'A Fucking Pointless', New Life?



Blood smattered the pavement on the side of the road, many people screaming out as in the distance the sound of gunfire resounded. A car crashed into the side of a shop as the mangled corpse of a once beautiful woman was pressed into the stones of the sidewalk.

"I-It's fuckin Homelander...!"

The voice was raspy as it yelled out, men jumping out of the car in a sprint as the whooshing of the air followed. Before anyone could comprehend what had happened, a red beam shot through the air and bisected the entire group of men. Gore amalgamated with the woman's on the sidewalk as the floating form of Homelander hovered just above.

"This is fucking pointless..."


"Haaah...!" My eyes shot open as the coldness of the floor shot up my back. I remembered being mowed down by a car. The distinct impression i had, that had struck my mind just before dying, was that I should be dead now...

'Yet I'm not...? What the fuck is going on...?'

Laying on my back I turned in every which direction I could. I was in a bathroom. It was white on black with varying mirrors and a single door that had beautiful finishings. Slowly pulling myself up my attention was taken by the image of my face in the mirror.

It was the same milky white, no tan in sight. Checking my eyes, they were the same yellow-ish blue that they were before... Standing up, slowly, I further found that my breasts were the same size; not too large, not too big. My waistline was still perfect and I was still skinny. Nothing had changed despite the horrendous condition I should be in.

"How am I still alive...? Did the heroes heal me or something?"

Rubbing my palms together in the attempt to make sense of the situation, my ears perked to a sound just beyond the door. Dulled though it may have been, it sounded robotic in nature. Almost like the whirring of servos in robots shown by Elon Musk or used by factories. 

Slowly stepping forwards my hand reached for the door handle, the coldness still prevailing the room as my bear feet and body shivered just a touch. Grasping the handle my hand pulled downwards, the door giving leeway, slowly opening outward.

What met me was the large clear windows of an penthouse apartment. A bustling city glowing in the night was just beyond the bounds of the glass, distant aeroplanes and cars giving the view some life. Just before the glass however, was a simple desk with a futuristic looking computer interface on the top; in the desk itself.

Scanning the rest of the room I found that there was a large kitchen to the left of the desk and a living room with nothing in it on the right. Gazing at the kitchen I found zero appliances and it looked close to a vacant apartment. The living room was also empty, the only thing telling me it was a living room being the hanging lights that swung above the area gracefully.

"What, in the hell, is going on?" I covered my breasts and private-patch the windows being so open becoming a problem for me... especially with no curtains or tint to them that could be seen by me.

Looking around for a tiny bit longer I did see some stairs. Going up them I found a bedroom area, a mat on the floor telling me that. Further more, in the closet beside it I found a single pair of clothes. They were blue and black sci-fi looking exercise clothes that clung to my skin in a semi-comfortable way. Putting them on with as much speed as I could muster, I eventually finished my exploration, returning back to the desk.

"Why am I alive, how am I in this apartment and why are you the only thing that looks important...?" Staring at the desk, it had a blue neon holographic keyboard hovering just millimetres from the the top, a screen not seen but a single on/off switch gracing the side of the desk. 

Indecisiveness was my enemy here as the temptation to press the 'forbidden' red button was omnipresent within my thoughts. Press it, possibly find something... Not press it and not risk the dangers that touching unknown things could cause... 

Unfortunately for my logical side my wanderlust won out in the end. Pressing the button I pulled out the chair and sat down. From the second that I pressed the on switch the lights of the keyboard grew brighter, a small extension of metal popping out of the top. Then, alighting like the statue of liberty at night time, a holographic screen popped up in mid-air. Words were written across the screen, as if I was reading a user manual for the desk.

|Welcome to your new life... Yes, you have died. That is okay though. Why? Because you have been selected by the ############ to undergo a test of sorts. |

'What the fuck...!?'

|This test will give you a 'system' that will be geared towards your proclivities. With this system, you will be tied to a ingle place for a tutorial period. As you have proclivities geared towards: GAMING, your tasks will be in relation to creating, distributing and updating your own GAMES.|

"How the- why me?" I almost asked how this was happening but usually, in manga and comics, this was always the wrong question and would never be answered properly.

|All inconveniences usually assigned to developing and distributing a game in the MODERN era of EARTH has been conveniently tied to the powers of the system. All you need do is design your games and sell them... How or what you do is up to you.|

|A shop function will be unlocked after you create your first game. Please create a game as quickly as possible, otherwise you will starve and this test will have to find a new target. Best of luck. -Sincerely ***-********|

"Okay... Holy... This is a lot to take in..." I began hyperventilating as sweat pooled in my palms. My life, family and work had all just been stripped from me and now I was expected to just create games out of nowhere, with no understanding of coding.

'I am going to die.'

The screen flashed up as detailed instructions for the creation of games popped up. Several 'apps' were highlighted. One with a laurel and a lightning bolt, another with a pulsing heart and an arrow, the last obvious one glowing red with a ring of fire within.

'Hold on... So, to create a game all I need to do is remember elements from games I have played in the past. But, to create these games I need to spend points that are only gained after my game has been purchased by someone or played for two hours of time.'

"What bullshit is this!? I am not arguing with the help, but damn! This would have put programmers out of business a long time ago if this was present on Earth..."

Fond memories passed my mind as flashes of my lovely mother and stern but loving father caressed the front of my consciousness. Never again would I see them it seems, or if I did, it would be a while from now no doubt. Looking at the screen once again I inspected each one, finding that one was responsible for the shop function; the laurel and lightning app. The second was my balance of points, which currently resided at an even 1000; The heart and arrow app. Finally there was the creation app, the red ring of fire app. 

The interface was immaculate and retardedly easy to understand. It would take my memory of the game and then calculate the cost, from that cost it would list the features, graphics, systems, automated generations, assets and compatibilities. A drop down was also available from a side bar that allowed me to adjust numerous aspects within my game... Giving me a way of adding a personal touch.

Whoever had made this was very helpful as well. Hundreds of usage hints and tips were shared for simple applications of the app and my other apps. It was as if the one who made this entire interface actually wanted me to succeed at my work, whilst the introduction just seemed lacklustre and uncaring in a way.

"I am guessing that If I don't make my game... I won't be able to get food..."

My stomach growled as no answer was given to me. I was all alone, just a simple girl and her game-making 'system'... That would potentially ensure that I was able to eat sometime tonight...


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