The Batcave

Stalactites and stalagmites dripped incessantly amidst the flapping and scratching of bats flying past in the dark limestone cave. Both of their footsteps echoed cavernously in the space as the semi-distant lighting of the Batcomputer flickered to different hues, the sounds of typing resounding off the walls.

Large spotlights lit certain parts of the cave that had been constructed, one such light lighting the way for the duo on their downwards decent into their father's secret lair. Moisture on the air struck skin and caused a small accumulation of water, seeming akin to sweat if one were not used to walking in or being around the Batcave. 

Interspersed between the large sources of light were the eerie blue LED lights and flashing screens in the distant chambers. As they got closer the skittering of bats was replaced with the electric hum of servers and terminals, the cutting edge bleeding into the ancient rock formations that created the unique structure that the lair resided within.

Above the two of them stood a circular platform with the various batmobiles collected by Bruce over his long career fighting crime. One designed like a tank, another completely natural looking but with small bat symbols carved into the wheels. The peculiarity expanded further as a massive T-Rex model stood above a collection space... Hundreds of different trinkets and objects hung on the walls or placed on lush podiums. The final clincher however was the long row of different suits.

Everything from the original Batman Suit to one that looked half complete, based upon the design from the Fall Out games... Much like the Enclave style though completely altered to resemble Bruce's usual suits.

"Whoa, this is... different. Fallout fan, huh? Didn't peg Bruce as the type to take inspiration from video games. Then again, I guess if he did, he'd go for the Enclave look, authoritarian, intimidating, the whole 'knight in high-tech armour' thing." Damian frowned towards his brother but sighed, his face showing some hesitation in speaking... Before he ultimately decided to do so.

"Father very much likes designs of the Enclave from Fall Out. Didn't much like their corrupt and cruel ways, but he does have a respect for their scientists and idea-men."

Dick raised an eyebrow at Damian's admission, then turned back to the suit with a newfound curiosity.

"Huh. So Bruce is a Fallout fan. Learn something new every day." He crossed his arms, studying the armour's design. "Guess it makes sense. The Enclave are all about power and control, kinda like how he runs Gotham. And I can see how he respects the brains behind their tech, even if he dislikes their style."

Damian tutted and began walking once more, Dick following him after a moment of looking at the armour. "It is not 'fanboyism,' Grayson. Father values efficiency. The Enclave, despite their flaws, understand the necessity of strength in governance. Their downfall is their cruelty, but their technological advancements are unparalleled." Dick couldn't see his little brother's face, but if he had to guess, it was rather snooty and arrogant, mixed with his usual professional placidity.

Dick smirked again, for the first time after being dealt a verbal blow by his brother earlier. "Right, sure. And next you're gonna tell me he has a secret Brotherhood of Steel phase too?"

Damian scoffed and shook his head, both of them now taking a long winding path filled with stair upwards to the heart of the Batcomputer. 

"Do not be ridiculous. The Brotherhood is short-sighted, clinging to old-world ideals without progress. He dislikes their hoarding of technology, and their lack of adaptability irritates him..." By the tone of his voice, it irritated him as well, the slight movements in his gait leading Dick to whistle in surprise.

"Wow. You really talk about this with him, huh?"

Damian didn't alter his pace at all, but Dick could tell he was a little embarrassed about the topic as he spoke... "We discuss many things..."

Dick stopped for a second, letting Damian move ahead a touch, staring back at the possible new suit. "Still... It's weird to see Batman in something this heavy. He always balances brute force with agility. This? This looks like he's thinking more about war than crimefighting."

"Catch up Greyson, or is your mission not that important after all?"


The two brothers emerged at the top of the stairs after more back-and-forth banter, Damian wearing a frustrated expression and Dick sporting a mischievous grin. The antics stopped abruptly, however, as both noticed the fully suited form of Bruce typing away at the main terminal of the Batcomputer.

Damian and Dick exchanged a brief glance, before Dick shrugged and moved forward. The sound of typing halted just before he could take another step.

"Dick, Damian. I assume you're here for assistance with a case?"

Dick grimaced slightly before composing himself, his gait remaining steady and unyielding as he walked toward Bruce. The dark knight rose from the chair and turned to face him.

Damian quickly caught up, now matching Dick's more serious pace.

"Bruce, I trust you're well?"

"'Well' is a strong word. I'll never truly be well until all the crime in Gotham is stopped..." He paused, noticing the raised eyebrows from Dick. "But I'm as 'well' as I can be, thanks for asking. Yourself?"

"Oh? Well, I've just been learning from Damian here how much of a fan of Fall Out you are! Haven't you, kid?"

Damian inwardly cringed but tried his best no to show it, though the entire premise of hiding something like this from what were debatably some of the best detectives in the world, was humorous.

"You were the one asking questions," he said flatly, "If you didn't want the answers, then why ask in the first place...?"

Dick and Bruce ignored the response and went back to speaking to one another.

"Dick, what business do you have with me?"

"Old man, you never stop to relax..." Dick sighed. "There are some sycophants running around the edges of Gotham's underworld, wearing some form of mask and interacting with some of my suspects in Bludhaven. I scoped them out once, but was interrupted by nearby gunshots."

Bruce frowned slightly, his masculine jawline becoming tighter as he crossed his arms. Both sons noticed their father entering into a contemplative stance, one they usually saw a the sparse family dinners that were had... Or most usually, when Bruce was overseeing their training. The past for Dick, the present for Damian... And it brought them both the same minute frustration. 

"Outskirts of Gotham you say..." Bruce, turned Dark Knight, pivoted back to the Batcomputer and began to tap away on the keyboard before raising the CCTV footage from the Urban areas along the so-called outskirts. "I have noticed some unique behaviour there of late, but my main concern has been with the Chaos Lord Joker."

Dick winced and unintentionally rubbed his shoulder, a place where another Robin had been shot in the past. It was unintentional and almost reactionary, as if he was still afraid of being separated from his father, though he had done so himself a while back; The Story of Jason was one of the few he wished he had never heard of...

"Dick, if you need assistance in this I would suggest getting Damian's help. I can't abandon the hunt for Joker and this feels like something important." He swivelled a little in his chair to face the two, his expression showing no emotion, his slow tone revealing his deeper emotions just a little bit.

"Sure, Old Man, I'll take the pipsqueak out for some hero business. Bet he's been positively bored sitting here training day in and day out." Damian scoffed at Dick's words.

"Tt. I think I'll be the one showing you the proper way of being a Hero, do try to keep up." Dick grinned a little but quickly went neutral once again, Bruce steeping his fingers whilst looking between the two. 

The two frowned for a moment, almost beginning to speak before being interrupted by their father.

"Dick, treat this with the seriousness it deserves. Please. And, Damian, you are to follow Dick's orders. You are too new in being a hero to 'guide' him, as you say."

Dick grinned, enjoying every ounce of that last statement whilst Damian seethed in frustration and competitiveness. 

"I've defeated mother in single combat! I've beaten hundreds of thugs and sent them to prison, despite my better judgement to just end their wretched lives... What else do I need to do? Cure cancer!?"

Dick frowned but lightened his own mood a touch before responding, Bruce still seated and staring at Damian.

"That would be a good start little D, but maybe we should work on the 'wretched lives' part before we go to the big leagues, yeah?" Damian flicked his eyes over to his older 'brother' before turning in a huff and strutting off in a minor tantrum, though he would refuse to call it that.

"Wait! Ah, damn, see you later old man... I'll give you a report when we've got results." Dick took off before Bruce could answer, the energetic Night-Wing catching up to his annoyed little brother.

"I think. Working with you Dick, will let him see the lighter side to life..." Bruce spoke to himself as he watched his two boys take off, going to face who knows what. Blinking and exhaling just slightly the Batman began his scanning of Gotham, Joker somewhere out there, causing havoc no doubt.


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