her speed and stealth, she can make it so they just "coincidentally" met. How convenient and totally not at all stalkerish. Sigh, who is she kidding? That would be insane…But it wasn't like she had anything else to do and Amelia always got into some kind of trouble when out of her sight. Plus, the new guy was too suspicious, who knows what tricks he'll pull on her lady. Yeah, that was all the reason she needed to grab her coat and run out the manor. 

Poorly justified excuse in hand, Reinhart went on her way to find Amelia, wherever she was. 

"Okay, where would a wild Amelia be spotted?" She mumbled. The library? No, after their little incident in the adult section, there was no way Selina would go back publicly, especially with company. That one fancy pastry shop? The food smelled delicious…too bad she never got to taste it before, maybe they should go together again one day. Gah, off topic. 

Wasn't that hobo from the west? Maybe Amelia is showing him around the capital? Now that she thought about it, how long was Amelia out for? Hopefully not long. If only she got up to see her earlier…

The knight suddenly smacked her arm with a loud thump. Get it together Reinhart! Wallowing in your own self-pity won't change anything!

With a newly ignited fire, the knight hastened her steps.

Selina dragged Michael into the bakery.

"I'm telling you, these desserts are to die for!" Selina showed Michael around.

"Whatever you say, did you even bring money?"

"Of course I did. I'm dumb, but not that dumb."

"Uh huh, sureeee." Michael was not convinced.

"Also, why is this place just called… 'The Pastry Shop'" He questions.

"Like surely it can't be the only bakery around."

Selina shrugs. "I don't know; it's like the most popular shop here, probably ran all the others out of business. I haven't really heard about any other shops."

"I actually never noticed; it just seemed normal to me."

"Anywho, don't sweat the small stuff, choose something already" Selina urged.

"Give me some time! It's a massive menu"

"..You know what's also massive?" Selina muttered.

"Sis, I swear to god, don't you fucking dare complete that sentence."

"Chill, I was gonna say that layered cake."

"Sigh, whatever. Those cupcakes are looking pretty good, get me some of those and a strawberry crepe." 

"Sure thing" Selina ordered their food and sat down at a nearby table.

"...What now?" Michael asks.

"We wait for our food dumbass."

"No, I meant like, what do we talk about while we wait for our food?" 

"Those are an awful lot of words for a 'what now' to mean."

"Shut up! You know what I meant" Michael smacked her on the head.

"Okay okay, sorry. Sooo, how has hell been?" Selina hadn't gotten to know much about Michael's life, so now was a perfect opportunity.

"Terrible, duh. To be honest, not much has happened. I already gave you a summary"

"I know but do you have any exciting stories and whatnot?"

"Not really, you?"

"Loads. Better sit your ass down for these."

Michael was dumbfounded "...I am clearly already sat." 

"You get the sentiment."

"Sooo, about that human trafficking thingamajiggy. I kind of just found it and entered it pretty easily. It was disgusting as you could probably imagine. I used that secret code thing you implemented to get into the deepest cellar…and then got my shit rocked by Noah who was undercover. Like the audacity of that man to knock me cold, but whatever. He and some under dude named Regis rescued the people but not before getting found out by the big bad boss. Fight happens, we win, but the guy totally cheated and teleported out of there. He made some big fuss about how that won't be the last we'll see of him, but it was all talk no bite."

"Damn…I don't have a reply to that." 

While chatting for a bit, their food finally arrived.

"You know, it's quite nice to have an actual relaxing day. Usually there's all sorts of trouble happening."

"Like what?" Michael momentarily stopped stuffing his face, a barbaric sight compared to Selina's more elegant manner.

"Some random noble losers would be annoying the shit out of me right now. But I'm so glad–" Selina spoke too soon.

"Amy!" A familiar crown princess with unwanted company approached her.

"Jessica, what a…pleasure to see you" Selina forced out a smile. God damnit! She jinxed herself.

"Amelia, we meet again." Beatrice grits her teeth.

Michael noticed the hostility between the opposing parties, if only he had a bucket of popcorn. 

"The sentiment is not reciprocated." Selina replied back.

"Oh, who is this dashing gentleman joining you? Am I interrupting?" Jessica turns her amber eyes to Michael. 

Michael clumsily greeted her.

Selina kicks his leg underneath the table.

"Hey! What was that f–" 

"I am so sorry for his lack of manners, your imperial highness, he isn't from here." Selina interrupts.