Twitch Personified

[Points: 2,621,914,683]

Photons spread outwards and vanished as the appearance of a striking blonde-haired woman sat there. Neon lights flickered purple and white around her but soon faded to coalesce around her in the form of a tight-fitting spandex suit with neon lines of pure red running through said indentations in the 'armour'. Small chat boxes flickered around her and began to be spammed with messages as no doubt, based upon her themes, the chat box's presence and the purple white colour scheme, this servant was connecting with the modern interpretation of Twitch.

The back of my hand crisped, or at least it looked like it, as Command Spells flooding onto my hand in the form of miniature swords... Hundreds of them pointing inwards towards a single dot in the centre of my hand; back and front. 

Said servant inspected Susan first and then switched to me, her eyes widening at my hand's current state before she spoke... Her greyish-purple eyes dimly glowing with undulating energy.

"Sup! You're my master no doubt...? Ain't yah?" Despite her rather exquisite body and mature look her tone and accent was beyond modern. Her inflections almost seemed from a teen girl instead of a woman and her tone was rather, not petulant, but blunt. 

Coughing I nodded. "Yes, I would be your master, though there is no Holy Grail War currently under way." Her eyes lit up with excitement as the chat boxes started to fire at all cylinders. 

"Totally sick brah! Hehe, I got myself a good master that can summon me without the presence of a grail..." She chuckled to herself and began mumbling as Susan looked towards her with a hint of jealousy flaring within her emotional aura. Ignoring all of that though, there was still the final part of the contract to fulfil. 

"My name is Freya Bragisdottir, and I would be your master."

The woman's eyes flashed bright purple as the neon all flared bright white as her rather luscious-looking lips opened.

"In accordance with the contract of the Holy Grail, I, the Rider Servant, TWITCH, shall accept Freya Bragisdottir as my master... Until she can no longer supply me with mana to manifest as I am." 

My command spells flashed bright red as I felt my chakra and the other energy that I could not yet control, magic, connect to Twitch's Mystery. Immediately she exploded with energy as her entire form lit up in light and then dimmed.

"Master! This is totally crazy!!! You have a huge amount of mana! Like, enormous! With this I could survive thousands of years, just on the amount you sent through just now!" She was really energetic, beyond that, she was positively glowing with life as she started to bob side to side whilst gazing at several chat rooms.

"Cool... Can you tell me your abilities?" She looked shock, her eyes flashing white with small spinning balls of death twirling in her eyes.


"I am a manifestation of Chat... More specifically my mystery is an egregore. I was born from the collective thoughts, ideas, actions and legends of streamers and chat members. My power is fuelled by the hype, dono trains and gifted subs across all of Twitch. All contributions to Twitch increase and enhance my power."

"More than that, I can limitlessly scale in power upwards so long as the hype train is escalated. To ensure that, most of my attacks and actions are livestreamed to Twitch to draw attention! I mean, it's like, totally cool and stuff!"

Blinking, my mind rapidly formulated plans for her position, what she would do for me and how I would be able to use her for my own gain. She seemed to be the opportune figure to become the media manager for my company... especially since more activity on Twitch meant that she was gaining power.

"AH! My Noble Phantasm is a little something I call 'HIGHLIGHT REEL: Viral Immortality'!" She tried to stand and make a unique pose but was bumped back onto her ass as the limo bounced over potholes in the road... The road conditions here not exactly the best. 

 Rubbing her ass a little she began speaking dejectedly. "It could be considered a reality marble. I can summon chat to physically interfere in the battle, allowing them to say slurs and other hateful things, that would physically manifest attacks. They are more powerful the more emotion present inside said comment. I also reach immortality whilst using this, I can't die so long as the clip is ongoing!" She was beaming from ear to ear in pride as Twitch's symbol lightly flared in her eyes, as if requesting praise of some kind after powering through her dejection.

"Is that it?"

"WHAT DO YOU MEAN... 'IS THAT IT'!? That is pretty crazy already man...! I mean, it does freeze time and multiply every attack directed at an enemy if I get a clip to go viral, but that isn't cooler than immortality! What more do you want...?" She was pouting now.

"Well, that is certainly more powerful than you first explained it." I looked over at her pouting form and the slight slump she had in her back. "Glad to have you on our side Twitch." I extended my hand for a hand shake... Instead I got a face full of breast as she leapt at me and hugged me. Susan was radiating pure jealousy currently, her actions not showing this however as she simply looked on with a controlled mastery of facial expression.

"Kyaaaa! We'll have fun I am sure master!"


The rest of the drive to Malibu was extremely eventful as Twitch wouldn't stop asking questions about me and Susan, the only time she stopped asking being when she was interfacing with twitch directly to monitor its' goings on. 

In between long tangential questions and queries I been able to scrounge some time to look at today's specials properly. Some were very good, by the end of my scroll I had bought a few things...

[Points: 2,781,016,921]


Chalice of Infinite Blood (1,000,000P down from 10,000,000P) [PURCHASED]

 Halo-System -Tied to Levelling System- (500,000,000P down from 1,000,000,000P)

Infernal System -Tied to Levelling System- (500,000,000P down from 1,000,000,000P)

Experience Booster -On any skill/Power- (10,000,000P down from 50,000,000P) [PURCHASED]

Potato Crisps- (2P down from 4P) [PURCHASED x 200]

Customised Fate-Style Servant -Noble Phantasm Included-(500,000,000P down from 1,000,000,000P) [PURCHASED]

---BATTLEPASS, Journeyman Level---

* Own Two Fate-Style Servants * : 1 Experience Card

*Create Five more games* : 5,000,000,000 Points

* Level Up 20 Times* : 200 Billion USD

* Upgrade The 'HUB' into a Reality Engine* : 1 Godly Item

* Topple the Kabal of Corrupt Organisations* : 200 Skill points

*Lose Your Virginity* : A good time, Blessing Upgrade

*Merge the Uchiha and Uzumaki Bloodlines* : Sage Mode Unlock, Mangekyo Evolution

* Have 1 Billion people play your game* : 10,000,000,000 Points, Augma from SAO

* Purposefully Master a Power, Ability, Energy Type or Super Power by yourself* : High-Servant combining any historical figure's mysteries

*Learn a Complete Magic System from Someone* : Psycho-Magical Energy Evolution


[Points: 2,270,016,521]

I had purchased 200 crisp packets and handed out some to Twitch in the hopes it would quiet her down, which it did. Susan was eating some also as I handed them to her first, a smile gracing her face for a few moments as she was processing what my powers meant.

In the meantime I stored the next servant, deciding to summon them after meeting Tony. next I pulled out two of my experience cards and activated them... Choosing Chakra Usage and Psychic Control. The rest of the trip was spent by me processing the information and experience from the two cards. 

Chakra was first and it was centred mainly around enhancing my control over my onw chakra to the extreme... Honing my sixth sense to feel the chakra flow around me and how other chakra flows interacted with things. This wasn't Sage Mode, but something more akin to a pinging radar that allowed me to feel when things were hinky with Chakra around me. Beyond that I could now form a Rasengan and Chidori without issues, the techniques being rather simple in base concept... Using motions and Newton's laws to increase the physical impact of the strikes. 

The psychic control was next and this finished right as we got to 10880 Malibu Point, Tony's mansion. Experience for this was more focused on my technological abilities. The experience card had been cracking codes and computers to edit them and manipulate their contents... Exploring advanced systems beyond what this current world could offer, I think? Anyway, i was now at the point with my understanding of Techno-kinesis; as I called it, that I could happily destroy the banking system if I so wished to do so. Not that I would given the fact that I am standing to gain quite a lot through my company.

The car came to a stop outside of a gated fence, some security guards checking in with the Uchiha security of my own at the front. Their conversation was of little importance to me, I only wished to see Tony and witness the Iron Man suit myself. Who knows, I could maybe replicate it in future if I was bored...

Nah, the real reason was that I wished to speak to him about Shaw. I had gotten some less than savoury information on him and was wishing to get a future favour out of Stark for providing evidence and telling him about his 'friend'.

We were soon let through as we were escorted to the front door by several armed men. Finally we stopped for good out the front of a highly sophisticated beachfront property which gleamed white as the sun struck positively beautiful architecture. The Uchiha all stepped out and followed me to the door, Susan and Twitch coming along with me until said point as well, where the door was opened to reveal a casually dressed playboy billionaire philanthropist drinking some orange juice as a lady was tidying herself up from what was no doubt some, 'reporting' ,last night. 

"So we've got the three wicked witches of the east coming to meet me... How, enjoyable. Please, come in, make yourselves comfortable." He stepped to the side and effectively invited us in, his eyes lingering over me, Twitch and Susan somewhat as his 'partner' from the night before ran up and kissed him on the cheek, slinking away behind us as another car was brought out for her.

"Wicked witches, heh, I think this is the first time we have met, truly, face to face... Stark." His eyes widened and stopped dead on me, his expression turning to immense processing and consternation.

"The owner of Yggdrasil Interactive I presume?"

"In the flesh. Name is Freya by the way. Now! We have some business to discuss, mind if I have an orange juice too?"

He looked at the juice in his hand and sighed a little, looking at one of his guards. Said guard did a double take, looking around before eventually realising that Tony was looking for him.

"Yes boss?"

"MacDonald's... I want some breakfast muffins. Oh, and also a cheeseburger."

"I-it'll be done right away sir."

Happy moved away from Tony and took off in a car, going personally to get the fast food his boss had asked for.

I chuckled as Susan and Twitch followed me in, the Uchiha hanging outside and monitoring every inch of the front entrance; and unbeknownst to Tony's staff, the back also.


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