The underdogs 1

Two pill out of the bag.

Grind it on the top of the toilet.

She stood there and counted, breathing heavily like a witch waiting for the called monster.

Then all of them flushed under the water.

She didn't wear any make up, hair tidy without too much styling, her eyes is in such attractive brown nothing matters if she looks it into yours.

She leave some of it on the toilet seat on purpose, and bend her knee starting to act from inside of it to the wash she desperately need.

The girl doing this seems like hiding the things she just didn't do, her body is perfectly shaped with tight jeans and a baggy coat, her move is like she took pills this morning too and forgot to dress up.

Then storm out of everything, a wash, a plastic door and then the finally released eye sights.

This is the life of 2077...

'You finally earn your cash?'

A walk like she is in a fashion show, interrupted, like light all turns off she turn like she can't see.


Anger is like flame, hard to tame.

'You would be died, shot by any guns.' she read the lines she carefully swipe the illegal part out slowly

'So any **** would suit you?'

She is sort of caught there, this kid seems shit stupid and her anger seems to be immature.

'Are you fucking out of your mind, ah, fuck, my head hurts.'

'Come on, 22 said they finally caught you doing drug, what pill do you take, No.1 or No.2?'

She doesn't really know those, this guy might be dangerous for her.

'The one you can't afford.'

'Shit so you put people in sleep and kill them?'

The pills that cure is more expensive, sleeping pills makes the highest of them all.

Ashley got really angry, her fist inside her pocket push her coat down, her muscle tighten under her thin wraped or not covered cinnamon coloured body. The wire that transform energy inside her lighten up glowing.

She kick the guy.

'Hey, man I just trying to be nice, I probably don't know as much as you...'

She stormed away without looking back.


What would that guy do?

Her face rush a bit when thinking about this.

It is weird. What would a guy like him do? He is an extreme moron, he does drug in a regular basis. He is annoying as hell, but he seems too much not a threat...

She kind of like him.

This school knows she is from abroad, apart from she manage to hide she is actually from outer space, they did everything to disgust.

He is the only one that talks to her, some how for she is beautiful as hell.

'How was your day, Ashley, eh.' he sit down next to her with a comfortable vibe.

Wow, he did just sit down. She thinks. During lunch time.

'Did you watch too much French soap and you boiled your brain or something?'

'Nah, it is just recently I had been thinking about death, and I think I would want to have a girl friend like you before I pass away.'

Shit, that's too deep for a fake mouth fight, maybe he is hiding something.

'So it would be fine even if I am an alien as long as I am...'

'Better, it is actually FINER.'

The fuck this guy might be extremely distanced from normal but looked stupid as fuck.

'Hey, what do they do when they become boyfriends and girlfriends, chica?'

'I don't fucking know, I am not your girlfriend.'


So here, is what she planned. If he asked does she want to be his girlfriend, it's too soon, so she would use this as an opportunity to discuss something like gangs or something she would have an idea by then, she need time to think. If he say well he would give up or just become angry, then nice, argument is what she likes, she might really get to know this big guy.

'So you like flowers or rings for present on your first date?'

'So, like, would you get me one?'

'Ah, it doesn't matter actually, I will get you both, and if you choose, I will probably bring one more.'

She got caught, the bitches far away already start laughing at her in love face.

It's first love, so her face is hell messed up.

Twisted, biting her lips, she sank into her own arms.

'Don't worry, I won't ask you out just yet.'

He got his arm around her.

Shit, that's exactly why she worries.

She doesn't know the name yet.

'My name is Nate by the way.'

'Ashley~' her voice is light and swinging.

'Nice to meet you, I would be here every day.'

She walks without knowing how she got to the next location.

The school is divided into 4 section, and the lunch area is sort of everywhere, there is robotic persons that live on energy bars, so normal people would suffer a bit more. Ashley do her courses on building 1 because she didn't have choice of anything, she is among the demoted ones with idiots.

Sadly Nate is not here, he is playing sports.

Maybe that's more of a sign of lack of intelligence.

As what everyone might expect, she didn't manage to stay focus for anything on the day.

'She just want to get fucked.' the annoying voices didn't manage to get her this time.

'Nate is handsome tho, you think she can get him?'

You know, Ashley been through more, this is hardly not cute.

Those people are the users, they are probably on something that would take their lives in their early 30s, so she isn't angry.

Nah, she want Nate.

As she thinks he came. It is really a necessary move but she covered her head. But she did, like what her list of never going to do in her life says.

'You want to get to my place?'

'What the fuck do you want!?'

'Like, you?'


Not very long after this talk, her face appear on her mirror.

'Shit, I should put on some make up.'


She whirr air out of her lung and slid down inside of her toilet.

'Fuck, is that guy plan, fuck, my grammar start to, ah, lord did you send him? I know I had been ignoring everything a lot, but, fuck, can anyone read mind, plan shit out, execute like a master and still seems like a fucking moron?'

'Ahhhh, did I pray for a boyfriend a lot recently?'

On the coach, yeah. Doing yoga, yeah. Showering, yeah.

So now, although all of this seems odd, Ashley crave a close relationship so bad, she blame all that to her prayer and get herself into more study on electronic.

Her take away got there from her window.

She got to take them.

Went back, eat, completely exhausted, didn't do anything before going to bed.

And stayed awake for the whole damn night.