Chapter 107

In a completely white room, there were three huge cages, in which there were monsters previously caught by Severus, and not far from them, a huge snake tied to a pole with a "bow", which could only hiss in the direction of magical creatures, while wondering what was happening and where it was.

The tiger and the rest, seeing this huge creature for the first time, experienced a real shock, thinking that they were going to be fed to it, but then, looking closer and noticing in what a deplorable state it was, they calmed down a bit.

Although Snape had said earlier that he would not harm them, they did not believe a single word of his, nevertheless, for a long life, the monsters fully felt all the cruelty and deceit of people. 

And even the fact that he helped them did not change their opinion of him, except for the tiger, to whom the cub was returned, although he was still very wary of the huge snake, of course, he was not afraid of the reptile, but at the moment when next to him was his child, the last thing the beast wanted was for his worst fears to come true. 

Of course, they discussed what this person(Severus) needed, but the monsters could not come to a consensus. 

The hound assumed that he wanted to pit them against each other again, but this time with a snake.

The bear thought that he(Severus) was to feed them to the Serpentpp, and he only healed them so that the food would look more presentable, but the tiger still leaned more towards the first option, but still he was sure of one thing, that they were not going to be killed, because then there would simply be no point in spending money on their treatment. 

After the departure of a strange, small creature, they tried to talk to the reptile, but apart from an indistinct hiss, it did not make any sounds, and almost did not move, but only looked menacingly in their direction, as if trying to scare, but still, the three monsters were not ordinary beasts, they were the kings of the inner part of the "Magic Jungle". 

Although the snake had huge dimensions, it did not manage to frighten them at all. 

Therefore, they no longer paid attention to it, but only waited for the person who promised to tell them what he was going to do with them to come. 

And after a few minutes, Severus finally appeared, around his neck and chest was a snake, which watched the monsters in the room warily.

The beasts were very surprised when they saw the Snape's features. He looked too young by the standards of people, last time, because of the hood, they could not see him properly, and during the treatment, he simply knocked them out. 

"Well, good morning, snake," Severus chuckled and looked at the reptile, which stared at him with bulging eyes.

"…shhh… piece…s…?" The monster almost immediately recognized this strange, dark suit and the sword on his belt, but the fact that the one who defeated him would be so young really shocked the snake. 

It experienced incomparable shame, because it was not defeated by some old powerful wizard, but a child.

Then, the wizard looked at the three "kings" who rose to their legs, "Don't get up, I won't be here for long."

"Human, why did you heal us and keep us here?" The tiger took the lead, pushing the tiger cub behind him, who so far did not understand much and looked at the two-legged creature with curiosity.

"You said you would give me my fruit!" The bear growled menacingly in his direction. And the black hound behaved rather passively, only silently watching all this, but at the same time preparing to fight for his life at any moment if it seemed like that the person was going to kill them.

 "About the fruit, I can't give it to you yet, first I want to study it," the bear's expression became darker, but Severus ignored it and looked at the tiger, "As I said earlier, I'm not going to kill you or take apart for organs, I need you to protect my house, from all kinds of pests, I will not restrict you much and will feed, and I will also help you become stronger, on your part, all I need is unconditional submission."

"Do you want us to become your slaves?!"

"Roughly speaking, yes," without changing his face, Severus nodded to the gloomy tiger, around whose body sparks danced, "Think carefully, I won't force you," such a reaction didn't particularly surprise him, after all, first of all, they are animals and not the simplest, but "kings": proud and arrogant creatures, and in this, they were very similar to people.

"What if we refuse?" sounded an interesting, pleasant, female voice from the cage in which there was a black hound. 

[T/N: Till now I considered the hound to be a male cause I assumed so but it seems like the hound is a "female".]

"Nothing special, I'll sell you and what will happen to you next, I'm not particularly interested, maybe they will take you apart, or maybe something worse than death, who knows."

"Man, I submit if you defeat me.." the tiger growled in his direction, puffing out his chest, and the serpent, which came to its senses after the shock, looked at the tiger as if he were a moron, because how can this little thing win, when even it lost to this human.

"That can be arranged, but come on a little later, I'm a little busy right now, as we return to the outside world, then we'll talk about this topic, but for now, think about it."

"Is your home outside of this place?"


"Is it as dangerous out there as it is here?" the hound asked again, in an interested voice. 

"I wouldn't say that, it's much quieter there."

"What about food?"

"Three times a day."

"How often do they attack your house?"

"Not once in the last six months."

"I agree!" After a series of questions, the hound excitedly said, "No danger, have to do nothing for days and still get food everyday, this is my dream! Finally, I will be able to get enough sleep and not worry that any animal or person can attack me at any second!" Hearing this, even Severus got a little crazy and looked at Nagini out of the corner of his eye. "She isn't your sister by any chance, right?"

"I'm going to bite you to death." squinting, Nagini glared at him. 

"Well, I'm glad to hear that, then…" as soon as he snapped his fingers, the cage in which the hound was sitting disappeared, "Come, I'll put a seal so that you definitely don't betray me one day, don't do anything stupid or I'll put you back in a second."

Looking around, and then stretching, the hound with a calm step, headed towards him, wagging her tail and watching his reaction with curiosity.

"Agynes… " the tiger frowned at her, as if warning her of something.

"I'm not stupid enough to attack him," she snorted contemptuously, after a few seconds she stopped in front of the man who was also waiting with interest for her actions,"We are in an unknown place under his complete control, from which only this person knows the way out, and even if I try to kill him, and I can do it, it will not help us get out of here, and this is not to mention that he is too strong, didn't you see the look of that snake, how it looked at you when it heard your words, and if I have to choose between life and death, then I will choose the first one," without taking her eyes off the wizard's face, the hound said calmly, lowering her head. 

"The right choice," cutting his finger, Severus put his palm to her forehead and removed it after a few seconds, there were almost no special effects, except for a slight glow from the rounded shape of the seal in the very place, which disappeared after a few seconds, "But for now you still have to stay here."

"Yes, master!"

"And my servant is not to be eaten."

" ... yes … " the hound drawled not so cheerfully, and Nellie, who was nearby in invisibility, breathed a sigh of relief.

"Traitor, " grunted the bear, seeing how a creature that was in no way inferior to him in strength wagged its tail before a human, but the tiger, on the contrary, looked thoughtful. 

Finally, having dealt with the trio of animals, he passed by the hound and stopped a few metres from the snake tied to the pole.

"...shshshochesh shshtoby and shchya podshchilscha?"

"I'll ask you a few questions and if you answer them, then we can get by with the option you voiced, and if you remain silent, you will die," pointing his hand in the Snake's direction, Severus waved it up.

"Better kill me, I'll never…" and only at this word did he notice that he could speak normally, although he still couldn't control his body.

"Oh, it's a pity to lose such a valuable copy, but in your case I will make do with parts," and a table appeared next to the wizard with a large number of torture instruments and a huge cleaver the size of Severus himself, "I just wasted resources on you," Severus muttered with irritation and lifting the cleaver effortlessly, Snape approached the snake.

"Hehehehe, do it, I'm not afraid of death!"

"Hm? Well, okay."

"What the hell is going on?!" The reptile was indignant, looking directly into the eyes of the snake on the body of the Slytherin, which did not react at all to the effects on the mind, but only tilted its head to the side in puzzlement, "Why can't I subdue it ?!"

"Honestly, I'm surprised at your stamina, you don't betray your principles even under pain of death, don't worry, when I kill you, I'll take only your brain and heart, and leave the rest untouched," squeezing the cleaver tighter, with a serious face, Severus nodded to the serpent .

"Shove your respect up your ass!"

"Farewell, I will remember you forever," and Severus raised his weapon... The other animals swallowed at the sight of all this and the bear already looked calmer, and in general tried not to shine, although he was rather rude, but was in no hurry to die. 

And when Severus was about to strike, the frightened voice of the snake sounded: "STOP!!!" and the cleaver froze a few centimetres from his scales. 

"What happened?" Severus looked at him gloomily.

"What did you want to know…?" the serpent asked much more calmly, without the former arrogance and even with some kind of softness in its voice. "…" 

Severus and the others were speechless hearing its tone.