Chapter XVI - You!

Private room, Curia Yiretia, Lugrum, Asians

Third week of the first month of 576


"Mildred Traugott!" With his legs on the table, Crásico raised his arms, welcoming the newcomer. "I'm glad that after all this time you're still in the habit of arriving before the appointed hour."

The boy bowed his head in greeting, gratified by the man's words.

"It is good to see you again, magister Crásico."

"Ah!" He rose from his seat roughly, exalting Traugott. "Again! I told you you shouldn't refer to me as you anymore."

Mildred guffawed at the scolding. Making him angry was something she liked, mostly because, with him, she didn't react in a bad way, as she would with someone else.

"Besides, I'm not a magister anymore."

The boy's amused expression turned quizzical when he heard that.

"How so?" He twisted his head, frowning.

"I had a little conversation with the council of Lugrum... We came to the conclusion that, using certain titles in some jobs, makes us stay related to the Senate of Raecum."

Traugott paid attention to what Crassus was saying.

"Then what about praefectus, captain, marchio, and his title of magister militum?"

"That of militum has been divided into two: magister peditum, and, magister equitum, one against the soldiers and the other the cavalry."

The last word made Traugott's eyes widen.

It would be the first time that the military unit originally devised by the viceroyalty would be used on Imperial territory.

"Perhaps at first," continued Crásico, "the population might not take kindly to the use of that force. However, I have seen the great advantage it would give us over the countryside. I would add that... there is nothing better than executions to impose order."

Traugott gave a somewhat forced smile at what he said.

He was uncomfortable with the idea of censuring his countrymen by carrying out atrocities against them in order to avoid criticism, or, at worst, an uprising.

Still, he served him with loyalty, and, love.

"As I was saying, both magistri will be under my command... The dominus!"

The bad sensations that invaded his body vanished when he heard that exuberant and pompous term, worthy of a vigorous and unbreakable person.

"Absolute power over all the Asians Dominate." And Crásico, noticing Traguott's wide eyes, continued: "That's right! We have established the name of our nation!" He raised his arms, looking up at the ceiling.

He smiled a smile worthy of a madman.

He held that posture for a few seconds.

"He who rules over a population," he returned to his calm, "will no longer be called praefectus, but "pretor"."

Crásico shrugged his shoulders, twisting his lip.

"It's a more abbreviated way of calling him, don't you think?"

Traugott nodded.

"The captains will now be called: praefectus classis. Something more elegant if you ask me." He laughed, leaning back in the back of the chair. "And as for the marchio... it stays, since I was the one who created it and that Urso Asiático now owns it."

Traugott, with his eyes glued to the table, playing with his fingers and analyzing what Crassus said, found something in those words that caused him some confusion.

"Wasn't Urso praefec... pre-pretor of Lugrum?"

Fearful of a scolding for using a term that just a moment ago Crásico said was already valid, he swallowed saliva, letting out a nervous laugh.

Andrio smiled at the boy's embarrassed attitude.

"He is, along with his daughter, on his way to the Polarucia Mark. It was a colony, I turned it into a buffer between Asians and the Regio Inexplorata. Urso's job will be to prevent the tribes from crossing the region."

Mildred felt, inwardly, impressed by all the anticipations that Crassus was taking. Day by day he was getting better and better, he never ceased to be impressed.

However, curiosity for some more details gnawed at him.

"Excuse me for straying a bit from the Asiático topic, but... Do you already have your magistri appointed?"

"I have Joaquinos as my magister peditum, to whom I have given five hundred horsemen to carry out an intervention in Araquia. Perhaps in the course of this week we will hear from him."

'Well... He chose a man he could trust.'

"What about the magister equitum?"

-Not yet," he sighed, "I haven't found someone I trust enough to give him such a position." 

In another situation, Traugott would have been offended by what he said, however, he knew that Crásico was aware that he was not interested in a military position.

"How about Nevio Pérsico?"

The man burst out laughing.

"Ha! He can go to the cross! Do you think I don't notice how he looks at me with resentment from afar? I'll be crazy to give him such a post! In the meantime, until I find someone capable, I will have control of the cavalry, and of the elephants."

The mention of that animal made Traugott remember the advice he had given to Crásico when Arcadio took some legions from him.

Had Andrio heeded his words, had he achieved everything he had recommended?

If the man's answer was affirmative, he would become the happiest of all Asians, but if it was negative, he would be hurt by it and would still advise him once more?

-In the passing days, I will spread the news of the changes that have been made throughout Asians." Leaving Traugott eager to ask him more, he rose already to retire, the talk, for him, already concluded.

To Traugott, this disinterested attitude of Crásico caused some discomfort in his chest.

He did not understand it, he did not comprehend it, but it pained him.


Crásico stopped his gait at the call.

And I looked sideways, waiting for his words.

"With Urso Asiático gone, who will be the new pretor of Lugrum?"

Hearing the question, a playful smile formed on his face, he resumed his walk towards the exit.

"And with no right to refuse, you, Mildred Traugott, shall be the new pretor of Lugrum!"