Chapter 5: Vult

 In most districts, anything below the fortieth floor was considered living in the poverty level. In the Vult district, however, almost everything was either ground level or barely reaching that height. Its aging habitation towers were either left abandoned, leaving its higher floors to the most ruthless of gangs, or in such dire state that one could risk life and limb just to live in or near its confines. It wasn't uncommon for an earthquake to shake the district, only for it to be revealed that it was caused by one of the old towers collapsing in on itself.

 Lorelei was fine with living on the ground, she wasn't afraid of heights, but it felt good having solid earth under her feet. She certainly wasn't about to live in the underground. 

 There was a certain charm with the Vult district, a certain displaced attitude that was noticeably different than in the Cubi districts. There was less sexual tension in the air, instead it simmered beneath the surface. There was a haunting silence in the environment, an eerie malaise of unease. There was something else also. As a succubus, Lorelei could prey on the emotional feedback of others. It was like an enhanced womanly instinct, as someone once described it to her, and with that she could feel something cold and sharp emanating from the ground beneath her. It was something akin to suffering but not quite bordering on agony. The people here were layered with depression that accompanied them with a sour smell; even its gangs were strangely apathetic to the world around them. 

 Despite this strange feeling, not once had she been harassed or approached in an unsavory manner since coming here. Rather, most kept their distance from her, sensing the danger of her Redever heritage. Such was the effects of the last war… and the war before that too…

The rain had stopped some time ago, although the skies were not pretty to look at, not that they ever were. She sighed, checking her messenger while walking toward a small parking lot alongside the riverbank. There was a restaurant there, the kind of place where nobody asked too many questions. The food was cheap, the typical super-processed food stuffs from good-meats, purchased in bulk at a steep discount. The coffee was good though, and there was a Tauren girl actively providing fresh milk routinely for customers.

 Lorelei frequented this place sparingly, and only when she needed something late at night. The reason she came here now was on request. A local fixer had contacted her, told her to meet a new client here for some extra bonus work. It must've been good for it to be on such short notice. She didn't trust this fixer, but they hadn't ever skipped out on payment, which put them on her more reliable list.

 Lorelei arrived like a graceful shadow and found a seat outside the restaurant and overlooking the toxic river that separated the district from its neighbor. There was a time it was known as the 'Perfume' river, but now the word 'revolting' would better describe it. The outdoor patio was sheltered from the rain, neon lights fizzled and flickered, and with each table came a holographic menu that spun each time a customer took a seat. The menu was out of focus; its icons lit up with a cheeky smile or a sly grin as if to highlight just how tasty all the food items were.

 Somehow, she doubted that.

 The skyline from across the river was flushed with advertising lights that highlighted the mesmerizing cityscape that was the Attila district. The great Salassorum Bastion could be seen, surrounded by a tapestry of smaller sky-scrappers. Its wide and bulky pyramid structure lit up the sky with numerous search lights. The blocky utilitarian architecture of the Attila district stood in contrast to the sparse and broken collection of towers in Vult.

 In all of her life, Lorelei had never set foot in Attila. Looking at it, she wasn't sure she would ever want to. 

 A few minutes passed. The holographic ads streaming into the sky from Attila reshaped, forming a new image. A tall masculine figure formed from the reshaping false-light. He had a bushy mustache, mutton chops, and short cropped hair. The politician wore a uniform complete with ribbons and decorative flair. He even had several medals pinned to his chest. Almost a comical amount.

 His voice boomed even from a great distance. It was strong, even though it was a holograph and political ad, Lorelei could feel the resentment in his emotional tone.

 "My people, sons and daughters of Voxsturm, the time for retribution is near! We must prepare to finally, once and for all, put the Redevers of Eshirith in their place. No longer can we continue living under the threat of our wayward cousins, all of whom have betrayed us!" The voice of the older politician decreed to the masses. "Stand with me, and we shall put an end to this madness! Our civilization is at stake!"

 Lorelei smirked. If the rumors were true, that man had more than a few concubines of his own. Some of them were even bought in the Vult district. The man was posturing; that, or he was serious about starting another war.

 Memories flashed before her mind. 

The politician continued his speech, but Lorelei was no longer listening. It was for the best anyway, once he was finished talking, the holographic lights reshaped to present the latest rounds of public executions. 

 Lorelei sighed, she was growing bored, tired, and a little hungry. She glanced over to the menu and considered ordering some noodles.

 "Admiring the view?" A figure approached and took the seat across from her. He was shrouded in a dark black coat. The fur collar was damp around his neck, while the beak of his cap protruded from his cowl. He was armed, Lorelei noticed the long blade secured to his belt, while something else was holstered to his opposite thigh. She looked closer without thinking. The gun was definitely not the standard military issue. It wasn't some cheap piece of street scrap either. In fact, Lorelei's interests were peaked. She had never seen a model of that design before. Its frame was sleek, a mix of carbon steel alloy and smooth amber wood gently constructed together without a seam or a single piece of plastic or fiber glass. Definitely not from any common manufacture. There was even a glint of gold inlay in its handle.

 "Is there something on my pants?" The man seemed taken aback by her glaring eye.


 Lorelei swallowed, then shifted her focus. "Sorry." She then sunk back in her chair; her tail hanged low to the ground. She was just so interested in that gun she almost embarrassed herself.

The stranger seemed amused, reaching into his coat pocket and sliding something across the table. The shiny silver coinage glinted from the neon light. The stamp of the TannReign seal was decoratively carved onto its surface.

 "Seen one of these before?" His voice didn't sound like the typical Vult accent. Lorelei had a hard time placing it.

 She looked at the coin. She had indeed seen one of its kind before, but never so close. "Maybe I have…" 

 "How would you like to earn a dozen?" He asked.

 A dozen Dominions! That would easily cover… She reminded herself to keep her composure. Few would ever live to see a single Dominion in their life, let alone half a dozen. The exchange rate for the premium currency would easily cover thousands of Siins.

 "Well?" The stranger seemed to be studying her.

 Lorelei felt awkward, even slightly intimidated, under his peering yellow eyes. She hesitated, took a deep breath, then recovered her composure. She looked back to the riverfront, hoping to avert his prying eye. A juke box near the restaurants front door switched on, it started playing a warm and peaceful tune. It helped to diminish the sound of gun shots coming from several blocks away, likely from gang territory.

 "What do you want me to too?" Lorelei asked the stranger.

 The music drifted for a few seconds before the customer, this strange man, gave her an answer. "Just a simple recon, followed by a smash and grab."

 Lorelei studied him for a moment. There definitely seemed to be more.

 "Doesn't sound too bad," she answered suspiciously. 

 "There's something I need," he leaned in closer, "Something that someone with a certain physique and bearing desirable assets could help me acquire. This job is potentially dangerous, hence why I'm willing to pay a premium. Also, the fixer recommended someone with your particular talents. I must say, you fit the bill almost perfectly."

 Lorelei raised a brow. "So, what am I doing exactly?"

 "Being a good girl, and seducing a fool so I can steal his belongings…"