Hiding bodies

Look at me, Mr GORE

The credit officer waved at her and this alarmed her, she turned immediately back to Kagane a when she saw he wasn't looking

She thought, to somehow get the man to know that something was wrong with her class. She look at him and tried as best she could to keep the credit officers attention

She mouthed words without saying them, hoping he caught a clue of two. Kagane had been too busy giving a speech to the class.

And miss Yoshida felt she was getting somewhere at a point bursting into tears the credit officer got alarmed he could barely see her face from the angle he looked up from and the blur the morning sun caused on the window,

But he did see her shoulders at some point and it stuck out to him. The kind of dress he had seen her wear that day wasn't one to reveal her shoulders.

And with that in mind, Kagane says. I'm sure you've all arrived at the conclusion that I can kill you anywhere, anywhere indeed

Miss Yoshida got carried away making faces at the credit officer, most of which he has mistaken for admiration.

What stuck out to him was that in a normal circumstance she wouldn't be at an angle, unless of course she was high on the ground and standing on something, pershap a stool or desk.

Kagane saw her. years of watching his dad had made him quite adept at spotting the slight changes in mood, he had avoided lots of beating this way.

When he saw Miss Yoshida looking out the window, he knew immediately that it had to be somebody she was trying to communicate to.

Miss Yoshida! Kagane screamed.

The shock of it making her jolt atop the desk and losing balance, she wobbled a little bit. The whole class gasped in fear.

She crashed down at the black board, hitting her head on its surface.

Kagane quickly ran towards the front of the class. He goes to the windows to see who it was she had been trying to speak with and if he had seen her fall.

He arrived just in time to see a confused credit officer. The officer sees him too and in a bit of panic, losing his cool he ducks down for cover. He looked scared in front of the whole class. It seemed obvious to everyone that the one thing that scared him most now was being caught.

He quickly got up to look again, and the credit officer was still looking up; he seemed thoroughly confused at the whole thing.

So he motioned to Kagane he was coming up there, Kagane shakes his head trying to dissuade him but to no avail the man walked of kagane's view.

Kagane quickly turns to the class.

Compose yourselves everyone, we are getting a visit from the credit officer.

What!? Tobio says.

There was light mourning in the class. Everyone had a mixture of fear and relief. If the credit officer was coming, maybe he'd put an end to all this.

Are you alright, Miss Yoshida? Kagane says

She nods, yes, holding the hurt part of her head. Kagane turns back to the class.

Somebody get a mob or a shirt and clean this up! He screams at them they don't move.

Did I stutter, get up! He says pointing at a random classmate. Clean all this blood and do it quickly!


Tobio looks at him. He signals for him to come. Tobio reluctantly gets off his seat and walks to the front of the class.

Help me carry this, Kagane says

This? Tobio thinks, that's Todoroki, that's our friend, you shot him.

Come on hurry up, we're running out of time. Kagane put the toy gun on his back, Making it three guns on his back now.

He goes down and picks Todoroki's legs, Tobio is still reluctant. Kagane looks up and gestures for him to do his part.

Tobio grabs hold of Todoroki's hand and with that they lift his corpse off the ground.

Where are we taking it to? Tobio says

Miss Yoshida, do you mind? She looks up at them taking a break from nursing her hurt head.

She sees the odd picture of two of her students carrying a dead classmate like some heavy luggage and that breaks her to tears.

Do you mind Miss Yoshida? We're going to stash Todoroki under your desk

What! Miss Yoshida says in shock.

Yes, I thought that'll be the last place anyone would care to look and besides, there's enough space under there for two and the sides are covered to conceal it,

I'm surprised you don't have a body in there already, Miss Yoshida

Kagane chuckles and turns to Tobio to see if he finds his gag funny, Tobio looks saddened.

Alright let's go, Kagane says.

They quickly move towards the other side of the desk. Kagane turns to the classmate he had pointed at random,

Alright, he says. Get to cleaning.

Him and Tobio made it around, Miss Yoshida moved away, blood dripped off the open wound on Todoroki's forehead and everyone who saw it couldn't help themselves from crying, especially Takumi.

Tobio tried to lower the body down carefully but Kagane drops the legs

Alright stuff him in, Tobi, Kagane says. Tobio fumes at his disrespect the body

He treats him like a nuisance, who are you Kagane, this isn't you.

Does anyone have a handkerchief? Someone quickly raise their hands it was Ayumi

You again, Scis… Ayumi.

Ayumi gets off her seat and walks towards the class. She hands him the white handkerchief and turns back to leave. Kagane grabs her hand.

We've been doing a lot of business today, you and I, he says. Do you want a gun?

Ayumi looked back at him. She turned around and said,

What! No?

Kagane moved in closer. Pushed up his glasses with his free hand, and got in close enough to whisper.

I need an ally, Ayumi. Are you sure you don't want a gun?

She nods and says, No.

Kagane sniffs her presume off her neck and breaks his grip. Ayumi turns around and leaves.

Kagane walks back to the body of Todoroki and stuffs the handkerchief into the hole in his head.

Tobio grab his hand, in anger unable to control his temper anymore.

What are you doing!? Stop it!

Kagane looks at him, not feeling an inch moved by his plea. He stuffs him aside with his hand.

You're still bleeding a bit too, Tobio. How haven't you lost consciousness?

I'll take over here. Go check on Takumi, see what you can do about his face and do it quickly. The credit officer could get here anytime.