Dinner and Romance

After making my games and faffing around a bit in SWTOR, watching gameplay, I purchased a top of the line set of nano-clothing that could change styles and size based on my wishes. Currently my nano-clothing, having cost 100,000 Points, was in set into a pitch black dinner suit. The nano-clothing itself originated from a cross-shaped earring that had a singular ruby embedded into it's structure.

My wet hair was held back by a simple band, gathered into a ponytail that ended just before reaching my shoulders. On my feet were a pair of polished dress shoes, the lights in my apartment glimmering off of the reflection. My ears were openly displayed for all to see, my caution abandoned due to the nature of the company and the fact that I saw no real need to fear anything. 

This world already had aliens operating in the shadows and in the open, Superman the grandest testament to that line of logic. As for my my species, I found that it came with a lot of perks... One such aspect being my deeply intrenched connection to the force now. My 'gut-feelings' were now riddled with minor precognitive visions, a slight murmur of a voice informing me that my next action perhaps wasn't for the best. The force was an interesting concept. It was made up of the 'light-side' and the 'dark-side', at least, this form of the concept was. Both needed balance to control and in the end could strengthen one another.

The dark-side thrived off of emotions and the exploration of them. The light-side flourished under the intention of those emotions, the kindness, the focus of them into something constructive. In this form the Jedi were completely wrong about the light-side, it wasn't wrong to feel or experience emotion, in fact, the light-side required you to have them... To draw upon them, to empathise with your opponent, your enemy, your ally and anyone you come across. Too much of either lead to issues however. Too much use of one's emotions lead to an instability and disregard of reality, Anakin's slaughter of the younglings in the foolish belief that he could save his wife who had not even yet died... a clear example of the imbalance between the 'Dark' and 'Light'; Emotion and Rationality.

In the same way, the 'Light-side' could equally be as evil or dangerous. Many times throughout the Clone Wars Jedi abandoned their morals and empathy to further the goals of a government that was ultimately using them as generals in a war instead of their original position as peace-keepers. Atrocities such as wiping entire Separatist populations or the use of indiscriminate orbital bombardment being the few of many crimes committed out of complete rationality, but a lack of empathy or emotion... all in the name of doing the 'right' thing.

In their pursuit of absolute rationality, the Jedi failed to see the growing darkness within their own ranks, nor did they recognize how their rigid detachment from emotion made them blind to Palpatine's deception. But digressing from that point... I had found that this pairing of sides was very powerful and self-proliferating. Emotion sustained the empathy I had and allowed me to feel people more deeply around me. My psychic abilities were strengthened to another level and I could literally feel the skein of someone's emotional aura flickering across my brain. This balance was hard maintained but sustained by the power of Chakra and my own Psychic resistance. 

I hadn't tried using all of my powers, but, I had the feeling that I could do so much more with this mysterious concept.

My musing were interrupted, as per usual, as an alarm went off. My system beeping at me that it was time to depart for my dinner with the Uzumaki. Fixing my clothes and ensuring I looked good in the mirror, I stepped out my apartment smiling as Artoria and Susan were awaiting my presence.

Artoria was dressed in an orange, gold and silver dress with the cracks of her usual armour shining in pulsing apocalyptic energy. Her hair was set in a lovely platted English braid wrapped around a low hair-bun with blue ribbons lightly dangling from the braid. Her face exuded natural beauty of an Anglo-Saxon woman, her bright greyish-blue eyes glimmering in excitement as her smile brightened the room mysteriously. 

Susan was just as stunning however, her radiant blue eyes glimmering like the sky off of fresh ice in the poles of Earth. She was dressed in a luscious navy-blue dress that was accented by stark white lace and bands around the waistline. Her hair was freely flowing, akin to a waterfall or a creek's soft diminutive torrent. Ignoring the accoutrements to their actual beauties, I could feel something deeply illustrious and wonderful about their personalities and souls.

The force, as if a limb with it's own initiative, reached out and lightly collected their thoughts about me, the action completely passive on my end. I shut out that information however, choosing to discard it as I wanted their trust more than any scope of their thoughts. Their emotional state was all I needed anyway, Susan having a lovely pink glow around her as she scanned me up and down. Faint bouts of chaotic purple slipped in there, but was swallowed by pink until it arose somewhere else. Artoria, she was positively alight in bright blues and greens, trust and friendship... She wanted us to be best friends, she wanted to know me and wanted to never be left alone again.

Having done this all in a few seconds I grinned at them possessively, my body relaxing its formality as I rose my arms whilst striding forwards.

"Ladies, would you come with me to dinner?" Susan blushed but quickly acquiesced, holding my right arm with her left.

Artoria took my opposite arm with her right my hands holding theirs as we smoothly walked down the stairs of the HQ, strutting out into the garden paths that would take us to the Uzumaki compound. 

"Freya, thank you for inviting me..." Artoria murmured her thanks as our link flexed a little. She was embarrassed but at the same time extremely gladdened to have been thought of. Her time here probably hadn't been the best so far, being given so much responsibility and left alone by her own master.

"No thanks are needed dear. I am your master, you are my adorable 'Servant', or as I call you and Twitch, friends. I would hope that we can have less of a strict relationship and become friends." I looked at her deeply and smiled as she nodded in agreement, her eyes looking into mine with a slither of hope.

"I am glad you invited her Freya. She's been run off her feet since you shoved all of that work on her." My other companion for the evening, Susan, was lightly reprimanding me whilst trying not to show that she was insecure about not being mentioned in any way, or talked to since I first took their arms.

"Don't worry love, I haven't forgotten you. How could I? The way you both look, I'd be blind if I could forget you. And, as for the responsibility I placed on you Artoria, I trusted you more than anyone else to take over... Since I recognised that you were a king once... I figured it would help you digest, and perhaps, move on from the past's mistakes." Her emotions turned sombre and dark for several moments until they lightly came back to the full intensity of blues and greens again.

"T-thank you Freya. I-i-" I cut into her words, sensing her sadness and worry. "You don't have to share anything until you are ready. Take your time, it is still a fresh wound, if my dreams have told me anything." 

She turned silent and looked down at the ground before her as we passed by the Uchiha mansions, the gate between the two Clan's grounds opening with a flick of my mental energy. 

"Freya, you're too smooth... As if I'd be pretty enough to be unforgettable." As a woman, I understood her game immediately. She was fishing for a compliment, giving me the perfect chance to close the distance between us.

"You are more beautiful than you recognise." I pulled her closer, slipping my hand from our lock to press against her lower back, holding her firm as I claimed her lips.

Her hands pressed against my chest, firm but hesitant, more a plea for closeness than a push for distance. She leaned up into the kiss as I pressed my lips deeper against hers, a shiver running through her at our sustained contact. After several moments of basking in each other's presence I pulled back and looked lovingly towards her.

"If that isn't proof enough, I may just have to get creative..." Our eyes lingered on each other until Artoria coughed, her face burning as she quickly averted her gaze. When I turned to Artoria, she was blushing profusely. Her attempted look away from the two of us doing nothing to hide her own feelings on what she had just witnessed.

'Haha, may have gone too far, too early...' I glanced over to Susan again and judged her emotional state in but a moment. 'Not that it hasn't worked out for me so far.'

With both of my guests for the night blushing like cherry blossoms, I stepped out around the garden hedgerow and emerged before one of the massive mansions that the Uzumaki had chosen for housing currently. The lights were all on, a general hum of voices and activity inside revealing the raucous nature of the dinner. Said light spilled freely from stained glass frescos and detailing, the front door left slightly ajar as Uchiha Shinobi stood outside on the front landing. 

Susan and Artoria exhaled, regaining their composure before catching up and locking arms with me again. Susan's was tighter than before, her fingers curling around my own as she rubbed her palms into mine cordially. Artoria was more reserved but had gotten closer to me, her shoulders touching my own every so often. 

"Freya-san! Good to see you." Minato stepped from a nearby shadowed corner, his get-up still the same as earlier and his attitude casual. 

"Ah, Minato, hope all is well... I apologise if we are late, purely my fault if we are." He waved his hand in the air as if asking me to get over it, his gaze flicking between the three of us before 'tsking' slightly. 

"You aren't late, take it from me, you didn't want to be here earlier... Kushina was fussing over, well, everything." He slumped a little, pulling a champagne from seemingly thin air and downing it in one single gulp.

"What was that, Minato?" He straightened his back as his loving wife, Kushina, stepped out with her hands on her hips... A dress of bright orange lightly tumbling over her form as she walked forwards with all the ferocity of a tiger let loose.

He gulped deeply before exhaling and turning, a smile radiating outwards despite his emotions telling another tale completely.

"Honey! I was just telling them of how much effort you put into this dinner." Sweating bullets would be a kind way to evaluate his current status, the Hokage vestiges showing slight accumulation of sweat from the back. 

She narrowed her eyes on him before our presence drew her ire away from him, her expression relaxing and drawing into a cordial greeting as she spoke out.

"Freya-san! Ah, Susan-san and, sorry, I don't think I've met you before, ttebayo."

Artoria widened her eyes and smiled widely, her emotions showing me that it had been a long time since she had been around so many people. 

"You can call me Artoria, I am the se- friend of Freya."

"That's cool, friend of her's is our friend also, ttebayo!"

Kushina turned back to me and spoke in a slightly blunt manner.

"Dinner is ready. You may want to protect yourself from cakes, my daughter Yuna is a troublemaker and will most likely try something she would call 'spectacular', tonight."

I chuckled nervously as Susan eyed me from the side, her interest spiked as she could see me feeling a little awkward at the mention of Yuna Uzumaki. I ignored her stare however as I responded to Kushina, pressing my ladies forwards.

"I'll be sure to make sure I am on guard... We'll go inside now, i guess. Hahaha." Nervously laughing my way out of the situation Artoria and Susan followed, all of us met with the sight of a massive hall filled with people all conversing and speaking.

I am sure this had been going on for most of the afternoon. The outliers to the Uzumaki hubbub were the Uchiha who were also invited, their moody disposition finding them under the barrage of many Uzumaki members. All of them looked as if they hated it, despite the majority of young Uchiha appreciating the attention and feeling attracted to more than a few of the Uzumaki men and women.

We stepped forwards and joined this cacophony, many of the Uchiha standing up as they noticed me. This naturally lead the majority of the room turning to stare at me and my companions. Susan tried to remain calm but tightened her hold on my hand meanwhile Artoria frowned somewhat, her memories sparking at the edges of our connection, the bleak images of old-time courts and traitorous men. 

"Please, continue, no need for special treatment!" Many people laughed with this and continued their conversation, my women being dragged away from me within moments by curious Uzumaki and Uchiha members. The Mikaelsons were also here, though they were spread throughout the room, conversing with the Shinobi. Klaus himself was hitting on a middle-aged Uzumaki woman who was single, her verbal tick seemingly having no effect on the ancient vampire.

Elijah was sticking close by Haley and speaking with Itachi, who was rather open with the finely dressed man. His partner on the other hand was conversing with Marcel who had been busy exploring New York for the last week or two, his emotions much more stable than they were when he was first summoned. Kol was camped in a corner with Davina as the two of them cutely conversed with one another. Finn was actually getting to know some people, seemingly enjoying himself despite being a vampire once again. Rebekah was walking over to Marcel, a drink in hand. Frey, or Freya, was currently speaking with Picard and Data.

I settled down at the table, sitting across from Mito who was looking around in a similar fashion. We were both just waiting for the dinner to commence, my hunger higher than usual as my mood was much more focussed on Susan. Since that kiss earlier a dam that had been in place for weeks was put close to breaching, my literal and figurative thirst peeking out over the proverbial walls. This entire event was just a waiting game for me now...

After ten minutes of sitting the music finally kicked in, a song called 'no diggity' starting up as Hope ran down the stairs and jumped next to her father, who took a step back with a mischievous grin. 

"The dance can commence!" She shouted aloud as many of the youth around grouped up with their partners and began dancing with one another. The dancing was mixed in style and completely random, the Shinobi following along with Hope and some of the other Mikaelsons who had seen fit to join in. 

Susan ran up to me and lifted me from my seat, her enjoyment spiking as I took her hand and twirled her, sliding up close and swaying somewhat. Her breath raced in speed as I dropped her into a pick-up manoeuvre, leaning in and then pulling her back up and doing some up-close, energetic, dancing with her. 

In our flurry of movements we passed by Artoria who was dancing with Elijah, taking an old approach to dancing... a waltz. Minutes passed in extensive movement as the music quickly changed to a more calm rhythmic pattern, Blue Danube. The pace slowed and quelled into a slower more methodical dance. We switched, Artoria now dancing hand in hand with me as Frey took Susan and did the same, her movements smooth if not refined. 

Artoria was smiling widely as her teeth showed, elation filling her. 

"I am glad you are enjoying yourself." She closed her smile to a more diminutive one as we continued to sway round and round.

Minato and Kushina joined in soon enough as Mito even took the chance to dance with an elder of the Uchiha, the man grumbling amidst the handsy movements of Mito. Naruto joined in as he convinced an Uchiha girl around his age to dance with him. Meanwhile I felt Yuna setting up some sort of Chakra Fuinjutsu circles around the table. They were cloaked to Chakra sensors and such, but they were ineffective against my psychic perception and the force.

Noting each of their places in the room I continued to dance with Artoria until we switched once more, Susan being spun towards me so I could catch her and continue; me following by twirling Artoria over to Klaus and catching Susan.

"Hoh, hello love, how has the dancing been?" Susan immediately blushed, almost fumbling if it weren't for my recovery as I eased her down and picked her back up, starting the dance once more.

"W-wonderful... It's rare I get to socialise like this." I grimaced inwardly as she inadvertently went back to her time with her ex-husband and their band of fools.

"I am glad you are enjoying it. We can make it a more common experience if you want..."

"Sure! I'd love to have more parties and enjoy life more." She stared into my eyes with love poking out in her emotional aura, excitement paring with it as we got lost in the music.


Half an hour later Picard tapped a glass and informed everyone that dinner had arrived. The entire room shifted with this announcement, moving to sit at the various tables around as many fast food deliverers stepped in with pizzas. Besides the pizza there was also burgers, fried chicken, tacos, tortillas and a whole slough of food that I didn't recognise at first glance.

Each dish was placed in the middle of the tables and opened in such a way that everyone could take what they wish. 

Uchiha and Uzumaki alike dove right into the meals as me, Susan and Artoria quickly snatched three pizzas for ourselves and the some extra meals... What could i say, I was hungry and my women shared my love of food.

Conversations were shared between bites of food as many people changed their partners for conversation, the majority of people coming to say hello at least once. Elijah, Hayley and Hope came to greet us, having some minor talk about the past and the future, before setting off back to their table. Klaus stopped to give me some whiskey, his date purring at his side before dragging him away. Kushina and Minato were nearby for most of the time, sharing conversations about Naruto and themselves. I wasn't focused on most of that however, I was focussed on the cheeky minx of a goddess who was slyly chuckling under her hand, thinking no one was paying attention to her.

'Here we go...'

The Chakra circles around the room lit up as caked began to fly through the room, several people got hit with them in an instant. Elijah dodged his alongside Hayley and Hope who were confused by the mode of attack. Minato scraped cake from his face as he glared at Yuna in mild frustration, he was mid conversation with Kushina. Speaking of Yuna's mother, she was scraping cake from her eyes and barely containing her frustration.

Naruto laughed his ass off as his 'date' looked around mightily confused. Meanwhile Artoria had immediately incinerated the cake as soon as it was evident some form of power was used, her apocalyptic light casting the cake from the timeline itself. Susan went invisible as soon as she saw other people get caked, which aided her is dodging the cake that had been sent for her.

Then, with a final flare of Chakra, ten cakes came for me. I sighed in mild tiredness. I just wanted to get with Susan, yet I had to deal with Yuna's antics...

The first cake flew straight towards me. I grabbed it with my psychic powers and placed it on the table as three others came at me from behind. They too halted as I used the force's foresight to encapsulate them within my grasp. Six more then shot off from a circle above me, from the ceiling. I levitated the three down to the table and then effortlessly snatched each of the six cakes from the air with my force powers, the table now filled with ten delicious looking caked of varying frostings and colours. 

I smiled towards Yuna, the girl glaring at me as I went to sit. A cruel expression glimmered across her features as I was descending to my seat. The force yawned at me, saying that I was in danger of achieving something that I hadn't wanted to be inflicted by. 

With prejudice I grasped the cake summoned onto my seat by her deceptive Chakra and threw it at her own face. Shock gripped her for a second until a shield of fire chakra melted the entire thing into vapour, the remnants sliding to the ground.

I then sat, my Chakra flaring into each circle and deactivating it with a surge of water elemental energy.

"HAHAHAHAHAHAHA!" Naruto was doubling over and laughing as many of the adults scraped the remnants of the cake from their faces, scowling in his direction.

Many of my summons hid grins below their hands or behind glasses as Kushina began to reprimand Yuna and Naruto in front of everyone.

'I am going to have to learn Fuinjutsu to counteract her shenanigans, won't I?'

Yuna stared at me with a glint of mischief in her eyes.

'Yeah... I will have to do that.' 


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