Natasha stepped into the house with a huge grin on her face. Two weeks had passed by since she got those maniacs arrested, and they were now locked behind bars. She chuckled as she pictured how pissed off and helpless they would probably be feeling.
She stepped into her room, casually placed her school bag on her bed, before heading for the wardrobe.
"What should I wear?"
She said as she held a red track-suit on one hand and on the other hand was a blue jeans jacket and trousers.
"Oh, you really have no taste." she said, sounding tired.
She returned the track suit and placed the jeans on her bed.
"Let's just go with this. It casual, or should I dress formally? No, not really, it ain't like we are having dinner at one of those fancy restaurants. I'm very sure having dinner at one of those crowded local restaurants tastes better than sitting at a fancy table, and speaking in hushed tone.
She places a white canvas by the bed.
"Or should I go all white? No, I think this is okay."
She took a deep sigh, a bit nervous as to how to behave in the midst of five boys as the only girl among them. She was finding it hard, whether to dress girlish or boyish.
"Stop worrying Natasha, they will understand that you don't like acting all girlish. Why don't we take a shower."
Natasha had this big smile on her face as she walked down the stairs. Truth be told, it had been a very long time she had dinner with friends.
With friends?
Or rather, a friend. Natasha was the type to keep to herself, but people kinda liked her because of her daring attitude. Atimes her, her attitude made people like her, but most of the time, she gained herself more haters. Not like she cared anyway, she preferred having just one sincere friend, than having over ten, who would not think twice before pushing one to danger.
"Where to?"
The smile on her face disappeared slowly as she looked around the dark living room in search of the owner of the voice.
He was standing just a few distance from her, but he could tell that she was yet to pinpoint which direction his voice came from, since he could see her moving her head slowly as she looked around with large eyes. He took a sip from the cup he was holding.
He turned his back and moved to another spot.
Natasha smiled to herself. Happy with herself that she had guessed where he stood, by listening to the sound of the sip. She was sure he took that sip on purpose, so she could guess where he was.
Her uncle was always so adamant on having her get used to the dark as soon as she steps out of the light into the dark.
And he was right to have her get used to it. Knowing her personality, she was the type to anger people without even knowing she already was making enemies, she was the type to speak her mind out, not caring what effects it had on the person, she was the type to go after justice, even though the person who had been wronged was not seeking justice.
And being attacked in the dark was something she had experienced. She had ended up seriously injured, but what had annoyed her the most was the fact that she had been unable to land a hit on any of those idiots. But she got comforted by the fact that those idiots also knew that they would have been no match for her, had they fought during the daytime or in a lighted area.
Her smile widened when she remembered all the training her uncle had put her through after she recovered. She stepped fully into the dark, and approached where she believed the seats were.
She sat on one of the chairs, crossed her legs, and let out a chuckle.
"Uncle." she called out to him, even though she could not tell or guess exactly where he was.
"I'm having dinner with my friends."
"Friends!" she heard his deep voice say in surprise, even though he tried to hide the fact that he was surprised.
Whenever she heard his voice, she always felt confused. His voice made her nervous and at the very same time, it was comforting to hear his voice. Well, that was how she felt, she could not tell if others felt that way.
"Did you lose hope on me?" she chuckled
"I have friends now. Riley and his big brother, Richard. And three male classmates of ours?"
She was all smiles as she spoke, anyone could tell from how excited her voice sounded.
"No female friend?"
Her heart sank a bit, hearing him ask that.
"Not yet."
Ever since Cassie died, she was afraid of befriending a female.
The place became silent for a minute or so.
"Hey, you know, it would be nice if you join us."
She was doing her best not to ruin the good atmosphere.
Still not hearing a word from her uncle, she figured out he was not planning to say anything to what she said.
"Riley is always speaking about wishing to meet you."
She got excited for a second
"So you're coming?"
"Why give me hope, all just to crush it later?"
"If he wants to see me so badly, he can just come visit."
Natasha scoffed hearing him say that. It made him sound Iike a very proud person.
"I don't remember saying he wants to meet you so badly."
"Then why make it sound so?"
"Riley is always speaking about wishing to meet you."
Her uncle said, mimicking her voice.
Natasha took a deep sigh when she realized she could not win this battle against him.
"Never mind. I just kinda think you two would be good friends, since you both love flowers."
She got up and approached the door, doing her very best to walk as quietly as possible. Hoping her uncle would not be able to tell where she was, until she opens the door.
Upon placing her palm on the door knob
She heard his deep voice say.
She wished so badly that he really didn't know exactly where she was. If he did, then she would have to lose a game she started without his knowledge and which rules she made.
"Be happy. Have a nice time with your friends."
After he said this, she heard his footsteps. She facepalmed herself, as she didn't need anyone telling her that she had lost her own game. He really did figure out where she was. She opened the door, and the look of defeat she had in her face just a second ago, turned to a smile.
"Be happy." she said.