SWTOR Beta Part 3

Orange blood splattered over the dusty rocks of the home world of the Sith, Korriban, a vibroblade dripping with the viscous refuse. Standing there, with many worm corpses intermittently hung or dropped around the terrain, was a man with glowing red-yellow eyes. Basic black robes graced his figure as the red dust swirled past in the whipping winds of this craggy planet.

Red glasses sat at the end of the figure's nose as a massive smile was consuming most of his face. He spun the vibroblade constantly as he stepped over the top of the corpse, crazily glaring towards another worm that had started to run across the ground with it's six small legs.

"These things remind me of my times fighting the NAZIS! What fun!"

The creature leapt at him with two arm-talons, being met with the vibro-blades edge and splitting in half. Alucard stepped over this one as well, sauntering up to an opening in the craggy wall of a steppe. There sat a cave entrance with several soldiers, all protecting said cave opening with the aid of a energy shield.

Worms, which were not sentient, could easily be seen as non-intelligent due to the pace that they threw themselves at the shield, were rebuffed constantly. Maintaining his jovial expression Alucard stepped up behind the distracted creatures and slid his blade into the anuses of these monstrous little gremlins. 


Screeches of utter pain resounded before the blade bisected them, or slid further in an sliced apart their innards. The soldiers standing there were horrified at the barbarism just displayed, shivering somewhat as this monstrous person walked up to the exterior of their post and simply tapped the shield.

"Ohhh... Soldiers... Let me in please..." His voice was almost sing-song-like as he shifted his weight between his feet. Anticipation for this game had been coursing through his veins since the first trailer, now he was here playing it, in front of his Twitch Audience.

"Okay, okay! No more copyright infringements on my own fucking words, okay Judus!? NOT ASKING A SECOND TIME, got it...?"

"Ohhh...? You're one of those Catholics... Tell me, how is little Timmy at this time of the year?"

{Twitch Warning- Do not insult religions}

"Did you pay out twitch to simp for you Judus?"

"If I wanted my comeback I would've wiped it off your mom's chin!"

The guards looked at one another in confusion and fear as he stepped past, the shield having been dropped. Alucard stepped down the stairs whilst receiving messages from his chat, who were mostly laughing at his and Judus's antics. Reaching the bottom he met several more soldiers, including a sith who was force choking a worm out only to drag it over and scrape their lightsaber through its brain. 

"Fuckin metal! I want me one of those..."

"AH! Acolyte... I assume you have been sent to accomplish a trial?"

Alucard inclined his head to the right, regarding a rather refined looking officer, wearing somewhat dirty clothes and holding a blaster pistol. He had a white moustache and hair but his age was covered by how metal he looked, a worm head hung off of his belt like some sort of trophy.

"Yeah...! I was sent by my, 'master', to go and steal myself a lightsaber."

The officer nodded knowingly before aiming his blaster at an incoming worm and killing it instantly.

"Well, if you could help me first, I'll give you some credits and also show you some of the important parts of this cavern... Possibly even where you can find said tomb to rob a lightsaber from..."

Widening his eyes, Alucard began to chuckle deeply. He was used to people running scared from him, but here, well, it seemed perfectly natural to be somewhat insane. Especially since those soldiers above didn't run away and just stayed quiet. 

"You cheeky dick-waffle... Okay, point me at what you want dead and I'll do it."

The officer straightened up at the first comment but smiled at the second line, his bright blue eyes turning languid in enjoyment. The sith even turned and looked at Alucard, their face covered by a completely black helm, going back to what they were doing as a worm almost latched onto a nearby soldier.

"Great... Then, here is my mission for you. You shall kill a large swathe of the worms in this tomb, then, once that is complete you are to report to me; from there we will discuss further missions."

"The deal was one mission for the information I seek and the credits. Are you wanting to fucking die?"

The officer scoffed.

"The deal, was to complete a mission for me. I never said the mission was a single part... That is your own logical mistake."

Alucard craned his neck to the side, his eyes glaring at the man menacingly. The officer didn't react though, simply staring at him as if he was a child trying to act tough.

"Hoh... When I am more powerful, I'll be sure to recruit you... You ballsy old man!"

"I await the day when you gain enough power to even think of doing it. For now though, you have a mission to complete, don't you?" The old officer grinned as Alucard began to move past him, both of them locking eyes with one another.

"Just you fuckin wait..."

He ran into the fray, immediately beginning by slicing apart several worms. Entrails flew against dusty cavern walls as claws fell off of dead corpses onto the dense sand below his feet. Watching him, the officer and sith stopped attacking. 

Turning to each other they began to speak about him.

"He shows much promise my lord." The officer spoke in a gruff tone to the fully clothed sith lord.

"His anger is poignant, focused, controlled. Other emotions swirl around him, lust, gluttony, ambition... He wishes to gain something from his time. Perhaps, we shall see another Sith Council Member within the next year or two?"

The officer narrowed his eyes at the robotic sounding voice of the sith, and mostly, their words. This flawed being having control over the armies of the Sith Empire, preposterous. It was more likely to see a Jawa gain control of Tatooine. 

"Whatever you say my lord... I was referring more to his potential as a combatant in the war."

"Best to keep your own thoughts to yourself then. Some, other than myself, may consider your words distasteful and execute you on the spot."

A final grimace covered the officer's face before the sith walked over to a nearby crate and admired the ruthless and mechanical slaughter of these pests; the worms.

"Perhaps, I should refer this acolyte to someone more powerful amongst the Academy?"

His vibroblade cut a large worm into checker pieces as Alucard lifted his arm and tried to copy the Sith's force choke... He failed at the force choke, but succeeded in force pulling an enemy, drawing them onto the point of his blade.


The sith shook their head and simply grabbed some food from his belt, lifting the helmet slightly to facilitate his eating. 

"Shhh, Shhh, stop speaking Judus, I was the first to effectively use it... Everyone knows that."


<<< F in the chat for Judus>>>

The entire chat started to spam 'f' in the chat as the ban hammer was slammed down upon the unsuspecting face of Judus. Some people complained about unfairness, but they were drowned out by the rest of the chat that were commenting a simple message: 'RIPBOZO'. 


I watched on in the brain of the game, witnessing my beta-players all committing to wild shenanigans. Spiffing Brit was already trying to break the game, going the smuggler route but attempting to learn about the force... It wasn't working yet, but it was certainly funny, especially since he didn't know what it was actually called.

Peter was experiencing the Tython questline whilst Ned was going down the soldier route on the Republic side, starting out on Ord Mantel. Tony was playing a Sith Inquisitor, but was constantly questioning everything, getting as much lore from the characters he met as possible; a viable way of playing to be honest. Bruce Wayne was going the operative class on the sith side surprisingly, his propensity for complex situations and detective work drawing him to the explanations of the character-classes; after going through all of them.

Damian was different though, he went with the Bounty Hunter on Nal Hutta. He was currently getting his first contract and exploring the insipid cesspool that was Hutt space. 

All of them had found a niche... Even the Aunt of Peter, her choice being a Jedi Consular because of the explanation that she could heal people and be nice. She was quite enjoying it as well, her first action being the healing of a wounded Jedi on Tython.

My game was going perfectly and the popularity of my games was skyrocketing... The wall that possibly was enforced against my game was crumbling... Soon I would get, A LOT, of points.

[Points: 17,167,319]

'Let's just hope that SWTOR becomes a world wide phenomena.'


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