Angel Haniel led Kara to a more beautiful sight. This time the city had different mansions.

"Angel Michael!". Angel Haniel called out.

"I am here. I know what the Lord ask of me. You may go now". Angel Michael replied Haniel with a smile and turned to Kara.

"Lucifer really fought hard for you. Come let's go to Father Abraham's mansion". Angel Michael said and held Kara by her hand.

Meanwhile, in hell, Lucifer was raging. "Why do God always do this. I need to speak with one of the angels. No, I've humiliated myself enough. Lilith, my brave cohort, see if you can talk to Haniel".

"Okay Master". Lilith replied.

Lilith stepped out and moved over to Angel Haniel. "Hey. What is happening". She asked.

Angel Haniel ignored her and kept working.

"You don't have to be so mean. It's not fair that others get to be thrown inside hell and she been just like them, still moved over to your place". Lilith nagged to Angel Haniel.

"If you really need to iron this out, fine. Stay at your place. She would come to you". Angel Haniel responded and continued working.

Lilith not understanding what Angel Haniel meant, smiled happily and hopped back into hell.

"Master! Master! She will meet us soon". She delivered the misunderstood news to Lucifer.

Lucifer smiled wickedly. "Ah!!!!!!!!!!!!Ah!!!!!! I need water!!!!!!!!". Screams of a lot of people burning erupted in the air.

"I'm in pain to. Aren't you Lilith? Why do they have to shout like that. Hey! Keep it down you guys. This is your home forever. Get use to it. Oh! I'm in pain too, that is why I lured you all here! I can't suffer alone. I need to go bring more souls from earth". Lucifer said and walked away.

At Father Abraham's mansion. Angel Michael explained the whole thing to him while Mother Sarah sat beside Kara. "Have you been given a second chance?". She asked Kara.

Kara simply nodded and kept looking at Father Abraham's direction.

"Kara, Angel Michael will show you to your earthly father. I hope you act wiser with the last chance given to you by our Lord". Father Abraham told Kara.

Angel Michael and Kara bid their goodbyes and left the mansion.

They got to a dark alley. Angel Michael opened a tunnel. Kara could feel the heat from the tunnel. It was hell.

"I thought I was given another chance". Kara panicked.

Angel Michael ignored her and called from above. "Lucifer!!! Show me Nidal Williams".

Lucifer who was carrying out his missions, deceiving people on earth heard Angel Michael's voice. The angel he hated the most. He became annoyed.

"What do you want him for?". He asked Angel Michael in a calm manner. Lucifer had fought with Angel Michael before now and it wasn't an easy fight. To avoid such scenario, he had to speak politely.

"His daughter is here to see him". Angel Michael replied.