Interlude I - The bizanitan sentence

Beach of Bintus, Asians

Year 573

 "Look out!"

 A deafening sound invaded the atmosphere, the field filled with smoke.

 'Shit, I didn't think they'd do that.' Thought Asiático as he saw how, the more than a thousand viceregal ships surrounding the coast, despite the fact that they were already at a close distance with their allied soldiers, that is, the army of Phrónkos, launched a hail of projectiles upon them.

 After the impact, the bizanitan soldiers who were at the front of their formation, raised one of their knees, leaning on their left foot, and hit the arkonian in the abdomen with their right, making them retreat, which gave them seconds to raise their shields properly and tighten the grip of their weapons. They were now ready to fight.