Forgive Me

Finally, Riley decided to meet Carl. Riley walked in front, and Carl walked behind, all the while staring at the backside of his pretty man.

Riley stopped at the back of a building, and Carl followed suit. They both stood apart, staring into each other's eyes. Carl stared at Riley's clear blue eyes, it looked calm, and Carl felt something drawing him to it. Riley's voice snapped him out of it.


Those tiny small lips aroused Carl, and he went on fantasizing on the many places he would love to feel those lips on his body.

"I appreciate the love, and the time you've given me. The gifts, flowers, letters, they keep coming." Riley said as he rose up a wooden box he was carrying, then dropped it.

"But you see."

Carl could not understand what was happening. Everything was going so lovely just a while ago, so why the need for a 'but'.

"Wait a second Riley, you don't..."

"I'm sorry Carl, but you see this letters, I can't accept them."

Riley could see the pain in Carl's eyes.

'He must really love me, but I can't bring myself to love him, I just can't let love hurt me, no.' Riley thought to himself.

Riley's gaze softened. He really didn't have the heart to turn down Carl. But he didn't want to give him some false hopes.

Remember, turn them down in a way that will make them either understand or hate you.

"I'm not ready for a relationship. And even if I am, I have no such feelings for you."

Carl's face sank, his lips parted but uttered nothing. His eyes stared at Riley as Riley picked up the box a second time, but this time around, he brought it closer to his chest.

Carl didn't know whether to see this as a sign of hope or respect. But what he saw next, was something he never would have imagined.

Riley approached the trash bin that was just behind him. He opened the box all the while looking at Carl, as he brought out a letter.

"Carl, I was going to return these to you, but I realized it will only sadden you the more. So, let me throw them all away, so you do not think too much about what happened between us, even though nothing really happened. I know you're gonna hate me now, but I do hope that you will understand, and find it in your heart to forgive me. "

He threw the content of the box, along the box into the bin, then walked away without looking back. There was no going back.


Natasha scoffed as she rested her back against her chair.

"That bastard." she cursed out loud.

"How dare he still play the pity card, and even have the heart to do all that to you?"

Riley smiled, seeing her fuming with anger made him feel safe. He was really grateful he had a friend like her, no, he was grateful he had her as a friend.

"It doesn't matter anymore, he's learnt his lesson the hard way, all thanks to you."

They both chuckle as they got up and walked up the stairs and into their rooms.