Chapter XIII - Why should I help you?

Cirveste, Afriki

Beginning of the fourth week of the first month of 576


"Are you feeling nervous, imperator?"

"Questioned Philipart, Pertinax Leptis, after seeing him trembling and swallowing constant saliva."

"I've only just met him, I wasn't even present at his birth.... How do you think I'm going to feel nervous? Ha!" He smirked and relaxed his arms.

Philipart's irony irritated Pertinax, who let out a mumbled groan and turned his eyes to the front.

After the uprising of all Afriki, Leptis, praefectus of Cirveste, was appointed protector of the southwestern border of the region, threatened by the maros, a tribe, not so aggressive, but that could present some problems in the future.

The work had already begun, with troops stationed along the border, very well nourished.

However, just a few days ago....

"What about this?" He passed the object through his hands.

"It is a letter sent by Ariamiro, chief of the Maros.

During one of his lunches, a messenger came to him, handing him the aforementioned object.


 Praefectus Pertinax, we are aware of the present situation of the Empire, for which reason I, Ariamiro, invite you to parley a pax that will be full of dignity for both sides. But, it will only be given if Agatón Sirius, the bastard son of the rebel, is present. If not, you can forget about the pax.


He did not delay or hesitate to make a copy of the letter and send it to the imperator.

In passing, he requested his presence.

Now they were both at the entrance of Cirvestes, waiting for Sirius to arrive.

"There he is...." Philip swallowed, taking a step back, as if to escape the situation he was about to face, when he saw a carriage pulling up alongside the main road.

A beautiful young man with blond hair dancing in the wind and beautiful yellow eyes got out of the carriage.

With his feet on the ground, he approached the men who were anxiously waiting for him.

First, he observed Pertinax, to whom he made a bow that was reciprocated.

After that, he turned to Lipart, without bowing.

"Are you my father?," he asked.

His gaze reflected genuine curiosity, not rancor.

Both men were slightly surprised. Expecting a reaction and coarser words towards Philip.

"Yes…. I am your father." He raised a hand, placed it on the boy's shoulder, and accompanied it with a forced smile.

"I am very glad to meet you."

His doubt cleared, he bowed to him, leaving him speechless.

"But, it seems to me that now is not the time for a warm reunion, is it?" He turned his gaze to Pertinax, who had remained the same as Philipart.

Leptis merely nodded, after which, pointing the way and accompanied by guards, they walked towards the dining rooms, where Ariamiro was already waiting.

Next to the aforementioned, a young girl with smooth and beautiful skin was seated.

What was most striking about her were her eyes, each of a different shade: a crimson red and a beautiful greenish-vegetable.

The trio of men took seats on the other side of the table, facing the visitors.

Philipart felt a bad vibe.

And how could he not?

The dining room was divided in two: one side, filled with maros warriors, covering the backs of Ariamiro and his daughter; while the other, filled with legionaries, protecting Lipart and his entourage.

With a sign, Pertinax indicated to Ariamiro that he could now begin to speak.

"We are in no condition to have a conflict between us."

He looked around at the men, receiving nods, except from Agatón, who, because of his youth, did not fully understand the situation.

"Please, to the point."

Philipart no longer only had that bad vibe, but now it was because of the withering look that the young girl was giving him.

She whispered words that, although he could not understand them, by the expression she wore, he sensed that they were against him.

"We will not attack the borders of the Empire, we will recognize its authority, we will deliver troops to serve its armies and we will pay taxes, whether in gold or silver."

Philipart and Pertinax looked at each other in disbelief.

Had they really heard correctly?

It was the first time that a tribe had willingly surrendered to Imperial rule.

True, they wanted to achieve pax with them, but, at best, they longed for a non-aggression pact and that was it, not something like what Ariamiro was offering them.

"In exchange," he called the men's attention, "they will recognize us as a federated kingdom to the Empire, giving us their protection and sending us doctors, who, as far as we know, are very well trained, to our villages. The disease is devastating them."

"All at once!"

Philipart rose from his seat roughly, resting his hands on the table.

"Where to sign?!"

His reaction drew laughter from Ariamiro, who also stood up, with a smile, at the Imperator's approval.

"No signature," he pointed to the young girl, "she will be the ratification and the only proof of this deal."

Philipart twisted his head and frowned.

What he wanted was two signatures on a piece of paper; a more secure way to validate something.

"What are you talking about?," he asked.

Ariamiro turned his eyes to Agatón, smirking now.

"Your son, you bastard," he emphasized that word, making Lipart squint his eyes, becoming alert, "will marry my beloved daughter, Rusha."

"What?!" Agatón stood up suddenly, his eyes wide, his cheeks hot, his body trembling."

"No problem. "

"What do you mean, no problem?!"

The boy turned to Lipart at the quick acceptance.

"You didn't raise me, so legally you have no right to make decisions about my life!"

Philip rolled his eyes.

"Maybe I didn't raise you. But I recognized you and signed your birth certificate, so I have parental rights. Don't be dramatic, you'd better rejoice, you'll have a beautiful young woman under your roof." He leaned close to her ear. "Imagine the possibilities...."

Agathon couldn't help but be thrilled to hear it.

"All ri-right, I acce-accept."

Without realizing it, and without consulting him in detail, he had agreed to a planned marriage.

He would be accepting an arranged marriage for the benefit of the one who had not taken the patience to visit him at any time in his life.

He had met him just ten minutes ago and, instead of apologizing for not having been present in his life, he was using him to get the situation in the region under control, not out of love or wanting to give him a wife to feel loved.

But, after Philipart's vague motivation, the idea did not displease him at all. And the more he was encouraged! When he noticed that Rusha was looking at him with a gentle smile. She, though also obliged, did not mind the idea.

Ariamiro, who seemed about to speak, was interrupted by Pertinax.

"Excuse me, but I would like to know what kind of illness fell upon your people."

The smile that had formed on the chief's face faded when he heard the question.

Remembering the precarious situation in which his people found themselves distressed him. He, because of his limited resources, could do little. They inhabited vast deserts, with enough to live on, but not enough to survive.

"His fingers and hands turned black." He raised his arms, clenching his fists. "Buboes appear in their armpits and neck, giving them extreme fatigue."

"Ah…. The plague," commented Agatón, to whom those present turned to look.

"How do you know that?" Pertinax grabbed him by the shoulder, observing him curiously.

"My uncle is a doctor, he taught me some things."

The sentence made Philipart smile.

Apparently, his absence had not prevented the boy from receiving a good education.

"Don't worry," Lipart began, "our doctors know how to treat and cure that disease, it won't be a problem."

"Let it be done then!" The abrupt and unexpected shout exalted Philipart, to whom he extended his hand. "Let's shake forearms, and this pact will be sealed!"