The water bottle

Where is JOHAN GORE?

Don't shoot, Tobio says

Like I was even going to, Kagane says. He gets off his chair on his feet

Hey who are you, he says point his gun at him. I haven't seen you here before.

The boy is still sleepy eyed, he rubs his eyes with his hand and slaps his cheeks to wake himself up all while Kagane was yelling at him.

Then their eyes meet. He sees the gun in Kagane's hand. He quickly and almost cartoonishly raised his hands up.

Are you mocking me, I said who are you

He responds in German

Why is he say, is that german

I think it's the exchange student the teacher were talking about

Doesn't he know how to speak Japanese?

Kagane says, yelling and waving the gun at him. Who are you!

Japanese? Oh! Ah RI ga to (thank you)

Kagane sighs in frustration . I said your name, your name!

Calm down Kagane, Tobio says

Kagane gives him a demented glare. Don't ever tell me to calm down, and fix your wound you're still bleeding, put pressure on it.

Tobio presses his hand against his wound, he squints his face in pain as he does. The German boy just looks around a bit confused at everything.

Kagane looks around the room, he looks at the door and stares through glass on the door, watching if anyone passes by.

He is starting to panic,

Just who are you, he screams at the German kid, he kids looks dazed and confused,

He's had enough, he jumps over the desk, he pushes Miku to the side, her legs get caught by miss Yoshida's body and she trips and falls.

Tobio quickly goes to her aid and the kagane walks off without giving a damn. He walks directly to the German kid.

He presses the gun on his head, the kid begins to shiver, his arms still in the air.

The boy already looks tired, with large bags under his eyes, dark circles around them, his face seems a bit tinged with green colour, he seemed like a zombie.

Kagane fondles the trigger. What's your name? He doesn't care about the fact that all he's saying is in Japanese and to a German kid, it's all just gibberish.

Tobio gives out his hands to Miku, he grabs hold of him, their eyes meet.

I just kind of kissed her, he thought.

Then Kagane's loud screaming draws his attention again.

What's your name? Kagane screams, the German kid begins to shake on his chair barely able to compose himself.

Nah-meh! Tobio yells. The German kid turns to him.

Vee ist Dyan nah meh? Tobio says speaking in German. Kagane's turns to him.

The German kid nods his head fervently, finally understanding something, they he said.

Mayn nah-meh ist Fritz Lang.

He's still looking at Tobio, Tobio looks at kagane, kagane turns his head and looks at the German kid, their eyes meet, he nods his head

Fritz lang

Waataa shee WA Fri-itz langu Desu, the German kid says

Kagane scoff, then burst out laughing

My your Japanese, is so bad.

Then in a flash he points the gun at his head again.

How's your credit?

The German kids straightened his arms in the air in response, Kagane slaps his hands aside then bursting into another laugh.

Why would anybody move to Japan?

For a better life? He laughs even hard. I don't get you, German, we're both losers anyways.

We lost the war and we're still losing now

Fritz Lang begins to laugh as well, appearing confused at the whole affair.

Kagane turns around and walks off, Fritz slowly drops his hand, he looks around the whole class as everybody panics.

Alright the two off you go back to your seats, kagane's says to Miku and Tobio

How about the teacher? Tobio says

Are you forgetting I have a gun, Tobi? Kagane gives him a stern look

He backs aways and off to his seat

He's getting worse, he's losing it, Tobio thinks.

Tobio sits down and Fritz who's just beside him, looks at him

German? Fritz says, nodding his head at Tobio.

Tobio turns and looks at the odd looking kid, his slightly bulging eyes, his pale green face.

What stuck out to him the most was the strike of white hair on his head, it ran down from the center of his head to his forehead.

It looked like the white line in the middle of a highway

No, I don't speak German. He shakes his head.

I just seen, films, films, you know. Fritz doesn't seem to understand.

German? he says again, nodding his head like before.

This annoys tobio

I said, no, no nein, nein, Understand?

Fritz understood this time, he seemed a little sad. He yawns and rests his head on the desk to sleep.

How can he sleep at a time like this? Tobio says to himself.

Does anyone have a bottle of water? Kagane asks the class.

They're too scared to respond as they're not sure what he really wants. He waved his gun around the class.

Have any of you got a bottle of water?

They whimper and cry cowering in fear, until one of them, a fat kid named Takumi, summons all his courage and takes his bottle out of his bag.

He gestures it for kagane to catch

No, Kagane says. Bring it over here.

Cold sweat filled his face.

Come on, bring it here, get off your fat ass.

He slowly gets off his seat, he looks at everybody,for some sort of moral support or anything at least but he gets nothing, just tears and shuddering, he walks to kagane.

He hands kagane the bottle.

Are you having a good day? Kagane's asks him. Out of fear shakes his head, Yes. Not even thinking the question through.

No, Kagane's shakes his head. No, you're not, he says.

Don't let anybody influence you, Takumi. Not even me, be honest with yourself. So I'll ask you again. Are you having a good day?

Takumi was beyond confused, on one hand, he genuinely was having a terrible day, but he was too scared to say so, afraid his answer might offend kagane.

On the other hand he'd already rejected his previous answer. He knows I'm having a terrible day, he knows I'm lying, if I say I'm not.

His heart beat wildly. What do I do?

Takumi, are you having a good day?

He nods yes, shaking off sweat from his head, as he's unable to say the words.

Kagane stares at I'm, gazing deep into his eyes. It felt like a predator, prey moment. Takumi gulped, barely able to withstand the tension of the moment.

I used to know you Kagane, the thought. Memories flashed through his mind. We used to chat about our favorite shows, back in junior high.

What have you become, kagane? Are you one of the villains? Does villains we hated

Kagane burst out laughing, breaking the stare and giving Takumi a breath of fresh air.

Don't worry, I won't hurt you, Kagane says. I'm like you, you know. Aloser, now I've just got a gun. Kagane laughs.

Do you want one? Kagane asks him.

Takumi looks confused as to what he means, but he see the crazed look in his eyes and is scared of what might happen if he doesn't answer.

He nods yes, kagane smiles, in a rather childish way he takes the bottle from Takumi's hands and throws the gun at him.

Takumi's catch on reflex.

The class gasp.

Takumi looks on in disbelief as Kagane's is now unarmed. Kagane open the bottle to drink. He takes note of Takumi's look and says.

It feels heavier than it looks, huh? It's too much weight for one shoulder. Kagane takes a sip of water then says.

you must feel like a bigger man already. He chuckles. He takes another sip.

Takumi looks down at the gun in his hands.

What do I do?

His hands begin to tremble, I can help them, I can end this.

Don't do anything, Takumi. Tobio says to himself, feeling the tension rising. Don't do something stupid.

He watches Kagane as he laughs villainous, this recalls to his mind the old shows they used to talk about, the hero and a villian.

The hero must always take his chance to stop the villian no matter what or else, the cost could mean the death of the innocent. The faces of his classmates flood his mind.

He wanted it old to go back to the way it was, when everything was stale and when the lessons dulled your soul into a deathlike sleep.

They had all wished for death, during one of the lectures, now that it was here, they all seemed too scared to welcome it.

Takumi summoned his courage, taking the responsibility of his class to himself, he gripped the gun tightly, placing his finger gently on the trigger.

He raised the gun slowly, his hands trembling, he pointed the gun at Kagane

Kagane had his head reclined back as he gulped down the water.

Tobio watched on, scared of what might happen

No Takumi, he's toying with you.

Kagane slowly raised his head dropping the water bottle to his side, he stares into Takumi 's eyes almost like the gun was there.

It felt like a prey and predator moment. Takumi's hands trembled faster, Kaganes sees this.

Kagane leans in and pressed his head against the gun, stopping Takumi's hands from trembling.

The whole class gasps

What is he doing? Tobio says

Takumi is sweating buckets, confused at kagane's odd behavior. He had expected him to cower in fear, to beg for his life.

He want to stop him with out pulling the trigger but Kagane leans in further pushing the gun back with his head. Takumi is scared out of his mind.

Kagane looks down, he see something on Takumi shirt.

You ate cheeseburgers for breakfast?

The odd statement throw Takumi's mind in a whirl

There's a stain on your shirt. He draws out his finger and presses it on the stain pushing Takumi's flesh, sending Chills down his spine.

What is he crazy, I'm the one with the gun, I could kill you right now, how come his so casual, it's he insane. Takumi says to him.

Some body from the back of the class, yells.

Do it Takumi! Shoot him!

What! Takumi says, surprise at the encouragement

Yes Takumi, do it! Kill him! somebody says.

Come on Takumi end this, somebody else says.

The support Takumi was looking for while he was leaving his sit to bring kagane the water bottle, the support he had not receive, he was receiving it now.

He held the hope of his fellow classmate on the tip off his finger, the burden of thier lives rested on his broad shoulders.

All he had to do was kill another class mates.

Tobio watches all of them, wery of how all this could turn out. He doesn't believe kagane could just give in like this, not without a fight.

But on the other hand, he wanted this to all end and just like his fellow classmate he wanted to believe too that kagane could just give in, after all he had gone insane.

Do it! Takumi, Kill him! More members of the class yells they all seemed to have found their spirits

Takumi watched the face of Kagane. It seemed serene, like he'd accepted it and with the pressure mounting on him from his classmates. He imagined that indeed, Kagane accepted death.

He pulls the trigger
