Chapter 11: Exquisite House

The wind suddenly felt heavier; a cold breeze made her shudder. Lorelei felt goosebumps prickling over her skin as she began to disrobe. She placed her precious, now fully depleted, bodysuit in a plastic delivery parcel, and paid for a drone to deliver it to her apartment. It took a few minutes for the drone to arrive, and despite its armored cowling, it was clear that it had seen plenty of wear and tear. Regardless, she had to trust the little floating drone would return her belongings back to her apartment without delay.

Before going to the Exquisite House, Lorelei purchased a cheap raincoat from a thread vending machine and then decided to wash herself using a public shower house. The coat cost a single Siin, the shower fourteen. The water had a chemical reek to it as well. She made a mental note never to return here again. 

Once clean, she put on the garb given to her. The leggings came without underwear, she was completely exposed. The topcoat only linked her arms and wrapped around her back; it did absolutely nothing to cover her cherry red nipples and soft breasts.

Most would feel completely embarrassed, but Lorelei had done this before. This wasn't her first time wearing an erotic uniform. It was among the most revealing though. Her nipples were so hard they could cut glass, and the tiny hairs between her legs were tickled by the wind. She put on the cheap raincoat so that she had more covering on her way to her destination. It would also help keep some eyes off of her. The raincoat was cheap 3D printed plastic, made for single use, and wasn't very comfortable.

It took a moment to find the Exquisite House. It was down the road, right where Konrad had told her it was, but it wasn't a warehouse per-say, in fact it wasn't even on the surface level, but underground. There was a bridge overseeing the perfume river, under which was a passageway to underground sewage treatment centers. Apparently, the Courtesans of the Perfect Master had chosen one of those centers as their lair. 

Lorelei couldn't help but wonder why Konrad's intel was so off. Perhaps, the gang made a last-minute move? She couldn't help but wonder.

Lorelei had to walk down the utility stairs to get to the front entrance, clutching onto her rain coat all the way down, and noticed a small line leading up to a solitary guard. At the entrance there were several waiting to get in. At the front stood a voluptuous beauty, but there was clearly something different about her. She was human with fair skin, long blonde hair, and her figure was soft and curvy in all the right places… Too many places…

Her body had been modified, altered: either magically, genetically, or perhaps even cybernetically. It was hard to discern from a distance, but the woman clearly had a second pair of breasts further down her abdomen, just below her natural pair. She had scales running down her legs and cyberware decorating her throat and cheek bones. She wore a very similar outfit that Lorelei was wearing beneath the coat but there were coverings for her four nipples, although it was evident they were all pierced.

The sexual excitement from everyone in line was intoxicating. Lorelei could feel the sweat beginning to run down her spine and along the valley of her breasts. There lusts and cravings excited her, making her stomach clench with anticipation. Their emotional yearnings could be felt so tangibly in the air. All Cubi had an extra-sensory capability to sense and even feel some of the sexual cravings of those around them. It helped to find the best source of food, acting as an almost predatory sense for them. To Lorelei, it also came off as a mirage of colors bleeding from the crowd. She could see the hazy aura of reds and pinks, ghostly shapes that hovered around them that grew with intensity as they approached the guard. It would only get worse as they went inside. Lorelei guarded herself, sure of that.

"Hey, over here Succubus." Lorelei turned to find an incubus standing by another hidden doorway. 

She strutted toward him, her body's natural instincts wanted to impress him. She cursed herself, frustrated at her own weakness. It was only natural for a succubus, no matter what her personal desires, to feel an uncanny pull whenever a male counterpart was nearby. Especially when one was addressing her. 

The incubus was blue skinned with a long pair of horns on the forefront of his scalp. Long dark hair, tinted with a bit of red, spilled down his shoulders. He was shirtless, revealing his muscular bulk, and a series of gang tattoos decorated the entire right side of his torso. Red eyes looked at her with interest.

"Funny, I haven't seen you before. Such a beautiful creature. What brings you here?" He looked her up and down. Even with the raincoat, he could just tell she was something special. "I take it you want some nourishment. But still; there might not be a lot of succubi living in Vult, but I know everyone who was invited to partake. And while I love that body of yours, the Courtesans definitely don't know you…"

"Konrad sent me…" Lorelei said quietly. As if to highlight the moment, a bolt of lightning lit up the skies when she spoke his name, followed quickly by a groan of thunder in the distance.

That raised a brow. "Did he now…" He pondered.

Lorelei saw his posture change, clearly uncomfortable, but he recovered quickly enough.

"Do you know the rules, at least?" He finally asked after pausing for several seconds.

Lorelei swallowed. "No… I haven't been to an Exquisite House in a long time… Not here… Not since the war…"

"Sweet and beautiful, and a Redever to boot, so I take it you served?" 

Lorelei nodded.

"And after, you still haven't joined a harem?" He seemed interested. Of course he was. He looked her up and down, clearly liking what he saw. 

If Lorelei wanted, all she had to do was say 'no' and then happily accept his courting. She could be part of his harem before the day was done, and pregnant with his child by the end of the week. And while her body clearly responded to his attention, she wasn't about to do that. Her body might've been exposed, but it belonged to someone else.

Lorelei didn't answer him, merely kept her composure. 

"Hmmm," the incubus sighed to himself, clearly disappointed. "So, let me go over the rules." He opened the door and ushered her inside. 

Lorelei followed, and once through the door she could smell the sweet perfume of succubi sweat and other aphrodisiacs. Clearly, the den was fumigated with special drugs designed to keep people in a near constant state of arousal. While this was just a waiting area, she could hear the music coming from deeper inside. The music was sensual, a steady beat of elegant strings and drum beats all layered under a synthetic soundtrack. It was just loud enough to mask the moans of pleasure, but not loud enough to make conversation impossible.

"So, first off, you better hold onto this." He handed her a small card that had a digital signature. The front of the card had the artwork of a succubus, a rare albino skinned beauty with blue hair clutching a pole. She looked directly at the viewer with a pleasant smile. Interestingly, she wasn't wearing the standard naked uniform but a sheer bodice and long skirt that exposed her thighs.

"That's your invitation, be sure to attach it to the coat or the inner sleeve of your boots."

Lorelei nodded, disrobing the raincoat, revealing her very exposed and nearly naked body. She had to bend over, causing her breasts to hang freely, to slide the card in the inner pocket of the leggings. 

The incubi seemed to like that. He kept his composure polite but clearly wanted to see more. 

As she was getting ready, Lorelei looked around the room. It was a place for succubi to lock up their belongings and prep themselves before walking into the main club. There were a few other succubi there, each of them not paying her much attention. She tossed the cheap coat in a locker, but didn't even bother to lock it up. In truth, she was fine leaving it there. It itched her skin too much.

Once Lorelei was ready, the incubus guided her down a hall where multiple patrons were talking amongst themselves. The halls were dingy, mold could be seen along the corners, but the music and neon lights tried to disguise the rot. The petter-patter drip of black water could be heard in between the rush of music from down the corridor. It didn't take long to get to a larger room. Evidently, it was a break room, a side chamber for guards and staff. It was there that Lorelei saw the depravity behind the rosy colored lens. 

A trio of shadows were sitting by a small table, a pair of orcs were enjoying themselves far too much. A keg was set up for their use, and they were busy talking amongst themselves while enjoying their own conquered prize. A cot was bolted to the floor, and restrained face down was a woman with her legs forcibly spread wide. Semen covered her back, the gooey essence didn't dry up as fast as a humans, instead it spread like slime. Her plump rear was bruised and slapped to the point where it looked painful. Her grunts were shallow, desperate, and the orcs were evidently taking their turns ravishing her. There was so much semen staining the fabric between her legs, that it looked that the woman had been pumped full of the stuff. Lorelei just knew the blindfolded victim was knocked up for sure, or soon would be.

"Don't mind them, they're hear for our protection." The incubus didn't pay them much attention. "We pay them generously for that, as you can see."

Lorelei could tell the woman was drugged; her entire body was shivering. Her skin was coated with sweat, and it mixed with the orcs genetic fluids. The pair of orcs were clearly getting ready to have another round with her before their break was over. 

Lorelei swallowed. The aura coming off the woman started black but quickly rose to a bleeding red hue. Orcs semen was known to alter the bodies of human victims, and continued exposure was slowly altering the womans mind.

She was a goner, that much was certain.

The incubus walked over to the wall and flipped a switch, revealing it to be a wide single-paned glass window, exposing the other side to be a massive chamber where the main party was in full swing. What Lorelei saw sent a jolt of excitement through her loins.

"See those guys over there?" He motioned to the orcs lingering in the corners of the vast space. "If anyone gives you trouble, merely wave to one of them, and they'll handle it."

"Sounds good," Lorelei could only wonder just how many women were being offered to them for their service.

"Are you lactating, by chance?" He asked.

"What? No…" Lorelei was surprised at the question. Then again, her bosom was much larger than any of the other succubi in the room.

"Too bad, we pay extra for succubi milk, so had to ask." He folded his arms over his chest. "But we do have a spell for that if you wanted to earn some extra Siins."

"Don't bother," Lorelei sighed. "Wait… How many Siins?"

"A thousand per liter. You interested?" 

Lorelei looked down, thinking about it. A thousand Siins could feed her for a week, she might even have enough left over for something small like a book or even a movie ticket. She thought about it. There was no doubt they had a spell to encourage her mammaries to produce, it was probably routine for them. It probably wouldn't taste as good, because she wasn't pregnant, but the bounty of her bosom would certainly pass for most customers.

His eyes flashed up and down, measuring her perky nipples, her wide hips, and her slightly wet lower lips. It was for less than a second, but he was definitely very happy with what he saw. "How about I let you get settled in. I can ask you later. Or you can come find me when your done with… Whatever you're here to do." He kept his eyes forward, toward her face, and to his credit, he didn't let his eye wander again. Part of Lorelei wouldn't have minded if he did explore her body again. She shoved that part down, strangled it, rather than let it go any further.

"Sure thing… I'll think about it." She sighed. "But if I do, it's only a one-time thing."

"Of course!" He sounded pleased. "The Courtesans are always honest with their dealings."

'Their' dealings? Lorelei noticed that. Is he not one of them? If so, what is he doing here? She decided not to pry too much. It wasn't her business, even though she couldn't help but be curious. For now, she would focus on her main task.

Lorelei took a moment to get a clear view of the other side of the window. The cement pillars and foreboding atmosphere alluded to the rooms original function, it was a collection point where water was fed through tubes and stored underground. The chamber had been cleaned, and new furniture had been brought in. The walls were painted a dull red, while a chandelier was hanging from the ceiling. There was a central pillow area which was little more than a place for one giant orgy. It was surrounded by pole dancers, and the stadiums they danced upon were slippery as men didn't tip them with Siins but with their ejaculate. 

Succubi danced and mingled with the crowds, most wore the same kind of uniform Lorelei had on, although there were a higher class that were more covered up. Most were blue or gray skinned Seaxamite's, like the incubus next to her, but seated on a barstool toward the far end was a delicate looking Lailine, a rare albino skinned beauty. That one wore a partially see through mesh bodysuit with a push up bra and silver thong. She was flanked on either side by an incubus, each of them obviously trying to court her. Evidently, she wasn't interested, judging by her body language.

Each side of the chamber featured another distraction for guests. The area closest to Lorelei's side entrance featured gambling, with several fully clothed participants playing their fortunes away. Many had cubi on their laps, and it was clear the most elegant and experienced cubi were serving them drinks and yearning for attention. Every so often there would be a human or demi-human slave alongside them, their necks collared, and many carried trays with strings attached to their nipple rings so that they couldn't part with it. Most of them appeared someone dazed, drugged by the thick malaise of narcotics in the air.

The opposite side featured a large bar with other seating areas reserved for those wanting a break from the orgy. Just about everyone sitting here was naked, even the men, or wearing a loose robe over their sweaty bodies. Multiple human slaves, each bearing the mark of the Courtesans, were happily applying oral satisfaction for the many guests while a succubus would assist them. Lorelei couldn't help but notice a woman laying naked, passed out from exhausted, on one of the tables; tally marks were drawn all over her backside.

To the right, where most people entered, there was also a stairway leading to a basement; steam rose from down below. Lorelei assumed there were pools down there. 

Finally, to her left, dozens of women were chained to the wall, each of them naked, and several marked for serfdom. A pair of incubi sat at a table, selling their slaves to customers. Next to them was a smaller room where, horrifyingly enough, women could sell themselves into indentured servitude. Lorelei watched as one woman, a tall red-haired girl, disrobed in front of the guarding incubi to be led inside. She was skinny, and judging by the tattoos on her backside, very much in debt. Lorelei guessed she shouldn't have been so surprised. Some people would do anything to get out of debt, especially if it meant keeping all of their organs and implants intact. Hunger was also a driver and so too were those desperate for memory wipes. More than one war veteran opted to simply wipe their memories and restart under the caring, or even dominating, hands of a master. Such was the way of things, and so too was the way of the Courtesans. There were worse fates than selling yourself to them.

"A couple rules to note," the incubus started, his expression kept neutral, "all drinks are free for you, but don't have more than three without at least entertaining one of the guests. If you want to enjoy the pillow area: no biting, stabbing, choking, or beating is allowed. No gambling is allowed unless you've been given permission. And no, you cannot buy a slave. Not unless you have a sixty percent down payment." He listed out the rules, and Lorelei paid attention.

"Any questions?" He asked.

Lorelei thought about it. "When I want to leave, do I just come back here?"

The grunting of the enslaved woman broke her train of thought. She looked over. One of the orcs was sinking his huge meat stick into her stretched womanhood. She was seething from the mere size of him. The other orc laughed, positioning himself in front of her and getting ready to make use of her throat.

The incubus didn't seem to notice. "Of course. Or you could reach out to me. We have several discrete exits for our kind." He smiled. Lorelei supposed he was actually kind of handsome. "If you wish to clean up, we have a separate bathing area as well. But since no one knows you… Well, if any Courtesan questions you, just flash them that card."

Special treatment, good to know. "Ok. I think I'm good."

"Excellent. And just think about our offer, your milk will definitely sell." He flashed her a smile.

Wait… Does this guy want to buy it? Lorelei felt both honored and a little uncomfortable at the realization.

"Now then, enjoy the party." He stepped to the side, giving her space to exit through door and enter the main chamber.

"Wait…" Lorelei felt apprehensive all of a sudden.

He stopped. "What do you need."

"A drink would be nice." Lorelei glared at the size of the orgy in the center of the chamber. There were dozens of succubi, and even more humans besides. There was so much semen, so much delicious essence just being squandered. She hadn't been in such a packed den full of willing participants in a very long time. Even during the war, in places like this, most the people were prisoners of war with more than a few screaming for mercy before their minds or bodies were altered at the pleasure of Cubi masters. Seeing this brought unpleasant memories, to say the least. But this place was different. Everyone hear was a willing participant, even the slaves seemed happy to join the debauchery. Only the grunts of the woman inside the room, choking on orc cock, seemed not entirely consensual.

"Of course, what could I get you?" The incubus asked.

"Allucia, anything with Allucia please." Lorelei felt like she needed something strong for the occasion. She doubted the Courtesans had any lack of the substance.

The incubus smiled; he walked over to a cabinet where there just so happened to be several bottled spirits and poured her a drink. He handed her the glass, filled neatly to the brim with a bright pink bubbling fluid.

Her eyes lit up, it was an extremely pure version of Allucia; a kind she had only seen once, and that was reserved for high class officers who lorded over everyone else.

She accepted the glass; it felt cool in her hand. As she brought the drink to her lips, she felt the calming refreshment swirl against her tongue. The mystical cocktail instantly hit her senses, it was like a rejuvenating surge of energy spilling down her gullet, followed swiftly by a pleasant after-taste. Her nerves relaxed, and the groaning woman nearby no longer sounded terrible but impassioned. All the guards she had up seemed to melt around her psyche, just for a moment. A glint could be seen behind her eyes, as suddenly, Lorelei no longer felt like being just a 'good girl'. That feeling, that state of being, lasted for only a few seconds, but it felt good.

"Thank you," Lorelei breathed, "I guess I'll just head out there." Lorelei walked toward the door.

"Enjoy the party, let me know if you need anything." The incubus stepped forward and reached out, cupping her cheek and chin in hand. 

The sudden movement surprised her. She instantly felt the implication. Carefully, politely, Lorelei brushed him aside. "I'll let you know." She didn't want to piss him off, but didn't like him touching her either.

He nodded and watched her approach the door. Lorelei could feel his eyes on her backside, but the Allucia had dulled her nerves enough to no longer care.

The door opened automatically for her, the card she carried likely the activator, and she strode outside to a room full of debauchery, splendor, and wanton sex. The heat of the air impacted her like a warm balm. The first breath of air came with a titillating sense of euphoria. All the colorful auras in the room also added to the disorienting pleasure.

Shit, this could be trouble… Lorelei clutched onto her glass and proceeded forward.