Chapter 9: Flouting Islands

Mr. Garcia's POV:

Along with Amy's recovery, the pack of dragons again began to move forward, but this time everyone was more cautious of running into each other when taking off as no one wanted to cause another injury to a another dragon. As they went on, the days seemed to blend together. Their surroundings seem to change little by a little the further they went, as the trees began to slowly disappear and the river began to expand, along with sand started to appear around the rivers edge.

Everyone began to theorize where we were going some said maybe we're going to the ocean which mostly everyone agreed with though others said maybe they were going into a cave which was not a very popular theory. These are not the only theories just more popular ones as everyone had their own theory or slight variation of where they were going. As we walked, everyone began to hear the crashing waves against solid rock from a distance. This excited everyone, as it put the theorization of where we're going to an end. With the excitement, everyone began to unconsciously pick up their pace, wanting to see what the sea would look like in these new lands.

Mr. Garcia was in the front and always made sure no one passed him as everyone picked up their pace. It took about 1/2 hours until we finally entered a clearing. As we entered, everyone began to excitedly stare and whisper at the amazing beauty of the blue expansion of water that seemed to never end. As everyone excitedly rushed forward towards the cliff's edge to look at the ocean below, mr. Garcia noticed something in the distance. "hold on everyone" said Mr. Garcia, as everyone stopped in their tracks at his words, he then began to walk towards the edge, squinting his eyes slightly trying to peer into the distance.

"What is that?" Ask Mr. Garcia in confusion as he saw a black dot floating quite a ways above the ocean surface. it didn't appear to be moving in any direction nor was it going up and down, it was just there as if it was being held in place. Everyone noticed it as they all began to slowly approach the edge trying to make out what was in the distance. For all they knew it could be a dangerous animal and from the distance they were seeing it from, it would be quite big. Everyone then began to discuss and murmur amongst themselves as confusion and worry begin to set in.

Mr. Garcia then looked around at everyone, knowing that most didn't even have any combat experience. He sighed at his dilemma before he looked around the crowd and as he spotted his wife he walking up to her. He then begin to whisper into her ears as she shook her head before whispering back into his ears with a worried and frustrated face as they had a very short conversation. After the conversation ended, it seemed that whatever Mr. Garcia had said to Mrs. Garcia, she agreed to with a somewhat reluctant look on her face.

Mr. Garcia then looked away from her and walked towards the crowd before saying "everyone please gather around I have something to say" in his loud commanding voice. Everyone soon began to huddle around Mr. Garcia and his wife as everyone began to shush themselves, waiting for him to speak. It didn't take long before he began to speak as he said "I will be going to investigate what that thing in the distance is, my wife here will be in charge while I am away. You all must listen to her as she will be your leader if I do not return" He then looked at the sky before continuing to say "if I'm not here in three days time, then you all must head back up the river and leave me behind. DO YOU ALL UNDERSTAND" and with that silence spread across the group before someone said "yes, sir" and that sparked a domino effect as everyone began to shout their approval though some were still reluctant.

Mr. Garcia nodded at this before he looked at his wife, gave a small smile to his son before he began to march towards the cliff. "I will be back, believe in me" said Mr. Garcia, as he took one last look at the crowd before spreading his wings and taking off towards the unidentified object. As he flew, he began to flap his wings, picking up speed trying to get to his fastest speed his body could handle while still being able to maintain his altitude. Has Mr. Garcia flew. He had a dedicated look on his face. He was determined to make it back to his wife and child.

It had been an hour since Mr. Garcia had left, and the water seemed to expand endlessly while the black object in the distance didn't seem to be getting any bigger. This did not dampen any part of his resolve as he continued to steadily glide above the ocean only occasionally flapping his wings. He began to observe the water below, seeing if there was any threat to his safety in them, though he didn't spot anything other than fish and maybe a few sharks. When he first saw the fish and sharks he was taken aback, as he expected at least the sharks to look different than the ones on earth, though they did not.

He began to think -if the ocean is unchanged from the one on earth, living near the ocean might be our safest option- as he continue to fly above the water. Mr. Garcia did his best to conserve energy while keeping his speed at the fastest he could maintain for a long time. This soon began to prove to be the right choice as he flew for the rest of the day and the black object in the distance had only enlarged a little bit. Mr. Garcia sighed at this as he continue to fly towards the black object, though he was getting concerned with the setting sun.

He knew that when the sunset, it would be harder to see the black object in the distance, and he could possibly fly off track and end up lost in the endless expanse of the ocean. he again sighed at this before he raised his head to look into the sky, trying to spot a star that he could recognize so he could stay on track. The sun was setting and the stars were still only visible from behind him so he had to wait for the stars and moon to show themselves after the sun had departed.

This made him a little nervous as he didn't want to accidentally fly off track while searching for stars that he would recognize. He then decided to keep his eyes straightforward until the sun had departed before trying to find a star. This didn't take long to accomplish as the sun finally set into the distance as the stars shown with brilliance and the moon sparkle behind him. When the stars appeared he quickly shifted his eyes towards one certain star that was slightly brighter than the others that was straight ahead of him before locking onto it.

He slightly grind at this as he didn't expect a star that would be eye catching to be right in front of him, though to his luck, there was one. As the night drew deeper, he continued to fly, keeping his pace as not to tire himself out too quickly and fall into the ocean. As he flew, he kept his eyes locked on one particular star in the sky, making sure he was flying straight towards it and not in some random direction. He flew like this for the entire night before he spotted the sun's raise from behind him that sparkled upon the waters surface.

He felt relieved with the sudden appearance of the sun as he could now see if he was truly on the right path. Though the sun was quite bright, causing him to squint his eyes before shaking his head altogether and looking around for the black object. To his surprise the black object was still in front of him and was significantly larger than when he last saw it. This brightened his mood considerably as he slightly increased his pace, knowing that he was nearing his destination as he could visibly see the object growing bigger as he approached.

To his surprise after another hour of flying, he realized he was flying towards an island one that was floating above the water surface. This shocked him greatly as he raised his altitude, trying to get above the island so he could land upon it when he got close enough. With another hour of flight, he finally began to slow his flying speed as he saw the color of pink trees and bright green grass in the distance. It didn't take long for him to get right above it as he stopped moving forward altogether, and just hovered in the air, observing the gigantic island that was before him.

The island seemed to be much bigger than what he had expected as the size was about the same size as Tokyo back on earth. This greatly surprised him as he began to slowly descend into a clearing on the island, as the island had many variations of trees and plants upon it. There were trees with pink and yellow leaves, grass that was much taller than a person and small mountains or hills all over the surroundings.

The island itself was beautiful as before when he was hovering in the sky, he spotted rivers and lakes all over the island, making it a spot where life could thrive. This intrigued him as he began to explore the island once he landed. He sniffed the air, not picking up any wild animals except for birds, which was slightly strange, but he didn't mind as he continued to look around the environment. As he walked, he came to another clearing this one having many small hills connected to each other forming M shapes that stretched across the entire clearing. The small mountains also had a smaller clearing in the middle that would then lead into a path towards the lake.

-this feels artificial- thought Mr. Garcia as he walked towards the path that led to the lake. The trees around the specific clearing were all pink with not a single tree of a different color around. This made Mr. Garcia slightly unsettled as he remained on alert while slowly approaching the water to get a drink.

As Mr. Garcia arrived at the water, he then looked at the ground, finding a pebble and tossing it in the water to see if anything would jump out and attack like a crocodile. To his relief, nothing happened as the water rippled from the pebbles impact. he then began to slowly approach the water surface before lowering his head and taking a sip of water before, raising his head back up, backing away and waiting. after a while, and seeing that nothing truly happened, he then approached the water again and began to truly drink and quench his thirst.

Once he was done, he began to explore the island once more, and everything about it from its decorations to its clearing seems so artificial that it gave him chills. To him there was absolutely no way that this was a natural phenomenon that would appear in this world. As he began to search around, he began to think and noticed that there's nothing particularly dangerous about this place, it had birds chirping, clean water, and no dangerous animals.

-this would actually be a very nice place to settle down in- he thought as he searched the island, sometimes taking to the air and observing from above before going back down and walking the small paths that were provided. When he was done exploring the main island he noticed that there were a few smaller islands that were slightly below the bigger one and he went and explored them. The islands had different set ups, one seemed to be a rainforest while another seemed to be a desert.

There were six smaller islands in total and one giant island in the middle, each of them having their own specific biome without having any dangerous animals. This struck Mr. Garcia as weird as it would be hard for the biome's to function without having predators. As he continued to explore, the day quickly began to deteriorate as the sun began to set once again. Mr. Garcia, noticing that the sun was setting, quickly found a tree before flapping his wings and climbing up it, he had seen in the day that there were no predators, but it was better to be safe than sorry, there might've been some lurking around he didn't notice.

As he got to a very thick branch that he thought could support him he then began to walk along, trying to find a comfortable spot that he could sleep on. As he did this, he suddenly slipped, but as he was falling, he quickly wrapped his tail around the thick tree branch, as he suddenly came to a halt, almost hitting the ground. He sighed in relief at this before he began to observe his situation. He didn't feel uncomfortable whatsoever as his wings were dangling from his body and so were his legs. Once he noticed this, he quickly tucked in his wings and pulled his legs in as well as he looked up at his tail.

As he observed, he realize his tail was tightly holding onto the thick tree branch, and a thought quickly came to his mind -are these dragons able to sleep this way?-. With this thought, a gust of wind fiercely blu between the trees creating a rustling sound and quickly hitting Mr. Garcia. He shivered a bit before he slowly wrapped his wings around his body and slowly looking around at his surroundings before tucking his head into his wings, blocking his vision.

The night quickly pass as Mr. Garcia got his well-deserved rest as he was able to slightly relax thanks to their being no predator around. He slept more deeply than he thought possible in his current predicament. The next morning he was greeted with the sun, warming up his wings and body. He felt incredibly comfortable as he unwrapped himself as he stretched his wings and legs while still hanging upside down. He then begin to slowly look around as he tucked his wings into his body. -ah right I'm still upside down- thought, Mr. Garcia as he looked towards the ground

He stretched his wings out once more before having his tail, let go of the branch as he leaped towards the ground with his wings, slowly flapping making his descent less uncomfortable. He then gracefully landed upon the ground as his front feet first hit the ground then his back before he then stretched like a cat, sticking his butt into the air and yawned before he lazily walk towards the pond. Even slowly lowered his head to get a drink of water before he looked back up at the sky, seeing that the sun had just barely risen, even thought -I should get going soon. I don't want them to leave when I'm still here- before he spread his wings and took off into the sky towards the island he had left from.

As he flew towards the sun, he was bathed in the heat emanating from it, making him feel drowsy. -is this how a cat feels in the day?- he thought as he shook his head and continued to pick up speed. As he flew, he continued to pick up speed, as the day was slowly coming to an end he saw the cliff edge. He quickly called out just in case they were about to leave "I'm back" as he continued to approach the edge. The first one to greet him was his wife as she met him in the air, flying with him as they both descended from the sky. Everyone with concern and smiles on their faces simultaneously welcomed him back as his feet touched the ground.