Chapter 65

A month has passed since that day. Pretty tough month. With the exception of Saturday and Sunday, Severus didn't have time to rest at all, he was also engaged in transferring knowledge from the library to his Grimoire, but this required touching the book and waiting for three seconds, only there were a huge number of books in the library - he had to spend almost two weeks in the school library, because Snape also had to behave as less suspiciously as possible.

In general, there is a lot of work, and he had no choice but to give all his best,

In addition, he also spent time on Saturdays with Bella, who had already become a little more open by their fourth date, and although she behaved as usual, changes in behaviour and character did not escape the sharp gaze of the magician. 

For example, when he inadvertently mentioned Voldemort in a bad way, thereby probing the soil, she did not react as brightly as usual, but was more restrained, but still she did not let the wizard close to her, but now hold on to that hand was not opposed, which indicated that every day they were getting closer.

But Severus did not want to rush and thereby frighten the woman away, therefore he tried to behave with some restraint, although from time to time he still made slightly vulgar statements and jokes in order to stir her up a little. 

But not everything was so good after all, three individuals returned to the school, who at dinner looked unkindly at Severus, and when James noticed Lily's glances, which she threw in the direction of his sworn enemy, the flame of jealousy ignited in the young man again. 

And since that week, they simply haunted him: constant letters of challenge, open attempts at provocation, and the rat running after him irritated Snape, he even thought about nailing them and burying them under a willow, but then quickly drove away those thoughts, because they were, though annoying, but only children, and until they crossed the line, as that time with a werewolf, he was also not going to touch them, and several half-breeds that had recently appeared, who suddenly wanted to become his lackeys helped him to drive away those annoying "marauders", at least while the lessons were going on and during the breaks. 

But Severus felt that soon even his patience would come to an end. 

Then he would really make that nightmare a reality, and the full moon was coming soon, it was just too perfect. 

We can say that fate itself gave him a chance to fulfil their "dream". 

But still, what happened yesterday completely offset his annoyance because he finally received almost three hundred thousands Galleons from the Ministry of Magic for selling the potions.

It was just an astronomical amount for a month for any aristocratic family, but this is only the beginning, and the next lot will bring many times more profit. 

Of course, Severus was sure that the recipes would come out soon, but he also doubted that Ministry would so easily allow someone to trade them and take their bread, and the magician was almost ready for this, because he was already working on an advanced potion, which could enhance magical abilities four times, although it will come with a side effect in the form of momentary weakness, as well as a potion that enhances physical abilities twice, with the help of the second potion it is possible to neutralise the side effects of the first, although only in physical terms, but this enough for a quick retreat. 

Apart from this, Severus has also begun work on a small project in the form of magical glasses, a fairly common item from his world. 

This idea came to his mind when he saw the magic eye of that captain from the Ministry of Magic, but at that time the young man decided to postpone this issue, but a month ago, when he saw the Black house, he again remembered this thing and decided to try creating them using runes from this world, and this will serve as a good practice for his skills, and he will also be able to repay the Macmillans for helping at the very beginning, because if he had not received the necklace, perhaps he would never have gotten close to Nagini, and that day she would simply crawl away further, eventually becoming an ordinary snake. 

The glasses themselves will not differ much from that eye(moody's eye): with the help of them it will also be possible to see through walls; illusions; barriers; invisibility spells or artefacts. 

They would provide three hundred and sixty degrees of vision and, in addition, protection against Legilimency. 

At the same time, the image will be transmitted not through the eyes, but directly to the brain, which will allow even the blind to see. 

But this was only the "Napoleonic plans" of Severus, but whether it can be done using runes and materials from this world, only time will tell. 

He expected to cram at least half of them into them(glasses), which might be useful at the moment, and the rest is gradually added, as with brooms, new models of which come out every year. 

He did this mainly on his weekends, at night, and even Nagini began to worry about him, because he hardly slept, constantly applying invigorating spells on himself that removed fatigue. 

And at the end of the month, on Sunday, on the door of the training room, he saw a hefty lock and a note: "The snake has the key." And when he approached his snake, he saw a contented reptile spinning a bunch of keys on its tail and eating grapes, and to the question: "Why?", she just gave out a long tirade about how she was worried about him and even shed a tear. 

It can be said that she applied her most "tough" arguments. 

This situation even amused him a little, but still, he had to agree with her, because the young man himself understood that constantly using this charm on himself is quite harmful to the body, so Sunday became a day off, which he spent in the company of one cunning snake. 

And at such a pace two more calm weeks flew by and Christmas was approaching - another holiday of this world, during which it was customary to give gifts to friends and relatives, decorate houses and Christmas trees. 

All in all, another ordinary Halloween-type holiday that Severus had little interest in. 

After all, he had more important things to do. But fate still made its own adjustments, when one night the four, called "marauders", using an invisibility cloak (which Severus confiscated), made their way into the Slytherin common room. 

Of course, there was a password at the entrance, and the door did not allow students from other faculties to enter, but with the help of Polyjuice Potion, they passed without any problems, and James overheard the password from another student of the faculty when he entered the living room. 

There was only one reason: to punish the "damn Snivellus", who, you see, did not answer their "love" letters about a meeting outside the school. 

Of course, Snape would not punish them severely for this if they had not bothered him for the last month and a half, but even in this case, he would have treated them "softly", but Sirius's phrase: "Let's kill him with the snake so that he understands with whom he is dealing,"and Potter's consent played a role, finally finally bringing Snape's mood to a low level.

And the next day, a deer, a dog and a rat were found on the ceiling of the Gryffindor common room, in which Lupine, lying naked on the sofa, recognized his friends. 

As it turned out later, "some" terrible person cursed the "innocent" kids, and now they have to stay in the form of animals for a whole week,

Of course, Severus acted very generously, because he wanted to arrange a week-long cruise in the animal world for them: to send one to the zoo with other deers, the other to a dog owner, and the third to the pet store. 

And since Lupin was the only voice of reason that still tried to dissuade Potter from stupidity, Snape decided to spare him, but Severus still did not leave him without punishment. 

But Nagini, the kindest soul, still dissuaded him from acting so "cruelly" with them, although she did not know anything about the fact that he also wanted to change their gender. 

And because of this, Severus decided to prepare "gifts" for each of them, considering that the punishment was too light, because they encroached on someone so dear to him, and after December 25, all students will be given as many as two whole weeks of vacation, so how could he just let them rest after all this?




Thank you for being here guys. :)