Stephen was hugging himself, shivering and sniffling, and his teeth chattered uncontrollably as he ran. Freezing didn't even begin to describe how cold it was. The blue storm was brutal and unforgiving, especially since the three of them were wearing tank tops instead of jackets. He was starting to lag behind. He'd gone a little ways off the path in search of bandages or a medkit, but there was none. Now he was noticeably far behind his teammates with his health dropping by the second.

"Tammy!" he pleaded. "Do you have any more Slurps?"

"That was all I had!" She called back over her shoulder. "Just keep running!"

He had no choice but to continue on in the hopes of making it to the circle, which wasn't too far away. Or at least on the map it didn't seem too far away. On the other hand, these rolling hills in front of him didn't lie. They seemed to stretch on forever, and the drowsiness was already starting to set in. The nearest hill was maybe twenty meters away, but looked to him like twenty kilometers. After another few steps, he stopped running altogether and collapsed right there in the wet grass.

Tammy looked back as she followed Lola up a steep hillside. Her heart dropped. The rookie, who for some reason was super far behind, had succumbed to the icy winds and was back there on his hands and knees, desperately reaching out to them. She wanted to help, but knew going back would only ensure that the storm took them both. There was nothing she could do.

"Just leave him!" Lola yelled, running a few steps ahead of her.

They had their own problems to deal with. Outside of trying to survive the storm and now being down to just the two of them, their place of salvation was in one of the worst possible regions. Tilted Towers. It was a big city mainly populated by infamous professionals, try-hards out to make a name for themselves, and everyone in-between. Rookies definitely had no business in a place like that, let alone the two of them, who were only moderately competent when it came to combat building.

"I hope Bob's alright," Tammy huffed.

"Me too. Come on, I can see the circle. We're almost there," Lola replied and picked up the pace.