Interlude III

Curia Nat, Raecum, Oriens

Beginnings of 572


The tribal wars ended after the execution of the Basileus, and, in turn, Magister Militum, Lino Victorinus, who at one time was full of glory, being one of the most respected and loved men in the whole Empire.

However, driven by his greed, he attempted a plot against the Senate. Which proved unsuccessful, and in the death of many high commanders, in five hundred and sixty-eight.

There were almost four years in which there was no Basileus and no Magister. Everything, during that time of instability, was under the control of the Senate.

Only after those years, and taking into account not to give both powers to a single person, did the senators deign to vote.

The chief of them all, Tricosto Rufo, positioned himself in the center of the atrium to present the two candidates he himself had chosen.

"For Magister Militum, I present Philipart Cynther. A young general who served under Victorinus during the tribal wars. Great strategist, impulsive, and submissive," at the end of his words, the doors of the hall were opened, and the aforementioned entered the place, wearing a black robe.

In spite of his age, he looked slightly aged; a somber and dull look dominated him.

"And for Basileus, we have Lanato Arcadio Agrícola. Belonging to a family of good lineage, for a time impoverished because of the mismanagement of their coffers. A weak-minded man.

He entered, head bowed and back hunched. Wearing a purple robe, feigning high, and, lost, social status.

They did not need to hear more, just by looking at their faces and the way they acted, they realized how very beneficial it would be if they controlled the image and strength of the Empire.

Without warning, they rose from their seats, and clapped their hands in approval of the boys.

Tricosto Rufo smiled, already expecting this reaction from the senators.

"Agrícola," Philipart approached the aforementioned, at a cautious pace so as not to exalt him.

"Te-Tell me," with his eyes still lowered, he answered.

Philip raised his hand, touching him on the shoulder, causing him to raise his head.

"It will be a pleasure to work with you."