Lying on a hospital bed and literally tied up with ropes - probably something similar to a belt, actually - that kept him strapped to the bed, Keiji was unable to move his arms and legs. That was the measure those guys in lab coats decided to take regarding his psychotic and obviously suicidal outburst that he had exactly seven hours ago.
It's not the first time he goes crazy like this. However, it is the first time that this depressive, resentful, and self-punitive feeling stemming from his bipolar disorder has appeared in this life.
In the early years of his previous life, Keiji was known as the neighborhood's abnormal child. According to the words of the psychiatrists his parents consulted, not long after he showed some signs, he has type 1 bipolar disorder, is a megalomaniac, and also exhibits some characteristics of a budding sociopath.
His bipolar disorder is genetic, and he doesn't find it so surprising. His mother also had those same mood swings, such as moments of euphoria and moments of depression, and, moreover, it was through her that Keiji acquired some traumas during childhood.
Megalomania is a psychological disorder characterized by an exaggerated self-esteem and by delusions and fantasies of power, relevance, or omnipotence. Some characteristics of people who have this disorder are feeling superior to others, manipulating people around them, believing that their presence is indispensable anywhere, idealizing themselves, lack of interest in the opinions of others, aggressive behavior, among other things.
In the past, megalomania was treated together with narcissistic personality disorders, but starting in 1968, it began to be considered a non-clinical state. At least, that's what Keiji had read in the browser, in his previous life. He didn't live in that era; his parents hadn't even been born yet, actually. So, he doesn't know if it's really true information.
He is not a narcissist, however. Keiji recognizes that he has enough flaws so that the image he has of himself has never become a reason for exaggerated admiration or excessive passion. There are moments when he has enough self-esteem not to feel ashamed of anything, of course, but even so, he continued to look at himself in the mirror very briefly and wondered if what he was seeing was actually an animal that had forgotten how to evolve.
If there were a contest to determine who the stupidest human on the planet is, Keiji is sure he would be disqualified even before participating, as he has always been more than professional in this specific area.
Sociopathy is a psychological disorder that causes impulsive, hostile, and antisocial behavior. This disorder is characterized by an exacerbated egocentrism, which leads to a disregard for the feelings and rights of others. A sociopath has no attachment to moral values and is capable of simulating feelings to manipulate others. Moreover, their inability to control their negative emotions makes it very difficult to establish a stable relationship.
This is one of the characteristics of Keiji's personality, some of his greatest flaws.
Keiji also has a rare neurological condition characterized by extraordinary intellectual abilities in certain areas. He has savant syndrome, and his most prominent intellectual ability is music.
Probably, this is the reason why and how he learned to play the guitar more easily than his cousins.
Keiji sighed, imagining how he should proceed to adapt to the darkness that would be present in his good and bad moments.
He acknowledges that artificial eyes are not like a leg or false teeth. These prosthetics do not serve the function of real eyes; their benefits are purely social and psychological.
And a glass eye is not, contrary to what many might imagine, solid like a marble. It is actually a hollow hemisphere. It's just a thin shell that is fitted into the place of the damaged eye - of course, if that eye still exists.
Otherwise, the prosthesis is fitted over a sphere that was surgically implanted in the eye socket and connected to the eye muscles, and this is the case with Keiji's two artificial eyes.
Most artificial eyes have some type of movement, just like their prostheses.
Moreover, glass ocular prosthesis cannot be polished, so they need to be replaced every 2 years.
Since Keiji cried a few hours ago, the surface of his prosthetics is starting to become a bit corroded, and they have a dull appearance because of his tears.
Internally, Keiji was thinking about eventually removing his glass prostheses and replacing them with acrylic ones. That is, if he can find any acrylic eye prosthesis.
A few moments after being tied to this hospital bed, Keiji could no longer perceive anything around him.
When he woke from his sleep, he most likely activated the principle of territory, En, unconsciously, probably as a way to gradually adapt to the sensation of not being able to see.
Now, Keiji admits that En will be his main way of perceiving the world around him and everything in it. This principle of Nen will become his crutch, and he didn't say that metaphorically.
However, he still needs to focus on using some crucial senses for his daily mobility.
Hearing and touch will be some of your greatest allies, along with a cane and sunglasses.
Keiji considered that he wouldn't go to school until a somewhat distant future.
He won't be able to read books that are not written in braille, as he cannot see the letters printed on the pages of those books.
Writing wouldn't be so difficult, however. He could learn it again by focusing on the movements of his hand while writing.
However, he still wouldn't know if he managed to write correctly.
Using technological devices like phones or computers would also not be possible. Keiji cannot see what is being displayed on a phone's touch screen or what would appear on a computer monitor, even with his perception.
Thus, Keiji let out a light and short laugh. Now, he considers himself finally free from the headaches and frustration that the internet had bestowed upon him over the years.
But he quickly stopped laughing. Keiji recognized that if he ended up attending some school, his studies would be really different from what he was used to.
He acknowledges that, as he is now a blind child, the way he must live his daily and school life - even though he hates the idea of attending an educational institution again - will never be identical to how he lived when he truly had eyes.
Approximately two hours ago, Keiji activated Zetsu, seeking to gradually eliminate fatigue.
This would not diminish their growing hunger and thirst, however.
"It's horrible care for the patient... 0 out of 5, I wouldn't recommend it."
So, after his fatigue diminished a bit, he activated Gyo, concentrating his aura in his ears.
Thus, he managed to overhear the conversation that some doctors and nurses were having in the room located to the right of the room where he is literally trapped and isolated.
"... Did he develop some kind of disorder?" Asked a voice that had a rough tone.
"In fact, it is much more likely that he felt genuine fear, or some other strong emotion. He no longer has eyes, all of you know that. The feeling of having suddenly woken up from a coma that lasted for years only to discover that you can no longer see would be terrifying for anyone." A softer voice quickly responded with a tone of disgust. "Don't you have any empathy?"
"Oh, so now we are heartless doctors indifferent to the feelings of our patients? You can be as insensitive as we are when you want, man."
"I'm actually curious about something else. His vocal cords... They are restored."
"Are you serious?"
"Is this serious, Homer? Is that really a question? We all saw and heard that boy screaming like a barbarian before he started punching himself in the face. We witnessed a demonstration of hate live and in color, literally."
"And it is really abnormal that he can speak normally, if we think about it more. Before today, his vocal cords were completely destroyed. Now, they are completely... completely healed. There is not the slightest trace of the severe and deep wounds we saw before and after we removed the bullets."
"So, he is… Is he a mutant?"
"Of course not, William! We saw everything in him, everything. We observed and analyzed everything in his body. Wakui does not have mutant genes, so this supposed regeneration is not a mutant power ability."
"I demand silence." A deep voice said, interrupting them. "Well, it wasn't something unpleasant, was it?"
"Well, while you are talking like the irresponsible people you are, there is someone who hasn't eaten or drunk a single glass of water in the room next to this one, since they woke up. It's that child you idiots decided to tie to a bed and also the person you're whispering about. Moreover, you prevented his sister, the person who is literally living in that damn hallway, from entering that damn room."
"Medical negligence also kills, and you know that very well."