When Kenji Takahashi opens his eyes, he finds himself no longer in his perfect body-heir to a large corporation, a respected man, and a symbol of success. Instead, he wakes up as Shinichiro Ito, a man despised by society, haunted by a dark past as an abuser, and trapped in a thin, fragile body.
Amidst confusion and despair, Kenji must confront people's hatred of Shinichiro, try to make amends that aren't his, all while figuring out how he got trapped in this body. With the help of a private detective, Ryota Nakamura, Kenji embarks on a journey full of dangers to uncover the mystery behind his body transfer.
However, on the other side of town, the man who now possesses Kenji's real body is enjoying his new life as the perfect person, using Kenji's power and reputation for dark purposes yet unknown.
As strange encounters with a mysterious girl begin to rock his mind, Kenji realizes that what's happening to him is more than just a nightmare. There is a much larger conspiracy, and the clock is ticking.
Can Kenji uncover the truth before it's too late? Or will his new body and life destroy him more deeply than he ever imagined?