
As they finally got to the headmasters' office Jin felt a powerful yet calm aura through the door and somehow it also felt familiar, Jin stood there for a couple of seconds before someone inside the office called them.

"Come in."

'I knew it, this guy's powerful enough to sense me even though I hid my mana.'

Jin entered the door with Emilia behind him, and as he finally entered the room Jin was amazed, the office was in a completely different place, expansion magic was used to make the room bigger than it was from outside, the scenery was that of a peaceful grassland, flowers covered the ground as Jin deduced that the headmaster was also the one behind the creation of the garden.

But unlike the garden, this place had a more dense and controlled mana.

A long haired man stood in the middle of the grassland whilst sitting down preparing tea, Jin could sense that the tea wasn't an ordinary one.

"So, What're you doing here, Jin?"

The headmaster said calmly while looking back as he gazed at the scenery of his creation as he sipped tea.

Jin, while looking at the man instinctively asked.

"Who are you? you know me?"

He said with amazement in his voice, Jin had never felt such a powerful aura before...before even properly knowing the man he already knew that he stood no chance even if he was at his prime.

The man sighed.

"Don't you recognize me?"

He said as he turned to look at Jin, as Jin saw his face his eyes immediately widened, Jin felt a surge of nostalgia, despite the drastic change in his face Jin could never forget.

"It's been a while hasn't it?"

The man said as he tilted his head while smiling at Jin.

Meanwhile Emilia whispered towards Jin.

"You knew the headmaster?"

She asked yet Jin was silent, his eyes were focused onto the man as if he couldn't believe what he was seeing, the complete utter shock in his face was obvious.


Jin stuttered as he approached the man.

"How are you alive??"

Jin asked as he held back his tears after finally reuniting with his master that he thought to have died.

The man hesitated as he answered Jin's question.

"First, sit."

He said while gesturing to the chair in front of him.

"What about me?"

Emilia asked awkwardly not wanting to interrupt their conversation.

"Go meditate for now, the mana here should help you in breaking the seal."

The headmaster said to Emilia as she nodded and walked back.

"Here have some tea, it's made from Mana Roses...that should help you recover your power."

The man said as he poured tea into Jin's glass.

"How did you know? That I lost my powers."

"Who wouldn't? The mana I sensed from you was too little even if you were suppressing it, also you're finally getting a student huh?"

Jin was silent for a moment.

"Where were you."

Jin whispered as he sipped his tea whilst waiting for an answer.

"It's a long story."

The man said as he continued to tell Jin what happened to him.

-It all started 5 years ago when I was training you to become the next person to hold title of "Null" a few months after I started training you on the mountain of the "Frost Dragon"...the extremely low temperature there caused monsters to mutate whenever they appeared from a portal.-

Author: Disasters and Calamities will be further explained later on.

-As I was about to defeat an S rank calamity I noticed fluctuations from the energy coming from the portal, at first I thought that an "Irregular" was about to spawn...I wasn't prepared for what was about to happen next, A few minutes after I defeated the S rank calamity, I was going back to the portal to leave, but as I arrived at the location the portal wasn't there.-

-I was stuck there for years...maybe even decades due to the time dilation the portal had I only managed to survive because of the monsters' bodies and rain, and in there my hair grew and turned white yet my face stayed young due to the dense mana, I roamed around while training myself hoping I could still get out...the mana there was denser than that of earth thus helping me achieve my current power now, -

-Then one day while I was roaming around as usual looking for the portal, I sensed a familiar mana a couple kilometers away, as I arrived near there, I saw a glimpse of the portal, after seeing it I flew the fastest I ever could, and after being away from civilization for so long I finally reunited with it.-

"Then one thing led to another which got me to make this school."

Jin was surprised at the man's story.

"I knew something was couldn't have died in a portal like that."

Jin was relieved, he reunited with his master that was long thought to be dead 

"Now...since your here how about we finish your training that you skipped for 5 whole years, and the timing's good too, I just finished my tea."

The man said with a devilish smile on his face, as Jin suddenly remembered the hellish memories that he subconsciously hid in the deepest parts of his memories.

And meanwhile Emilia was meditating as she gathered the dense mana around her, she suddenly levitated from the ground, sudden strong gusts of winds emanated from her destroying the nearby land and as her body glowed bright blue a majestic frozen pattern formed behind her.

The two of them upon seeing this stood up from their seats amazed at the sudden event that was happening.

"Is this actually happening?"

Jin shouted as he witnessed this, slowly walking near Emilia with his eyes filled with fascination.

"She's about to enter the next level."

The headmaster said as he calmly gazed at the beautiful phenomenon he was witnessing.

'This girl's talent is impressive!'

Jin thought to himself as his eyes were locked onto Emilia.

Meanwhile the headmaster's face seemed distraught.

"She's destroying my beautiful flowers."

He said as he bit his nails.

After a few moments Emilia's energy finally calmed down, she opened her eyes as her senses were enhanced, and unlike Jin's her senses were much more controlled, her eyes could perceive more, her ears could hear the blowing of soft blowing winds.

Jin walked towards her as he congratulated her.

"Congrats, you've entered the ranks of the elites."

Jin said as he reached out his hand to her.

"Thanks...I feel so different, so this is how every level 6 and above see the world?"

She asked as she gazed at her surroundings fascinated at the movement of mana around her, while also noticing the damage she did to the terrain.

She apologized after discovering her mistakes.

"Ah! I'm so sorry headmaster, I couldn't control it..."

The headmaster looked at her as he squinted his eyes.

"Hmm...ok, you've been forgiven as my grand disciple."

After hearing the headmaster say this Emilia was confused.

"Grand Disciple? Do you perhaps mean that..."

"Yes, Jin was my disciple and that makes you my grand disciple."

Emilia after hearing this finally connected the dots as to how they knew each other before.

And upon examining Jin closely she realized something was wrong, she sensed that Jin had too little mana despite being titled the strongest soldier.

"Master Jin are you perhaps...a fraud?"

She asked suspiciously as she circled Jin.

Jin sighed before explaining to her what happened to him and after explaining everything Emilia understood what was happening but she questioned Jin on why he took on a disciple despite being on a bad situation.

"I have a plan, and don't worry no one knows that your my disciple for now and as long as that continues you should be safe."

Jin said as she reassured her.

'I know taking a disciple despite being in this condition is a mistake but, since I have master back now I can leave her to him after I go on my mission.'

"Ah, Jin I really am getting old huh, I almost forgot that we were resuming our late training."

He said with a sinister smile as he looked at Jin.

Suddenly Jin's tone turned serious.

"Wait, master...A month from now I'm going on a mission, I'd like you to train Emilia on my behalf from then on."

"Hm? Sure."

Jin was surprised at his master's approval, he didn't expect him to agree to easily, then Jin's master said something that made him regret ever coming to the school,

"On one condition, I train you for one month with no breaks, but I'll also train Emilia while you're busy."

'Wait no! Why am I hesitating like this, I need to get back my full power if I want to continue protecting people!'

Suddenly Jin's eyes were full of determination, he agreed at his master's condition before finally starting his training.

They forgot about the main thing they went there though as they were now completely focused on just getting stronger.

To Be Continued