Chapter 28

Ivonne's POV

"Careful, careful," I chanted in worry as Lora maneuvered the large glass pot where I had transferred the ready and delicious spaghetti into so it can be placed on the dining table.

Steam emmited from the transparent dish, filling the dining area and living room with its captivating aroma. I stood close to Lora as she lowered if on the wooden surface, ready to jump in for the rescue if there was any mishap.

"Phew," we both mumbled in relief as it was situated safely. We gave each other a look before chuckling at our synchronized reaction.

"Help me set the utensils while I arrange the plates," I said and handed her the pile of spoons, forks and knifes beside the stack of plate on the table. 

She obeyed and in less than a minute three spots on the table was set for the Tobias, Lora and I. The spaghetti in the glass dish positioned at the center with a scooping fork in it.