The second trial

Around 10 am in pollsmoor prison Hardin was preparing himself for trial which had to be started at 11 am

The court was had few attendance and most of them were reporters.

Hardin arrived in the court around 10:30 am.

He stood at the dock looking around but he could not see Attelo and Andile but Tessie was seated waiting to see the end of Hardin.

At the moment Attelo was just coming out from her car very quickly as she noticed that she is out of time.

The weather started to change to dark, the clouds were seemed turning more black to welcome rain at any moment.

Attelo drove very fast while looking at her watch.

Her face turned restless, it started raining slowly.

The rain made the cars on road to be uncomfortable. Soon the traffic jam started.

Attelo became more confused as she looked at her watch and it was already 10:51am.

Attelo dropped out from her car and started running. The traffic jam was too long and could make her more late if she could use the car.

Regardless to the rain Attelo didn't loose hope, she continued running while looking at her watch.

Finally it was 11:00pm and still Attelo didn't show up in the court.

The Chief Judge arrived in the court and all stood up showing respect to him.

The judge got seated and all got seated.

The Chief Judge read the charges of Hardin first.

"I don't see your lawyer" The chief judge said to Hardin.

"I think she will arrive soon" Hardin replied with a cool face while his eyes still focused on the door.

Hardin continued focusing his eyes on the door if Attelo could appear.

"After 20 minutes I will close it and no more appeal will be accepted if she does not

appear" The judge said.

Attelo was on her way running under the rain.

At the moment Andile and his gang had a meeting.

"I think Casper will be out by this time,then we have to focus on our plan" Andile said in the room that was full of weapons placed on the wall with a lot of computers inside.

The whole gang had 8 members plus Andile making a total of 9 members.

"We got the map and all the details. What I want from you is your bravery. Apart from my revenge this will help us to expand our business more bigger. As you know guys, Caltin is our opponent and w have to shut their network down" Andile said to his gang.

"But what I think is we have to wait for Casper to add power.. We will be more powerful than this" The man called Pallipes added an idea.

"We got no time to wait. No body knows if he will escape from prison safely" Andile replied.

"Let us stick on our plan and tonight we will take down Caltin and his gang" Andile said.

"Load your weapons and be ready for our strike" Andile added.

Time moved on and the twenty minutes given by the judge remained only five minutes but Attelo was still not seen.

The eyes of Hardin became more helpless. He faced down swallowing a lump of saliva.

Attelo was running and she could see the court and it was 11:18 am.

She was almost but suddenly she collided with a man and she felt down.

The man raised Attelo, Attelo now she could not run she just walked with a limp.

The judge looked at his watch and it the twenty minutes given were over.

"I think...." Before the judge saying anything the door was opened and everyone turned to look who was entering.

Hardin could not believe his eyes, his eyes

was filled with hope.

His face blossomed into a smile of hope.

Attelo was seemed very tired breathing rapidly while her whole body was wet from the rain.

The police officers moved to Attelo and assisted her to take steps.

Now every one turned their eyes to Attelo to see what she has to help Hardin.

The weather outside continued being more worse with extremely more colder making Attelo shaking since she got much wet.

"I think you got something to prove to us that your client is innocent" The prosecutor said to Attelo.

"I think I need to put the drive in the television so that everyone could see and will prove that my client is innocent" Attelo said while taking her hand in the handbag but she got shocked seeing the zip of the handbag was opened but she didn't show her shock.

She put her hand and kept rummaging but she could not feel and flash drive.

She raised her handbag more closer on his eyes but the handbag was empty.

Her hands continued shaking more where everyone was looking at Attelo.

She stuck and remembered at that time when she collided with that man.

"It can't be" Attelo said hopeless while her legs loosing strength.

Hardin could not understand what was Attelo doing and everyone also.

"I think you are wasting time for us. This has to end" The prosecutor said while closing his files.

The judge opened his files so that he can read a sentence for Hardin.

But suddenly the door was opened and entered a stranger.

"I got the flash drive" The man said as he entered, everyone turned to him.

The man wore simple with a white hood cover his hair and his head could not seen well, he faced down and it was hard to recognise his face and he was wet also due to the rain.

The stranger took his stapes forward directly to the judge.

He stood in front of the judge and put his hand in his pocket and gave the flash drive to the judge.

The judge received the flash drive and gave to police officer.

The police officer received the flash drive and he put in the television.

It loaded for a while.

Everybody was attentive waiting.

Soon the whole video was seen on the screen. From the point that the accident started to the point that Hardin was beaten then fainted.

Tears of joy flowed as a sweet smile with tears appeared from Attelo.

Now the evidence was clear and finally the judge declared that Hardin is innocent.

Attelo moved towards Hardin, Hardin moved also towards Attelo. Attelo huged Hardin tightly, she then turned her lips towards of Hardin.

Hardin could not reject he started licking the lips of Attelo.

They kissed hardly, Tessie looked at them with a face full of regret. She turned her back and took her stapes.

Attelo took her lips back after a long kiss but her eyes were seen loosely.

Attelo started feeling unusual. She was caught with cold more harder.

Slowly Attelo moved down and fainted.

Hardin picked her up and called for help.