The familiar bell ringing throughout the school brought Michael, back from his abscentminded- ness. In a swift motion, he was on his feet, back-pack slung over his shoulder, notebook and pen in hand, and was moving out of the classroom whilst the slim and bald fifty-two years old accou-nting teacher - Mr. Morris, was yet to conclude his lesson. The next momentby the by the, Chris was following him out - all set.
" Sorry sir." Micheal merely said just as Mr. Morris saw him as he moved swiftly and gracefully thro-ugh the classroom towards the door, not looking back. " Something came up."
" Have a good evening sir." Chris said as he pas-sed by the slightly displeased teacher, casting him a bright smile and a wink. " No offence inten-ded." Then he was out of the door after Michael, who was moving like he had a ticking time bomb in his pants.
Upon reaching the hallway, they were met by Philip, who signaled them to wait. Just as they reached the first year students' hall-way and it started filling up with students rushing out of their classrooms, they saw Leo and Leona rush out of their classroom and sprint towards the cafeteria. A few seconds later, Richmond and Raymond rushed out after them. Then everything cleared up.
" Those idiots." Micheal gritted out. " Couldn't they have waited a little longer."
" They just wanted to help." Philip stated with a chuckle, ignoring the curious looks they were re-ceiving from the students around, including some teachers. " The kids would have ran away."
Micheal just sighed, he knew things weren't going to be easy. Throughout lessons, he couldn't stop thinking about Stella. About how she was doing at home. Whether she was doing better or worse. He had been tempted to skip school to go look for her during launch break, but the boys had held him back and brought Mrs. Blunt in.
Although he had initially been annoyed, he soon realised it was for Stella's safety.Acting reckless-ly at this time when his father might be keeping an eye on his attendance at school would be dan-gerous.
He and the boys had managed to squeeze a little more information out of Leo and Leona, but it wasn't much past what they had been told by Mrs. Blunt. The kids were very cautious and tight-liped.
Firstly, they realised Stella had been suffering from partial amnesia and had been with them at the orphanage for the following four years after her family died. Before running away after nearly being kidnapped in the confines of the orphana-ge. Which was very suspicious.
Secondly, she has been on her own since leaving the orphanage. Moving around a lot and trying to stay as hidden as possible. Finding odd small jobs from adding up on her age to make some money; from washing dishes to helping out at the local market. While rejecting the offer of some friends she made that wanted to take her in. Some with ulterior motives whilst some like the Barrett family, who had been genuinely good and protective of her had wanted to help her.
But unfortunately, the Berret family had suddenly traveled and been gone for almost a year now. Stella had refused to go with them for reasons only known to her.
Thirdly, they had been in contact with Stella occassionally but secretly after she runaway from the orphanage. Not letting anyone know Stella's whereabouts for reasons they didn't want to talk about with them then. Even now that they have been adopted by a good and seemingly trustwor-thy couple that were responsible for they being able to attend Crystal Heights Senior High, they have promised Stella they wouldn't reveal too much information about her to them.
And finally, Stella's life is in danger. Some people or someone wants to harm her. This final piece of information wasn't new. They were already aware of it, but it raised the sense of urgency to see her in them.
Leo and Leona still did not fully trust them, even after explaining they were seeking to pro- tect Stella, they had obviously decided to bolt on them after getting the cookies back. Something he wasn't going to let happen. Or would have had difficulty preventing from happening if not for the crazy in-tervention of Richmond and Ray. Philip is right, they are just trying to help.
" You're right." Micheal admitted with a sigh."Let's follow them to the cafeteria."
" Those two can be crazier than me sometimes." Chris laughed.
" Not necessarily." Philip objected calmly. Chris just casted him a mildly hostile look.
Upon reaching the cafeteria, they saw Leo and Leona looking so excited at a small pile of gifts on the counter, including a beautifully boxed baby pink and ice-blue birthday cake with a stylishly written ;- 'HAPPY SWEET - Sixteenth BIRTHDAY, STELLA!!!' on it. With their excitement, it could easily be misinterpreted as they having their birthday instead of Stella.
" Thank you..... thank you all so very much!" Leo-na said, full of excitement. " Stella's going to love this!"
" Wait." Leo said abruptly, causing every pair of eyes to turn to him. Pointing to the cake, he asked worriedly. " There are no peanuts in it, right? "
" Peanuts.... " Mrs. Blunt began in confusion, But before she could continue, Leona exclaimed ;
" Oh my God! Peanuts! I forgot.... I forgot she's allergic! The..."
" Don't tell me you gave her your Chocolates!" Leo snapped with wide eyes. When Leona remained silent with her eyes darting around evasively, Leo had his answer. " What was wrong with you?!"
He was angry, and it surprised everyone pre- sent that his anger was directed at his beloved sister. It was the first time anyone of the five boys or Mrs. Blunt had seen him scolding his sister like that and they intervened when Leona's eyes began moistening.
" Hey Leo..... Calm down." Chris said
" Calm down Leo..... what's it?" Richmond said, glancing at the plain plastic covering of the cake's box and noticing the small chocolate - coated nuts on it and came to a realisation;
"Ah.... Philip." He called, looking up at Phillip who had a light frown on his face, then continued after receiving his attention." You're also allergic to peanuts right? "
" Yeah..... a common reaction to most nuts in our family." Philip replied somewhat absent-mindely.
" Don't you guys find this somehow strange funny." Chris asked after a sudden laughter. "
" What's funny?" Raymond asked, eager to get in on the joke.
" The fact that almost all of Philip's family members are male's and are allergic to know....even if they have some...."
" Chris!" Mrs. Blunt yelled, cutting him off with a glare."
" Sorry." Chris apologised, holding in his laughter as Raymond snickered.
" Keep the distance." Philip growled, lowering at them.
" You two idiotic fools!" Micheal snapped."
" Sorry bro." Raymond said whilst instinctively moving a step back from his intimidating aura." It was just a joke."
" You touched on a sore spot son." Mrs. Blunt said with a deep sigh. Realising Chris and Raymond still looked confused, she realised they really didn't know the severity of their joke this time. With that thought, she clarified ;
" Philip's younger sister and grandmother died on the same night from peanut allergy at his grand - father's seventieth birthday."
" What!"
The shocking revelation left the two pairs of siblings and Chris in shock. Finally realising their awful mistake, Raymond and Chris looked at Philip with seriously apologetic looks but all they received was another harsh glare.
" Sorry Phil." Chris went ahead to offer a real apo-logy. " I honestly didn't know....."
At that moment, a series of muffled sobs filled the tense atmosphere. Prompting them to follow the sound to the source, only to find Leona quickly taking off her spectacles and whipping her rapidly watering eyes.
" Leona? " Mrs. Blunt called worriedly, quickly going to her side and holding her close. " Dear, why are you crying?"
" She's scared Stella's condition would worsen because of her." Leo explained with a sigh. His earlier anger having gone down, he now felt his sister's fears and anxiety. "
" We all make mistakes Leona. I didn't know so I made this peanut - chocolate cake. You also forgot and gave her your chocolate but you had good intentions. So let's just pray and wish her a speedy recovery okay? " Mrs. Blunt coaxed.
" A-a-at the orphanage, we all didn't know and she had an attack after having a peanut butter sand - witch. Shh-she hadn't eaten since morning and had given her launch to Leo and me because ours were too small. We thought she would die! I-i-it was so scary! " Leona burst into a louder round of tears. " Why does it seem like she wasn't treated well at the orphanage? " Micheal, his earlier anger concerning her growing once again." If I remember correctly, the orphanage gets sup-plies from the Reef Foundation and... the others quiet frequently. There shouldn't be shortage of food."
" Hah! " Leona pulled back from Mrs. Blunt and huffed in anger. " Frequent supplies! Yeah we did receive them. But the new dean and his people sold half or even more of the supplies everytime. We found out and almost got caught, but Stella took the blame and hatred for it!" She wipped her eyes angrily with her handkerchief at the end. Her sadness was instantly replaced by rage and re -sentment.
" So.....just because she supposedly found them out in their evil deeds they didn't give her enough food? " Richmond gritted out.
" Yes. But not only that." Leo replied, taking his sister's glasses and whipping it for her. " The late Dean liked her very much and most of the kids didn't like her as a result. One time the now dean didn't give us some art supplies donated, but wanted us to testify that we had received them. Claiming we would he receiving them the follow- ing two days.Stella had spoken to the dean - Mrs. Owens about it three days later beacause most of us kids needed them.That had sparked a lot of issues, almost getting Mr. Banes, the now dean sacked and arrested."
" Do you know how the late dean died? "
" We have our suspicions. But no evidence. " Leo answered, his gaze looking distant. - lost I thought.
" That night the late dean - Mrs. Jones died, Ste - lla had been with her because she was complain-ing of feeling a slightly dizzy earlier. She had go e to check up on her but Miss Elsie - Mr. Banes' mean older sister sacked her from there to go to bed. The next morning, Mrs. Jones was reported dead from Hypertension! " Leona elaborated, her voice rising towards the end."
"Damn!" Micheal said from between his clenched teeth. Then pushed a stool away onto the floor in anger.
" Did they send Stella to the hospital when she had the allergic reaction?" Philip asked seriously, his eyes slightly squinted.
" No." Both Leo and Leona answered a slow shake of their heads, their faces clouded in sadness.
" Those wicked heartless people! " Chris exclai-med, sitting on a nearby high stool angrily." I bet they wished she would she would have died then!"
" She's not at the hospital, is she?" Philip asked calmly. But his friends could feel the underlying current. Having known him for so long, they knew in such situations, his calmness was just a way to control his raging emotions
" No." Leona replied. "she was in bed, running a slight fever."
" Let's go!" Philip said urgently, adjusting his backpack.
Realising the urgency, Mrs. Blunt quickly bagged the gifts on the counter with the excep- tion of the cake. Handing them over to Richmond who was closer, she instructed;
" You boys should order her a new cake. I'll have this given to someone else. Make sure you send her to the hospital when you find her."
"Okay, thank you."Richmond replied and followed Michael and Philip out of the cafeteria. Only Ray-mond and Chris lingered.
Grabbing the cake with both hands, Raymond declared while gesturing at Chris and himself ;
" We have a fridge."
Then they were running out of the cafeteria before she would object or say anything.