Teeth clenched with heartbeat twice it's normal rate in anger, Michael increased his grip on the wheel, gazing out absent mindedly into the night as he sped past. 

His cell phone which he had connected to the car rang loudly for the third time in a row, increasing his irritation. Angrily he connected, having had enough of the disturbance and deciding to deal with it once and for all. 

" What?!" He snapped the very moment the call connected, listening through his car's speaker.

" Yeesh..... chill bro! Why the steam? Chill....." The voice on the other end replied, sounding carefree, masculine and young. Its familiarity with him unmistakable. 

Eyes turning darker as his knuckles turned white from over tightening on the Wheel, Michael took a deep audible breadth, his eyes closing briefly with the action. On the other side of the line, a barely controlled laughter seeped through, be - fore the latter 's fake calm and controlled voice continued; 

" That's it.....take a deep breadth..... calm....." 

But before he could end his words, Michael inter-rupted in a dangerously low and calm voice - barely controlling his anger. 

" I swear Chris, if you don't go straight to the point, I'm a few minutes away from the apart - ment. I'll beat the hell out of you when I get there." 

" Sorry..... Sorry bro. I was just joking. Just....just trying to lighten your mood....." The latter refer - ed to as Chris stammered, clearly frightened. Only to be interrupted and scared even more out of his wrists. 

" You have only three seconds..." 

" Okay..... Mike, I just received a call from Phil. He told me he just got to the night racing arena and heard everything. What really happened?" Chris - topher, simply referred to as Chris by his close friends and family quickly said, his voice taking on a more normal and concerned edge as he ended. 

Michael sighed, a bit of his anger evaporating;"He asked for it." 

" He must have really done it this time to get you to lose control like that."Chris observed.Then a sudden a thought occurring to him, he added."Or did another issue crop up from home?"

The silence that followed was answer enough for Chris. He sighed. Just when he thought Michael wouldn't answer, he did. With just a short sen - tence; 

" I'm here." Then the call disconnected. 

Driving past the last few apartments to his three bedroom apartment in Silverstone, Michael drove through the gateway to the silver specially digita-lized gate. Flipping through his cell phone, he pressed on a button. A moment later, the gate opened smoothly and he drove in, closing a few seconds after him. 

Parking, he spotted Chris coming out the door with Fate, his dog trailing after him. 

" Bro, your dog ate my pizza!" Chris complained just as Michael stepped out of the car. Barking, Fate wagged his tail as he circled Micheal. 

His mood lifting slightly at the sight of the full white dog with few black spots, he chuckled, squatted and rubbed it's head affectionately. Casting a side glance at his sulking friend beside him, he shrugged and replied nonchalantly; 

" Payback time?" 

" Come on Michael!" Chris cried in frustration,gla- ring at the dog that just wagged it's tail at him with its bright eyes looking back at him with the tongue half hanging, like it was mocking him. " I didn't know that half- full bucket of McDonald's chicken on the coffee table was Fate's." 

" But you did eat it. So... I guess Fate was holding a grudge all along. You can call it even. " Michael answered calmly - getting on his feet. They made their way inside. 

" What a petty dog." Chris grumbled as he closed the door a little too hard after him whilst Fate made it's way to the back of the apartment where it's cute little house was. At that moment, they heard a car at the gate. 

" They are here." Chris informed, looking out the door. 

" They? He's not alone?" Michael asked, throwing his car key onto the coffee table as he took of his black leather jacket. 

" No," Chris replied, a light frown forming on his face as he turned back into the living room - plo- pping onto the sofa. " He came with Ray and Rich." 

" What are those two doing here at this hour?" Michael asked, annoyed. Walking to the fridge in the Kitchen, he poured himself a glass of water, listening to loud chatter of the boys outside. 

" I guess Philip called them, or they simply tag-ged along." Chris replied, switching channels. Micheal just sighed. Keeping in his anger. 

" Hi guys!!" Richmond and Raymond, a year and a half distanced brothers with inseparable bond that looked very much alike; lean and tall with bri-ght dark eyes, stylishly messy black hair and a spread - winged bird shaped birthmark on their left necks - greeted together. 

" Do you idiots know what time it is?" Philip asked the duo. He was of the same height and build as Michael, except a little more reserved and calmer, with a bright even-toned complexion from being half African and American, deep dimples on both cheeks with thick- black- shiny - curly hair in five cornrow braids, and deep brown eyes. 

" Come on bro!" Richmond, making his way to the small sofa, practically fell into it. " It's just 9:pm!"

" What!" Chris exclaimed in shock, looking at him wide eyed. But in the next moment broke into loud laughter, almost falling off the sofa. " Wow!" 

" Shut up! " Philip snapped in a controlled voice, kicking Chris in the but mercilessly. Causing him to hold in a pained cry with his laughter. Turning to Richmond, his dark eyes glared at him and he spoke in gritted teeth ; " You fool! It's 1:00 am! "

" Get the fools out of my apartment, now!" Mic - heal, now holding a glass juice as he made his way out of the kitchen gritted out. 

" Hey big bro,"Raymond, now with an innocent and wronged expression complained with his hands raised." I did nothing wrong. Don't kick me out, please? "

" Then behave! " Richmond scolded with a firm kick at his little brother's right leg with a stern face. 

" You....." Raymond wanted to retort, but in the end chose to keep in his grievance upon seeing the dark looks on Michael and Philip's faces. After all as the saying went; ' it's better safe than sorry.' 

Sighing, Micheal sat quietly, his gaze distant. Sitt-ing beside him, Philip looked calmly at him for a long moment before asking ; 

" What happened?" 

" Dad found out I haven't been in school recently, and threatened to cut off my credit cards." Mic - heal replied, finishing off the rest of the juice in one gulp. 

" Wow, guessed as much." Chris said, finally deciding on putting the TV off after not finding anything appealing to watch. 

" Sent his guards? " Philip asked. 

"Yes."Micheal answered, his mood getting worse.

" it ended in a fight with the Corps Showing up a few minutes after dad did." 

" Wow, things escalated that much? " Raymond asked excitedly leaning closer."Wish I were there."

" Are you even capable of thinking anything beyound video games and action movies?" Chris asked sarcastically, glaring at Raymond. 

"Oh....come on!" Raymond whined, pouting before turning his head away. 

" Anything new about her?" Richmond asked with an unusual seriousness while looking intently at Michael. 

" No," Micheal answered, his voice and eyes filled with deep longing and a bit of frustration. " still the same. No clue. But I'm not giving up. I'm finding her dead or alive. And no one is going to stop me." 

" She's alive.Here in Crystal city." Philip disclosed calmly. 

Micheal was the first to react, jerking upright in the sofa. His eyes sparkling with hope and excite-ment. The others having similar expressions, but not nearly on an eighty percent scale of his excit-ement. 

But Philip's shake of his head with his raised hand, indicating silence and patience kept them controlled, but on edge. Chris however still mana-ged to ask. 

" You saw her?" 

"Not really,"Philip answered, vaguely, sending mo- st of their excitement plummeting into dust." Just for a brief moment at the local market." 

" God dammit, Philip! "Richmond cursed, whilst Raymond and Chris burst into laughter." Can you talk like a normal human being for once? Will it kill you to say more words?! "

But Philip remained unfazed. Reaching into his Jean pocket, he pulled out his cell phone. Seeing his calm expression, Raymond's irritation only grew and he yelled; 

" You silent demon! " 

" You haven't even seen her before." Chris added, a little frown on his still amused looking face. 

" Shut up!" Micheal snapped, glaring at Richmond and Chris. Then there was total silence. 

" I haven't had a proper peaceful sleep in days. I had to get moving today. "Philip added calmly with a casual shrug, whilst flipping through his phone. 

" Okay....wait a minute. " Raymond said, confu - sed, sitting up in the sofa." You.... Phil, mean to say.... no, are saying that you have been having some weird dreams about Stella for days, which prompted you to go looking for her today. And somehow managed to find her, but just for a brief moment at the local market?" 

" Good." Philip simply replied, still flipping through his phone. 

" Wow! " Raymond said with a chuckle, feeling great at being able to piece everything together. 

" Another one of his spiritual nonsense... " Rich - mond scoffed then let out a low cry of pain as he felt a slap at the back of his head. Turning his head he met Chris glaring at him - his hand sus- pended, ready to give him a second slap. 

" What the hell, man?" Richmond exclaimed. 

" Shut the hell up! " Chris scolded. " If you can belive silent demons exist, you can belive in spi-rituality. You fool!" 

" One more word,"The cold low threat hung in the air. "and I swear I'm going to throw you all out."No one needed to see Micheal's face to know he was nearing his limit. 

" Here. " Philip's voice came through the long moment of silence that followed, offering his cell phone to Michael calmly. Catching on quickly, Raymond almost flew over, squeezing around Philip to look from over his thighs.

" Whoaaa!" He cried. " Is that her? Even her side profile proves she's a beauty." 

At that, Chris and Richmond finally realised what was going on and rushed over. 

" That's really her?" Richmond asked, his eyes wide as he looked down at the cell phone's screen from standing by Michael. 

" Are you really sure. " Chris, standing and look - ing close by Richmond added. 

" Yeah, it's definately her." Michael replied calmly, a smile slowly brightening up his face, adding more charm to his captivating looks." She's gro- wn up now. She should be around sixteen now. "

 " Tomorrow." Philip suddenly added. Shocking them even more. "She'll be sixteen tomorrow. Two pm." 

" Damn!" Chris whispered, shaking his head in ad-miration and exasperation, a complete mix. He chuckled a second later. 

Micheal looked, at him in surprise, a new found respect for him brewing in his yes as he looked silently at him. Returning his gaze, Philip added with a knowing look and slight smile; 

" Checked yesternight, she's a Pices. A water sign just like you." 

" Thank you." Michael whispered with a smile of his own at him, understanding more into Philip's casual remark. 

Even though he wasn't a believer in astrology or spiritually for that matter, meeting Philip had left him starting to believe and trust him to a percen - tage. Raising his believe in those kind of stuff gradually. 

He wouldn't deny Philip had helped him a few times get out of trouble and find his own path away from his controlling family. It was only a few months earlier, after years of knowing Philip that he stayed calm and open minded enough to to learn from him that he was a Scorpio, and a water sign. 

Not that Philip was too eager to share his know-ledge either. Quiet on the contrary. He only did occasionally, very few times. 

By telling him she was a Pisces and a water sign just like him, he was causioning him about her sensitivity.His way of helping him in his future dealings with her. With that knowledge, he found himself going against himself with planning to learn more about her personality. 

But then someone just had to ruin the mood; 

"That's great!At least we know your crazy parents didn't kill her! Being so beautiful, let's hope and pray she already doesn't have a boyfriend." Ray-mond said excitedly, gazing at the picture on the screen dreamily, a smile playing on his lips. 

But he heard a loud smack a millisecond before he felt a sharp pain in the his butt. With a loud cry, he shot up from his comfortable posture po-sture across Philip's thighs, looking wide - eyed at Philip who was glowering at him with a lost ex - pression while vigorously rubbing his but. Ignor - ing the sudden burst of laughter from his brother and Chris. 

" If you can't think before speaking, don't talk!" Philip growled, looking like he wanted to give him a beating. 

" Out of my apartment!" Micheal snapped, feeling he had reached his limit ; standing up in anger.

However the next moment, a series of rushed footsteps and goodnights filled the air. Then the living room was empty with the exception of him and Philip.The rest, frightened, had rushed upsta-irs to sleep. 

Sighing in resignation, he sat back down,a barely noticeable smile on his lips. 

" Thank you." He repeated, gratitude evident in his voice as he looked at Philip. 

Not replying to his gratitude, Philip simply added; 

" Keep a low profile, don't let your family know. She's in danger. " 

Micheal nodded after a moment in thought. Then with a stretch and a yawn, Philip stood up. 

" Good night bro. I think we all have school in the morning." He said, making his way upstairs. 

" You can stay in my room. " Michael said quietly, his gaze on the picture in the cell phone in his hand. 

" Thanks bro." Philip replied, smiling. His dimples clear and prominent as he did.

His footsteps soon disappeared upstairs. Leav - ing Micheal alone on the royal blue and silver sofa, gazing longingly at the girl on the screen. But this time, his expression had a spark of hope in it.