Kagane's Day

It was the day I shot JOHAN GORE

The day before had been a sad day. Ultraman had died. My dad picked him up after shattering the glass case.

Grabbed his head and legs and broke it apart, without breaking a sweat. I expected more fight from a vintage ultraman collectible.

My dad showed me the pieces on his hand

Is this what you spend your time on huh?

He slapped me with the parts still in his hand.

I felt Ultraman kick me as his hand landed on my cheek.

My dad grabbed my ears, shaking my head around the room.

Do you understand, if your score goes any lower you'll put us all in jeopardy! Your mother! Your sister!

Why do you keep doing this to us!?

Us? I wondered.

He hurled me across the room. I crashed against the wall and the sun hit my eyes. I landed on the soft pillow and felt the barrel of my gun underneath it.

I saw my dad's stupid face in a blur as he lunged for me again.

Is this power, I wondered, 'cause you gave birth to me, doesn't mean you own me.

Cause I was born here, doesn't mean the dynasty owns me.

My dad grabbed me by the shirt, pulled me up and clenched his fist to punch me down.

You've got anything to say for yourself?

His breath smelt of beer, the cheese stains were still on his shirt. That's how he lived his life, running errands for the state. Errands he didn't like or wanted but he did it anyway.

I never like being used as an excuse, I never loved it. but mom and dad would have had a better life, had I not been born.

They'd gotten pregnant with me in high school. That's an offence worth two thousand credits and then, worst of all, they tried secret abortion.

What's worse, isn't because I wanted to live or anything, No. What's worse is the idiots let themselves get caught and that offence is worth two thousand more points.

By the time I was born, their credits were so low the dynasty wouldn't let them start a life together.

I felt the barrel under my kneel. I could kill this man I thought.

Say something you bastard! He yelled, his face reddened with rage, what could I do? What could I say? So I said

Down with the dynasty! I yelled

He instantly hit me across the face and then again and again. I bled over the pillows and he wouldn't stop.

I could see my mother standing there by the door, crying. She couldn't take it for long, so she walked away.

He let go of my shirt,and I dropped on the bed. He paced around the room, still fuming with rage. I was bleeding a red stream of blood from my nose.

I don't know why you're doing this to us, he said. I don't get it, we've given you everything.

How dare you do this to us. I don't want to hear anything about that cult again Kagane

He spat on the floor in disgust and left the room. I laid on the bed there bleeding. Then my sister rolled on back.

She gently slid the door open, peeping from the narrow gap she made. He walks up to me yank on my fingers

Oniisan, oniisan wake up

I kept my eyes closed and didn't say a word, she cried and cried and still didn't say a word. Then she used her white bunny doll to dry my face

I couldn't pretend any longer, I opened my eyes, and she burst into a smile, I slowly reached out and pinched her check and she laughed.

She laughed and I laughed and I told her to leave me alone, that I'll be fine. I told her to go up to her room and not to come out no matter what.

She did as I told her. I took my gun from under the pillow and walked out the room. As I did the memories floated by

Days we went to watch baseball, days we went to church picnics. But back then they hadn't gone credit crazy, they still had a little brain left in them, the dynasty hadn't eaten it all away.

Dad had gone to sleep now, all I needed was a pillow to dampen the sound. I felt nothing, not love, not hate, nothing.

I felt the same way executioners felt. He'd cut his stomach open by being an errand boy for the dynasty and I was just bringing down the blade.


I put the pillow to his head, pressed the barrel against it and fired. Feather flew everywhere, then I felt something for the first time since Miku.

I felt tranquility, like I was looking at a work of art I'd made. What happened to my mother?

I left her tied up in the basement. I wouldn't want to leave my little sister without anyone, she needed her so that's why I spared her.

When the day broke, I washed my face, bandaged my wounds and sped off to school on my bike

I love the morning breeze, it's nice even with fresh wounds.

I had a whole day planned out, first I'd kill the teacher, then the credit officer and If I haven't been caught by then. I'll kill some classmates, who get on my nerves, like Miku.

She's playing Tobio for a fool, she won't tell him she loves me. She's too shy, too my type. I wonder if she likes the smell of gunpowder?

When I made it to school, the building was still locked. I scaled the school walls and got in through an open window in the gym.

I picked the locks to the gym dressing room and hid there, until the jocks came

They were chatting about girls and the colors of panties.

It was stimulating but then they caught me. Just as I planned, they rough me around, call me names at one point, one of them, the stupidest one, I forget his name.

He grab my crotch, usually he'd squeeze my jewels and make fun of the faces I made. But today he felt the barrel of my gun.

He jumped back and I thought he had me.

This kid has a hard on, what a freak! They all burst out laughing.

I stuck my hands in my pants, and they continued to laugh.




Of Course it was more silent than that, I'm just being dramatic.

Oh what a day, I had planned until I met JOHAN GORE.