Chapter 3: Nightmare

 The humans would call it the Fourteenth Redever War, but for the Redevers themselves, they would know it as the 'War of Mud', for that seemed to be the entirety of what was being fought over. A muddy soup of a stretch of land that just so happened to border the mountainous Eshirith District and the rest of the city of Voxsturm. 

 The Esher Basin.

 From the ramparts of the Redever Cubi District of Eshirith, the region was a red sand covered flatland populated by cobwebs of twinkling dots of light; thousands once living here under moderate shield protection and traveling via underground rail roads. The moment the war started, those towns and villages were quickly reduced to rubble and the shields thin veil of protection waned, allowing tempests to pour through.

 Trench warfare became inevitable as the Tanreigns conquest was grounded down to a halt during the narrow summer month of solstice, just when they desperately needed to make some real headway. As the tornadic weather came, the winds of magic escalated in the upper atmosphere, the consequence of which resulted in mass casualties. The stormy season that year was especially cruel, with super-cell after super-cell wiping away every army that tried to inch forward onto open ground.

 Bohemoth and Dreadnaught war machines waged bloody war on the surface while ground troops dug their trenches behind them. Slowly, a cobweb of hastily constructed bulwarks were constructed, shielded by wards of power that protected them just barely from the wind. But those who stuck their heads out, even for just a moment, were swiftly killed by the stray bolt of lightning or a torrential gust of wind.

 The trenches barely offered any protection, and after the first year of bloodshed they were barely improved. To answer the growing obstacles, weapon smiths developed more advanced sentinel walkers, along with tac-suits for elite battalions of fighters. And yet, despite these advances, the front line barely moved. The casualties never stopped mounting, and as spring came, so too did even worse super-cells. 

 By the end of the second year, it was clear that this human invasion was a failure. The only question was, when were they were going to accept it?

 Lorelei had no idea, but she didn't feel like it would be any time soon.

 Fresh enemy troops were being sent into the meat-grinder all the time, almost always around this time in the late afternoon. Waves of heavy transports would soon be storming the mud-lands with heavily armored specialists marching right behind them. They would meet the heavy guns and battle-ready soldiers of the Redever Eshirith Combine soon enough. Lorelei just wanted to keep her head down and ignore the sounds of shrapnel skirting overhead. She tried desperately to hold herself together while enduring the near constant shockwaves of enemy bombardment. The shrieking of dying soldiers never abated, creating a crescendo of pain and misery that could be heard all around her.

 Lorelei wore the revealing bodice of the slave-corps against her will. Everything she did was against her will, and submissive obedience was her only means of survival. A thick leather belt wrapped around her waist, while protective shoulder pads were connected to thiner leather arm sleeves. An iron collar was locked around her throat, while a chain ran down her chest to the belt. A thick acid-resistant gown was parted to reveal most of her splendid cleavage, even exposing her nipples at the slightest movement, and her leggings exposed her hips. If it wasn't for Cubi having tougher skin, the acid rain would've proved more of a nuisance. The gown curtained down her waist to her feet, which at the very least covered her lower waist. Even still, her rear cheeks felt tight, clad in form fitting material. The uniform offered little to no protection, while the lack of modesty exaggerated her status as a lowly serf. 

 She was but one of thousands of Succubi forced to wear the uniform, and each day those numbers seemed to dwindle. Her job was digging and carrying; Digging tunnels, reinforcing trenches, and carrying ammunition to the proper soldiers of the Eshirith Combine. She wasn't cannon fodder, that much was a blessing, but there were days when Lorelei felt that she were little better.

 Occasionally, one of the Succubi overseers, the real citizens of Eshirith, felt horny; they would drag her from her post and task her with providing some oral pleasure. Lorelei did her best to give a satisfactory performance, if only to lighten the load of her ammunition jobs and to be passed over for the more dangerous assignments. Occasionally, if she did a really good job, the overseer would hand her some Allucia, or let her spend some time with the male prisoners to feed.

 Upon coming of age, a Succubi needed male semen to survive; ingesting it fed their appetites, and sexual congress not only ensured pregnancy but strengthened their magical potency as well. Without it, or Allucia (a magically infused drug that acted as a substitute), they would grow weak and eventually die. 

 After a year of war, she was quite experienced with female pleasure; something Lorelei wasn't sure how she felt about. Little did she know that her services were noticed.

 Her virginity was unclaimed, barred from taking, which was fine by her. This was meant as a punishment, something that didn't translate for her. The reason the Succubi serfs were denied sexual congress with male prisoners had nothing to do with preserving their innocence, rather it was a means to keep them hungry and dependent on their overseers for nourishment. A fertile Succubus was always hungry, starved even, for males of any kind. Simply ingesting semen wasn't enough to fully conquer that craving. It also allowed the Incubi, most of which gave orders from the rear, the satisfaction of knowing there were plenty of unspoiled serfs that could join their harems should they remain loyal. Such an offer would've been accepted in a heartbeat by most of the Succubi living in servitude, but not for Lorelei. 

 Lorelei was always hungry, her very essence feeling dull and hollow, but the occasional spare time with human prisoners offered her just enough to get by. That and the daily doses of Allucia which kept her active. She just had to keep being a good girl. After a year of war, she had gotten really good at stroking a man to a much deserved completion. Some of the other serfs even started to call her the Enchanted Fingers of the Front, and not behind her back. She wasn't sure why they gave her that nickname, the skill she had with her tongue far exceeded that of her fingers.

 Most of her fellow serfs were angry, not being able to fill their wombs whenever they wished kept them sexually frustrated, but Lorelei didn't complain. She was saving herself, and that kept her sane. She was always hungry, but she would rather be hungry than claimed by someone she didn't want.

 Her nipples were so stiff right now, the fabric of her uniform kept them attentive and overly sensitive. Sweat strolled down her soft light pink colored skin; her cherry red nipples grew even perkier as perfume laden perspiration lathered over each of them. There was some talk from the overseers that they wanted to see them pierced; just thinking of seeing silver stubs poking through her delightful nubs sent a shiver down Lorelei's spine. Maybe if Theo, her precious Theo, wanted her to have them then she would do it for him but not for some overseer; not unless they forced her. She would keep her head down and hope they would poke and prod their many human captives before adding anything to her own body.

 Her hunger for carnal sensation was so intense, it made it easy to forget sometimes that she was in a warzone. Earth shattering shockwaves rolled through her very bones every waking second, the human artillery desperate to dislodge them from their fixed positions. The Succubi had denser muscles, making them more resilient than their human counterparts, and thus were able to withstand the chaos surrounding them. The only thing she had to worry about was a direct hit. 

That or the overseers.

 "Get back to work!" Lorelei could already hear one of them lashing another menial over the sounds of the carnage.

 Lorelei grimaced, her fingernails were chipped and dirty; she tried to lift the iron pipe over the lip of the trench. Her uniform was covered in dirt and yet she continued with her labor. She just had to continue being a good girl.

 They were not trusted with firearms, which meant they were sitting ducks should the humans make a run at their particular run of trench. 

 Reinforcing the trench wall was hard enough, surviving the lash was another matter entirely. Lorelei knew if she couldn't continue working, she would be denied food and sustenance until she could no longer work. After that, being a good girl would never be enough. And so, she continued to exert herself. Ignoring the pain in her knuckles, or the stinging from all the cuts and lacerations, Lorelei did her best to complete her tasks, even with all the screams behind her.

 Day and night were almost indistinguishable with the constant storms and magical weapons igniting the atmosphere. Lorelei wasn't sure when she finally lost the strength to stand, only what it felt like to fall into the mud. The crackle of a whip slashed against her back, her knees buckled. 

 Please, I just want to be a good girl.

 Lorelei could feel her teeth shaking as the chaotic backwash of distant ordnance was overshadowed by the heavy cadence of a behemoth's bipedal treads. The mechanized walker rose like a dreadful god amongst them; standing three stories tall, it rose on two thick steel legs, and its hulking torso was layered in slabs of armor. Its arms were built to bear rotary cannons capable of leveling entire city blocks, and upon its shoulders were mounted a pair of monolithic broadsides that roared with each salvo. Along its back were rocket dispensers, all of which were firing at something in the distance. 

 The war machine was once painted dark blue, but most of its livery had been chipped or rusted away, revealing a grim metallic gray. Dark green lenses could be seen gazing through narrow slits of its armored head, making it appear like a haunting specter barreling down the battlefield. The Behemoth tried to march over the trench, only for its feet to sink into the mire. The sound of its gears straining made Lorelei's heart sink, and the metallic klaxon blaring from its horns was somehow more terrifying than the tornadoes descending from the skies.

 Lorelei could see scores of other mechanized units trudging forward alongside it, as up above, the thin cord of a funnel cloud grew larger with each passing second. It wouldn't be long before a new-born vortex would touch down and already the wind was beginning to suck toward the accumulating clouds. 

 More whip lashes, each forcing Lorelei to sink into the mud a little further. She could smell blood among the refuse surrounding her as more artillery shells landed behind the trench.

 I just want to be a good girl.

 The ground shook all around her, the world seemingly coming to an end. And just as she cried out in pain, an earth shaker round slammed directly into the trench next to her.


 Waking up drenched in sweat, Lorelei shrieked in panic as she emerged from the nightmare. It wasn't the first time her rest was disturbed by the not-so-distant past, and each time she thrashed from her torment back to reality. Her heart was pounding in her chest, and her tail was aimed directly forward, ready to strike. 

 Realizing where she was, in her dingy cramped apartment, Lorelei groaned in frustration. Sweat ran down her shoulder blades, and her stomach was lathered with perspiration. She leaned back and tried to rub her arms. Her shoulders were still shaking. Her body was sore, and her stomach felt tight. She felt rather lightheaded, hungry, and tired. A migraine was starting to burn behind her eyes.

 But still, she had no desire to go back to sleep.

 This tiny room was her only sanctuary, and it was barely large enough for her to hide in. A thin mattress laid alongside the only window overlooking the world outside. The horizontal blinds were metal bullet proof panels that could be opened or closed from a switch on the wall. The shades themselves were stuck, however, leaving crooked gaps for the natural light to pour in. 

 Lorelei had a tiny couch perched in the corner of the room, it was now layered in cheap carry out boxes and she had no incentive to clean up after herself. What passed for a shower room was installed right next to the main door, the pipes wouldn't stop leaking on the porcelain floor section. 

As Lorelei arched forward, she couldn't help but notice the smell of tobacco leaking through the air conditioning unit. The units filters were spoiled, probably rotten to the core, and smoke from the neighboring units was now drifting through the entire building for all to enjoy. She stifled a gag, still not quite used to the sour rank in the air.

 Frustrated, she looked over to the one real piece of technology in the room, a tall dispensary of beverages and non-perishable foods. It was half empty, the buildings owner had yet to restock it. A simple radio was installed at the roof of the machine, and it projected a series of neon advertisements and newsfeeds above at all hours of the day. Even when Lorelei wanted to sleep, the light decorated her eyelids. 

 Outside, it was raining and she could hear the passing of vehicles.

 The Vult district was packed full of dilapidated habitation blocks and aging sky towers. It was once a thriving industrial sector with sky-rails that reached to the higher levels of the city. Now, it was a disregarded home of bullet farms and oil refinery's. In place of Mega-Corporations or Tanreign governance, it was broken up by a cobweb of gangs and loosely organized crime syndicates. 

 When she looked outside, Lorelei could see small sparks of weapons discharge between gangs, or sometimes lines of chained women being dragged to one of the open slave markets before militia patrols could police the area. Right now, children were scurrying early in the morning; Lorelei did her best to offer them food, regardless of whether they were human or demi's, whenever she could. She was running kind of light on that right now though.

 It wasn't easy, living here with the dark purple robed thugs roaming around. The Courtesans of the Perfect Master owned half the district, running drugs and slaves rampantly, while converting thousands into subservient soldiers to defend the greater territory from other gangs in return for enhanced pleasures or exquisite implants. It was predominantly Cubi and Humans who ran the organization, while all the inhabitants of Vult had to learn how to live with their presence.

 Lorelei got up from her pile of padded sheets, a terrible bed but exuberant compared to her time as a serf during the war, and waltzed over to the shower. The brisk cold water had a chemical smell that was always itchy to her nose. Once clean, Lorelei then dried her pink skin and opened her closet. 

 Inside, she found her chosen arrangement of clothes. A dark blue vestment of smooth latex. It was form fitting, open down the center with gaps along either side of her hips. It barely covered her amble breasts and exposed her childbearing curves. Her work outfit was designed for distracting, just as much as for utility, and it was perhaps the single most expensive thing she had ever owned. It also felt really good against her skin, gently comforting her sensitive flesh. Her tail was free, allowed to weave and bob fluidly in the air, and she had acquired a silver edged brooch for the tip as an additional weapon if needed. She put it on, firmly latching the brooch around the base of her arrow tip before looking herself over in the cracked mirror above the sink.

 "Looking good?" Lorelei adjusted the form fitting latex so that her breasts were more comfortable, then imagined what Theo would think of her, seeing her wearing this. Color flushed her cheeks.

 Like Elves, Cubi preferred to wear as little as possible, often roaming around topless in their own communities. Clothing was an irritant to their sensitive skin, but Lorelei was living in a mostly human district now, and thus she had to wear something for modesty's sake. She chose her outfit well, it was both lucrative enough to single her out as less than easy prey, and distractive enough to keep people from not noticing their wallets suddenly getting lighter or their Siin accounts going blank.

 Just before Lorelei decided to leave, her stomach rumbled, and she suddenly felt a bit lightheaded. 

 Lorelei swore to herself, then searched through her belongings for a small vial and a plastic cup. Mixing the vials contents with water, she took a long drink, then wiped her lips clean. There was a bitter salty aftertaste left in her mouth. It felt good, having a consistent diet ever since escaping the clutches of the combine. This sample came from an Orc two days ago, a rather shy one at that, and Lorelei was happy to relieve it. She even convinced him to pay her for her 'services'. Silly fool, most Cubi would've done it for free. 

 "Imagine a human receiving money for ordering their own food." Lorelei's mind wandered while swilling the cup in her hand. 

 At least it's not from a vine-cock, she breathed, thinking to herself. The Vins were always looking to be fertilized, or fertilize others, and Lorelei hated the taste of their seed. It was always too earthy.

Finishing her simple breakfast, Lorelei took a moment to collect herself, before venturing from her room. It was chilly outside; the halls were dark, and the floor was slightly slanted. She ignored the rats hiding in the corners, trying to remain blissfully ignorant to the shabby state of things until she made her way down the stairs to the main lobby. 

 Just as she reached the ground floor, she noticed the rain outside was growing heavier, and already the sizzling of its sting was leaving behind a small layer of steam off the ground. 

 Lorelei withdrew a small device from her purse, she wasn't one to get implants and thus had to rely on hand held magi-tech for long range communication. She scrolled through her list of contacts and found that someone had already left her a message.

 "About time," she sighed. She leaned against the wall next to the door, watching the rain and the criss-cross of lightning, waiting for a lull in the storm. "Just how bad must it be, for so much to get through the shield?" 

 Looking up, she could see columns of treacherous clouds swallowing the dome of the cities shield. A cold realization hit her. If it weren't for the shield, they would all be smothered by that monster in an instant. Goosebumps prickled her skin, and when she let out a foggy breath, she could taste the fluctuation of humidity in the air.

 She started to shiver, not from the cold, but from old memories of being in the Eshirith Basin. Right now, that whole region must be a smoldering waste. She swallowed, took a deep breath, and waited patiently for the rain to diminish just enough to wander outside. 

 It wouldn't be long.

 She just needed to be patient.

 Like a good girl.