Chapter 59: Unmasking the Enemy

Ace's POV

The shock on Chief Gareth's face was evident when Philip spoke, but Ray and I couldn't help but share a knowing smile—it finally clicked in my mind. I could see the motive of the bandits clearly now. I just needed proof or torture some bandits again so they would spill out their motives. 

"Philip, are you absolutely sure that the female traveler who helped us during the bandit attack was the one Khaleed spoke with?" Chief Gareth's voice was steady, but I could sense the tightness around his jaw.

"Yes, Chief. She had black hair with green highlights, strikingly beautiful. There's a mole right on her forehead, and... well, she has huge breasts, just like the villagers I interviewed described," Philip said, a sheepish grin spreading across his face. "Sorry, Chief. I could've left that part out."