Rubber dove

I'll ask again. How many does it take?


He's coming

Everybody compose yourself, I don't want to kill the credit officer or you.

Tobio, you'll sit in my seat,


I'd like to sit in the middle row. Takumi keep your head down no matter what

Tobio says nothing and moved on to the seat, everyone sat down, computing themselves the best they could but at the same time some hoped the credit officer, a figure of authority could save them from this hell

As the class got dead quiet, something occurred to Kagane, something out of the ordinary.

It's usually not this quiet, he says to himself. What could be missing?

He looked up and saw Miss Yoshida

Miss Yoshida! Teach already!

She got on her feet and picked up the cane and in that instant the credit officer was at the door.

He waves at her through the find and motion he was coming in.

She gestured for him to go away, but he just smiled and grabbed to open the door.

Everyone watched as the door clicked and unlocked. It slowly slid open as the credit officer came in.

Hey Miss Yoshida, good morning,

He turns to the class and says

Good day class

Good day sir, they all respond,

He turns back to miss Yoshida and whisper to her,

I'd saw you standing on the desk, he look at her dress and something felt other to him

Were you always wearing that

Miss Yoshida, fakes a chuckle, what do you mean

I don't know, you didn't seem alright, so why were you up there?

Oh that! I was teaching them a lesson about gravity and elevation


Yes miss Yoshida nods,

Alright them, I guess I shouldn't get in the way of your class

Miss Yoshida nods in agreement

He turns around and sees Takumi resting his head.

Who is that kid? Why does he have his head down?

Kagane watches everyone, making sure they feel his presence no matter where he is.

Oh his having some minor headaches, so I just told him to sleep it off

Really? She nods

He looked around the class, looking at all their faces, something felt odd to him, he could sense fear in the air but he couldn't quite figure out what or why.

But it stuck out to him. He looked everywhere. He looked at the floor by Miss Yoshida's desk. He saw the spot that the student had ragged, and he saw the faint red blemish on the white floor.

Whats this he says to miss Yoshida

She's a little alarmed she pretends to be seeing it for the first time

I'm not quite sure, my self, maybe it's red paint

Yeah maybe or something else

Did anyone bleed, he asked the whole class.

By now kagane's was having cold sweats, he turns to Tobio and saw blood still in his hair despite his face being clean

You know, he whispers to Miss Yoshida. Sometimes these kids get built or attacked by a rival gang before they make it here to school, then they'll hide injuries so the school doesn't find out, it could cost them credits you know, if they're in a rival gang. So some one might have belles out here and cleaned it.

I'm going to look around.

Kagane looked at everyone who was looking back at him, stop being suspicious his look said. He looked at Tobio and Tobio was looking away

How do I tell him to cover the blood on his head without raising suspicion?

The credit officer began patrolling the class, Fritz yawns

That could cost you credits, boy. The credit officer chuckled and so did Fritz .

He moved around and looking at everybody

He spot the blood on the floor, it was faint, this man has an eye for details, I've got to be careful not to draw attention to my self, there two gun in my back as it is

The credit officer turns back at miss Yoshida

Is it quite hot today?

She looked perplexed,

Well no, it's quite warm, it still the morning

Hmmm.. Well is something wrong with the AC then?

No, she said, shaking her head. He looked up at the ac, it's still working, he walked up to it at the back of the class.

He's behind me, Kagane says, he calmly covers the guns with is flown out shirt

The credit officer put out his hand close to the AC to feel the temperature of the air.

It's cold, I didn't need to do that, I feel that it quite cold in here, just wanted to be sure

Well then why is everyone sweating, everyone seems tense, everyone looks tired. Is it the lectures you are giving Miss Yoshida?

No I don't think it's that, its exam season you know everyone's little on edge you know how much it mean

He look around the class,

You too where's your jacket

Alarm bells rang in Kagane's head as he realized who it was he talking to, it was the girl who had mopped up the blood.

She begins to stutter, not knowing what to say . She looked back at Kagane, Kagane looked away, but the damage had already been done as the credit officer notices something on Kagane .

The other boy who had given his jacket to clean, took charge and said

They're in our bags sir, she's just stuttery.

Is she that way very often?

Yes sir.

He walked closer to Kagane, out Kagane was looking straight ahead he could hear his footsteps get closer and closer to him then they stopped.

The next thing he felt was the officers cane on landing on his shoulder. He kept himself calm.

What about you?

Kagane slowly turned

Yes sir?

Hey you're Yasutaka's kid right

Kagane nods

The credit officer's face lights up.

He shows me pictures of his family that's how I recognized him, he says looking at Miss Yoshida, his proud of it too

Haven't seen him in a while though, but everytime we meet, he wouldn't stop talking about you, he bragged about how smart you are. He's really proud, you know.

I mean I just transferred to this school but I could recognize you that quickly, all from pictures in his wallet.

He had a picture of me? Kagane's thought

Kagane looked at him, seeming a bit astonished water welled in his eyes

Are you alright?

I'm okay, Kagane slowly reached for his back to pull out a gun as the credit officer spoke on. He grabs one and says

Hey sir, in a flash he draws out the gun, the credit officer reacts quickly grabbing onto the taser by his side. Kagane fires first


The credit officer burst out laughing as the suction cup bullet hit his belly and fell to the gun.

He let's go of his teaser gun. He bursts out laughing

You know your father does that alot too,

Yeah he does? Kagane says

It's how he helped me improve my reaction time, we still do it to this day. But you're really fast, Kagane

But you shouldn't have this on school grounds and your uniform should not be untucked.

The credit officer takes the gun off his hand and pocket.

Nice meeting you Kagane, send my regards to your dad. He turns to leave and then


Kagane calls him back. He turns and says

Yes kagane.

I've got another one, another gun in my back. Everybody on class panics.

He walks back to Kagane just by his side

Alright give it here, he put out his hand.

Everyone else in the class knew Kagane didn't have another toy gun in his back pocket.

They all knew what would happen.

Argh!! Takumi screams in pain, raising his head, can't take it anymore ut hurt I'm dying

The credit officer turns and see Takumi battered and bruised face, he's still bleeding out his nose

What's going on?

Kagane quickly reached for the gun on his back to shoot the officer, but Tobio jumps onhim knocking him of the seat and the gun off his hand it's falls to the floor and land by fritz.

What's going on here?

Kagene and Tobio wrestled on the floor, Kagane hits him with the side of his hand but Tobio hold him down to inhabit his movement,

Fritz looked down at the gun. Ayumi yelled

kagane has a gun, sir.

What! The officer said.

Ayumi spots the gun on the floor, fritz looks at her, there eyes met.

The credit officer sees the gun too. He reaches for his phone to call the other officer for support but the Kagane wrestles Tobio off him and delivers a rocking blow.

The credit officer goes in to help Tobio. Ayumi ran in for gun but fritz kicks the gun away

The credit officer grabbed his taser as Kagane crawled on the ground, Kagane scurried and got to his feet.

But he has his back to the officer.

Don't move, Kagane!

Put your hands in the air.

Kagane slowly raised his hands in the air.

Move to the wall! Move to the wall!

Kagane takes a step forwards

I've got to call this in!

Kagane was about taken another step when he heard him say that, he stopped, his foot in mid air

I'm not going out like this, Kagane turned around

Don't turn!

The officer fired the taser it hits Kagane, jolts of electricity came rushing into his body.

Kagane didn't move or flinched. The officers eyes widened in shock and fear as Kagane stared back at him with those deep dead eyes.

In a flash Kagane pull our the second gun off his back.

I came prepared, Kagane said.
