Twitch Acquisition Time?

"I needed money!"

"Wait, let me explain..."

After coming back from my 'transformative' skill selection I had sent out Huginn and Muninn to just go scout a simple target. They were doing great and I had asked one of the highest level Shinobi in the Uchiha clan to help me practice my Chakra after contemplating my next move for a little.

Now, this comes back to my need... The Uzumaki clan were ready for me to summon and just sitting there. A clan that was much easier and more powerful than the Uchiha just in pure Chakra reserves, personality and techniques. But, as per usual, this came with a complication... Space.

You heard me...


Understand, I wanted all of my summons to be relatively close or at least within contact range of myself. The Mikaelsons were most likely going to move to New Orleans, but that was fine, because they would be my allies more than subordinates or direct partners. The Uchiha were the base of my current manpower and also a valuable force to direct at my enemies; and they for the most part, had no issues or qualms about that. They had their own clan compounds, the two mansions, and were requesting more building to commence on the land which I had to get permits for; Susan was dealing with those in my absence.

Now we get to the crux of my problem. Where are the Uzumaki Clan going to reside and how close could I get them to me...? This was the question and the solution was naturally, as with everything in the modern age, MONEY. Thus, we return to my original statement... I needed money! And, standing on the side of a tree being judged by Itachi and my teacher for my skill, or lack there of, I contemplated my issue.

I had a company that was growing massively in player base and fans. Companies were emailing and calling as much as possible to be the first to work alongside Yggdrasil Interactive. My games could be used as the basis for merchandise, raking in millions of dollars, hundreds of millions, if I were to focus on that aspect... Like the Star Wars franchise in my old world.

Then I had dirt thrown in my face as the instructor picked up another clump of dirt from the ground nearby, tossing it up and down within his hands. He was smirking widely whilst Itachi looked as he usually did but with an aura shifting around him that I could only interpret as mirth. 

"Enough thinking about other things. You need to practice your chakra control." He threw another clump of dirt at me, in the hopes I would try and dodge. Following his implicit instruction I twirled in a small circle on the tree, evading hiss tossed mud and maintaining myself perfectly on the tree.

Itachi was impressed though he didn't show it. My instructor was heavily astounded by my control over the Chakra on the soles of my feet. Turns out that when your brain is constantly poked by excruciating needles of force 24 hours a day, through sleep also, one became able to control their mental energies and willpower. Passive training had helped me out yet again... So much so that keeping myself attached to the tree with Chakra was akin to holding a tea-cup with my telekinesis; effortless. The energy movements were akin to one another, Chakra being made of a mental side and a physical one... Both of which I had in spades and was directly balanced by the System's hands.

"Alright then, let's test you on water." 

He took me over to the large expansive garden pool where birds came to drink of the clear waters and where small fish casually swum in their day-to-day schools. On the way I continued to think of my main issue, this training feeling rather easy for me at the moment.

I could speak with Stark and Bruce to see if cooperation was possible... Thought that made me tied to them and their problems, potentially wrapping myself up in their messes and enemies. The idea of using the Senate came to mind, taking all of their non-essential money, but that would raise eyebrows and lead to some less than savoury investigations.

"This is it. Now, spread the chakra below your feet and step onto the water."

Snapping me again from my thoughts the instructor lightly pushed me towards the water, noticing my spaced out look. The rough treatment was annoying, but that was nothing in comparison to the time he spent out of his day to teach me the basics that someone at the age of 6 would have learnt in his clan.

Following his command with that in mind, I stretched the chakra out under my feet and stepped out onto the water despite having the sinking feeling of this being wrong. My feet felt like they should have sunk, but, they stayed on the surface as my second foot soon joined the first and I was steadily on the water, my chakra barely maintaining cohesion at such fine levels of control.

"Good. Now... Dodge mine and Itachi's attacks." My eyes shot wide open as I turned to see them both pulling Kunai from their belts and throwing them at me. The perspective was what i would imagine a piñata saw at a Mexican kid's birthday party... Hungry eyes and evil grins for what was to come.

"Fu-" *THW,THW,THW,THW* The Kunai zipped straight towards me, forcing me to move. The first one flipped over itself, directly at my head, as I moved my head to the side and tried to step backwards. Water sunk into my feet as my chakra control under pressure failed. Intensity came to my eyes as a second one, aimed at my genitals, was getting much closer. My sinking right foot stabilised as my mind split between two different things. Chakra control and threat assessment. 

The Kunai was jumped over as I did a full flip forwards, landing on my feet, stably, as another six came my way. Three were dodged in much the same way, my pace now at a constant run as Kunai, Ninja techniques and substitution Jutsus fired at me constantly. My raven tattoos lit up as information was uploaded directly into my memory receptors. The colour of the emanations, the directions, the timings... Huginn and Muninn were aiding me without directly being here it would seem. Beyond that, the amount of chakra I was using slowly lowered and refined itself to the minimum amount needed.

Finally, after Half an Hour, they started to fully use hand-signs and launch sly attacks at me. Fireball Jutsus, Air Jutsus and even Ninja Tools were all used. Our training attracted quite a few members of the Uchiha clan... Even the Mikaelsons as I almost danced along the surface of the water on my feet. Their attacks had a rhythm and their rhythms had issues, almost intentional issues. 

"Stop holding back you two. Your, attacks, aren't stable enough." The instructor tightened his gaze and completed the hand-signs for a Kekkei Genkai Jutsu. Magma style. Lava spewed forth straight at me, the intention behind the attack to pierce my feet... He had dropped the easiness and gone for a more ruthless approach.

Hope, Klaus, Elijah and Hayley all watched on in the background as the other Uchiha members spoke amongst themselves, analysing my movements and actions. Hope was mildly amazed, her eyes watching my movements and thinking how she would even try to dodge attacks coming at the speed of sound itself. Klaus was simply grinning, he was confident that he could dodge them no doubt.

My perception of them waned as the sparks of something other than just chakra emerged within me. Something that screamed to be used at this moment. My eyes flared, veins that glowed like lightning emerging as the chakra within my body flared with two other 'somethings' that also cried out to be used.

Then my gut screamed at me to do something, a sixth sense that intensified the closer the lava came. Water. Lightning. Air. Before my eyes several dots appeared in mid-air, akin to a guitar game and hitting the right notes.

[Move corresponding hand to the corresponding dot. Complete all of them to make your own Jutsu. The Naming Convention is up to you.]

Rapidly I followed the tip, moving my hands in a spiral pattern as each dot alit once the movement was completed. Finally, at the last two, the hands united in a triangle shape, my palms facing outwards towards the lava.

The water beneath my feet subverted itself from the relative stillness it had achieved. Electricity pulled itself from the very sky as air filled the rising water with air bubbles. Lava crashed against the new eight foot tall and wide aegis I had created. Steam exploded upwards as sizzling billowed out ominously. This interaction continued for a little while until the shape of my aegis was revealed... Constantly renewing, in the shape of a samurai helmet.

Emotions surged wildly from all of the Uchiha as many were excited for me. Itachi was once such person as he was wildly excited to have someone like me on their side. Making a new Jutsu wasn't completely rare... But this wasn't just a normal Jutsu, this was a Kekkei Genkai... If not a Kekkei Tota. 

I had my hands still help up, so I dropped them and looked down at my hands... The water splashing into my face, sending a shiver through my spine.


Snapping my finger I looked up to the sky.


Everyone looked at me oddly, the Mikaelsons especially. I ignored them all though and simply smiled at Itachi and my instructor.

"Thank you, I had been thinking on the issue of making money for a while... But I forgot my basics, which was what you were teaching me. I was rushing too fast into the next thing without considering what i had already gained."

The Instructor was confused, but he didn't look it, simply nodding in mock proudness whilst Itachi nodded knowingly. He was taught that in the Anbu it seems, from the little bots of flashing images I could see on the outskirts of his mind; not that I was entering his mind.

Without explanation I jumped down off the water, snatched Itachi, pointed and hooked my finger towards Elijah. He seemed confused at first but acquiesced, Hayley stepping forwards also as Klaus moved after them. I was too excited to stop them, so I simply decided to trust them... Not that it wasn't easy for me to force them to keep it secret.

I guided them all to a room inside the Uchiha compound and sat down, all of them following. Picking up my phone I sent a text off to Susan and Picard/Data. We waited for them to arrive, all of them awkwardly staring at me... This atmosphere prevailed until Data, Picard and Susan appeared from the doorway. 

All of the people in the room looked at one another with mild confusion and uneasiness, especially the Mikaelsons, but I ignored that. At the current moment I needed to focus on my thought and naturally the purchase of a little company I had wanted for a while now.

"Good, now you are all here, I need all of your help."

I had grabbed all of their attentions now.

"My plan is to use a new upgrade I had implemented into the start-up of Star Wars. A hub of sorts that can be expanded into an alternate reality space where real-estate and other things could become an economy unto its own. Global spanning and stable."

Picard widened his eyes as Data cocked his head and began running simulations. Klaus was figuring it out quickly as he connected dots. Elijah was faster than anyone to get the finer details; Itachi just sitting there mildly confused as to why he was a part of such a big conversation.

"You mean, that you have found a way of subverting national currencies in a fair way that ultimately you control...?" Elijah's tone was almost husky at the mere thought of such an upgrade to culture, economy and technology. There was a reason why he tried to make an order of vampires predicated towards advancing society in his past life.

"More than that. Don't you see, she will revolutionise the way Humanity perceives money and value. The digital isn't technically real, but its effect is truly beyond real... Therefor it has a value beyond most countries... Imagine, a space where the poor can be truly equal to the rich. One where the class differences and racial differences slip away into a digital creation of their own personality and individuality. Included with her games, this could, truly, lead humanity down a more peaceful path."

Picard wound a beautiful speech based upon his morals, a hope that was never quenched slipping out. Klaus was almost believing this spiel as he was one for the arts also. Data was the reality anchor however as he spoke... 

"Given the context of this space, it would cause many issues in the short term. First there would be legal implication tied to the Justice System in America, the UN and NATO. Secondly, value must be shown to people, a period of time may be needed to introduce people to this idea. Thirdly, the economic consequences could be truly devastating. Entire industries could vanish due to the 'real' quality to food within this hub or other aspects. It is entirely possible that the fast food industry and Big Pharma companies could target you for taking away large percentages of their customer base."

Elijah frowned at that, Hayley reaching out to hold his hand and squeeze it. He was sold, I could tell, It was Klaus, Picard, Data and Susan that needed convincing... Or so I thought.

"Freya. If I may?"

"Of course Data."

"Thank you. I would ask if I could enter into this, simulation, to get a proper reading of the interior size and scope of this 'hub'. Additionally, I would like access to your company's economic data."

Blinking a little at the unique requests I simply nodded whilst giving him my consent.

"Freya... I am guessing you are including us in this because you have an idea to get started?"

"Ah, yeah, that is right Klaus. My original Idea was to get business and companies sponsored within my Hub for a price... This would allow for ease of purchasing but also give the company massive money gain in the short term."

Picard nodded and smiled.

"I believe, if we can advertise this properly... We could truly sell the idea of having real estate in the hub for meetings, business capitals and various other endeavours. Think, most companies would immediately move their head offices to an infinite digital space if it cuts down costs for them but had none of the disadvantages."

Elijah chimed in.

"Beyond what the well-spoken Frenchman has said, there is the opportunity to gain massive amounts of information on these people and their movements. Now, you told us your enemies were elites of the highest levels... What if you were to invite their businesses and agencies into the world you control ultimately...?" An evil smirk spread over his masculine face as Hayley looked at him a touch love stricken.

"How devious... As expected of my brother... I agree with Elijah and the Frenchman. If you, in-fact, we, are going to take advantage of this opportunity it would mean delving into the darkness of society. I, am open to this... I've been delving in dungeons most of my life, this is no different."

A twinkle started to manifest into my eyes visually as my gaming powers increased massively... This was a game... Like Sims or Civilisation... It was a game of politics, empire building and subterfuge.

Hayley chimed in. "I cannot do much, but I can at most provide protection to those who go and meet with companies and such..." Hope stepped up soon after her mother; her having sat in the corner listening to everything.

"I can do that too." Klaus inclined his head in her direction and looked pained to even consider putting his little girl into the line of fire.

"Hope and Hayley will stay together and go with Susan and Picard to any meetings with companies. Klaus, you will go with Itachi to these 'dark' places... He will help you immensely should you need to get rid of someone without noise or without violence."

Klaus nodded at me in respect and understanding. Elijah was smiling coyly as he was looking forwards to this whole ordeal. Hope was staring at her mother and trying her best to stay mad with Elijah, despite failing hard. Picard and Data were happy with the direction and Hayley was simply happy to be doing something other than talking. Itachi just shrugged and stood next to Klaus, who was smiling with deep intrigue.

There was only one person left, Susan, and she was deep in thought.

"Susan? What do you wish to do?" My words snapped her from her thoughts.

"Ah, sorry. I was just thinking about your idea."

"Oh? And? What are your thoughts?" The rest of the people in the room turned to her and waited for her response to my question..

"I think we first have to buy out Twitch."

Data immediately started calculating again before widening his eyes and nodding.

"She is correct. If the purchase of Twitch occurs, then your company will surge in net-value. This coercion in the gaming market will turn heads and make negotiations much easier... Naturally this can change due to factors outside of my preview, but it does increase the current odds by 23%."

All of these supernatural people and futuristic figures stood astounded by the relatively simple looking woman before them; though she was anything near normal. Susan blushed and I felt her eyes glance onto me every so often...

"Then, our first goal is to gain ownership of Twitch. Klaus, Elijah, Picard, Data, please help me in achieving this."

They all nodded and looked to one another, slowly breaking off into groups to speak to one another. This was what summoning was all about... Whilst I focussed on my games, they could spread my influence and power for their own gain also...

'He who controls others may be powerful, but he who has mastered himself is mightier still.'

'A good quote from Lao Tzu... One to keep in mind.'


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