I awoke in my apartment, the bed refreshed and completely clean, as beside me were the sleeping forms of Artoria and Susan. They were cuddled into me, the blankets covering their bodies as both of them wore satisfied smiles.
My new bond pulsed with unbridled strength as our minds were all somewhat connected, a passive psychic link sharing our most basic, surface-level, thoughts. Spending some time to just bask in the afterglow of the night before I almost didn't notice the countdown of my daily specials from the previous day... I was only a minute away from the daily reset.
[Points: 11,551,123,619]
Fusion Technology -Reactor Level- (1,500,000P down from 10,000,000P)
Magical Grimoire of Transmutation (200,000,000P down from 1,000,000,000P)
Magical Grimoire of Enchantment (300,000,000P down from 1,000,000,000P)
Star Destroyer -Galactic Empire Era- (800,000,000P down from 10,000,000,000P)
Automation Blueprint - Graphene Production-(2,000,000P down from 4,000,000P)
Obi Wan's Understanding of the Force(1,000,000,000P down from 5,000,000,000P)
---BATTLEPASS, Journeyman Level---
* Own Two Fate-Style Servants * : 1 Experience Card [COMPLETED]
*Create Five more games* : 5,000,000,000 Points
* Level Up 20 Times* : 200 Billion USD
* Upgrade The 'HUB' into a Reality Engine* : 1 Godly Item
* Topple the Kabal of Corrupt Organisations* : 200 Skill points
*Lose Your Virginity* : A good time, Blessing Upgrade [COMPLETED]
*Merge the Uchiha and Uzumaki Bloodlines* : Sage Mode Unlock, Mangekyo Evolution
* Have 1 Billion people play your game* : 10,000,000,000 Points, Augma from SAO [COMPLETED]
* Purposefully Master a Power, Ability, Energy Type or Super Power by yourself* : High-Servant combining any historical figure's mysteries
*Learn a Complete Magic System from Someone* : Psycho-Magical Energy Evolution
I bought everything bar the Fusion technology as I already had the knowledge from Reed to produce such technology. Not to mention that the Star Destroyer itself had advanced energy production facilities, specifically Hypermatter-fusion reactors.
My plan for the Star Destroyer was to find a remote place somewhere in the wild and deploy it, using it's jamming capabilities to knock out satellites whilst I guided it to the geo-synchronous orbit of Venus... Then, set it as an anchor point for my apartment and teleport back to the HQ. From there I could use it as an operation centre for technological exploration and implementation of System-procured technologies. Example being the Graphene Production Blueprint.
Obi Wan's understanding of the force was another thing I really liked and enjoyed as it would give me access to advanced techniques of the force and potentially even give me greater insight into the esoteric nature of the concept itself, from the perspective of a light-side user.
The Grimoires would allow me to learn a master a type of power... Meaning I would be able to secure myself another completion in my Battlepass and another servant of a fate-style nature. It was at this point that both of my ladies started to wake up.
Susan was sleepily groggy, her hair tumbling loosely down onto the bed below as she comfortably mewed into me, her body tumbling over until her back was to me and was effectively laying skin-to-skin with me.
Artoria sat up and saw this happen, noting I was awake. Her assets presented themselves for me to view, not that she cared, as she simply leaned down and gave me a peck on the lips... Pushing Susan a little to get her to wake properly.
[Points: 9,231,123,619]
The daily reset hit just as I finished purchasing my items, Susan finally rolling away, off the bed, and up onto her feet. She looked at me hungrily despite all of the action from last night, her hips swaying seductively as she picked up a towel and walked into my, probably now 'our', bathroom. Artoria joined her, a slight flick of her hair and flash of her assets giving me all the suggestion needed.
I ignored the new daily specials and simply fell into love with my women all over again, the shower going very well for all of us... So much so in-fact, we had stepped out of that shower with a whole new perspective on life. Blushes and some small marks reminding us that there were people out there that cared for us and loved us... Unfortunately our bonds let us know that we each had something to do today however.
Susan was going to manage the Uzumaki Clan's activities and schedules. Artoria's mission today was the meeting between Yggdrasil Interactive and Tesla, it was important due to the access I needed to advanced tools and machines. At some stage I would have to meet this Elon Musk, perhaps I could help him make EV's actually viable.
Shaking my head, I kissed each of them on the lips, catching them bot just before they left.
"Susan love, choose a subordinate and delegate your work... I'd love to have you around me more." Artoria pouted at this a little, feeling indignant that she didn't get the same treatment, but also a little embarrassed that she had gotten drunk enough to profess her loneliness and wishes for human connection last night.
"Artoria love, don't be jealous or embarrassed, I love you both equally, but I ONLY trust you to run the company. I will make time for you, always."
With these final words we wished each other a good day and took off to our separate tasks. My task being the full comprehension of every recent gain I had acquired.
First off was me becoming a Sidhe of Æs'rune. The major physical changes had been the mutation of my ears into those of an elf, the major sensory upgrade that allowed me to perceive things up to a kilometre away from me and the greater amount of paleness in my skin. The metaphysical or magical changes had been much vaster however...
The first major upgrade to my abilities was the merger between: The Force, Chakra Infernal Characteristics, Angelic/Halo Characteristics and Sidhe Queen Fey Genetics. Each aspect was monumental in increasing my abilities. The Force simply acted as a binding force for the other, retaining its individuality amongst the other powers, with a massive upgrade in power due to my fey nature. Chakra merger increased my production, regeneration and control over chakra types, as it currently stood I had Lightning, Water, Air and Fire... This would expand as I unlocked more of my evolution in future. It was when I got to the Infernal and Angelic characteristics that I got to the majority of my upgrades.
The Infernal aspect allowed me to channel power from flames and dark emotions, powering my physical capabilities beyond human limits and potentially further than basic superhuman levels. My speed, as when I first used it, was at the same point as the Original Vampires; Klaus, Elijah, etc... My strength promised to be at their level also. Naturally this also meant every other physical statistic could be enhanced by this Infernal power. Secondly, it was scalable on my level-ups... Originally intended as systems, they were meant to be tied to a progression system, but, due to the interference of the proper system, they were combined into an evolution for me. Thus, it had given me a way to unlock their power through levels. Which were gained through killing enemies using my powers...
It was fairly obvious when I first killed Reed using my powers, that was what was required for me to advance. My Norse aspect was driving a realistic bargain for permanent power gains... A price I was willing to pay so long as they were out for me or my people.
The Halo aspect was different as it focussed on mental attributes and magical ones. This tied directly with my mental capabilities and had increased my Telekinesis, Telepathy, Precognition/Gut-feelings, Technopathy, Psychic Shielding and Willpower. Like the infernal aspect it scaled with level, but unlike the infernal aspect it was a permanent buff. Essentially, the more I become Angelic, the more psychic, magic and mental powers I will unlock and evolve.
And finally was my Sidhe species... I was now part Celtic Fey and tied indirectly to something I couldn't explain. There was something tied to Earth but not on it that I was distantly linked to, species-wise. Apart from that conundrum was the fact that I no longer felt the affects of time like normal people... Take the sleep I just had, it felt as if I had just closed my eyes and opened them, seemingly no time having taken place between. No rest was felt from the time, but no exhaustion either. It was simply as if I just existed in the same state for the majority of my time. It wasn't noticeable at first, but after last night, I was certain that this was the case. That was all I could digest about it currently as levels would unlock more and reveal more for me to ultimately get used to.
The next thing I needed to digest was Reed's intelligence. I hadn't been using the majority of the knowledge due to the chaotic nature of my life so far... But that was more an excuse than anything else.
I had plans to start using the experience and knowledge much more, the Star Destroyer, the meeting with Tesla; to get access to advanced tools and factories, and the expansion of my company into multiple regions of production and business. All of these however would take time, thus, I needed to turn to my lovely system yet again.
My basic plan was to buy the crew requirements for the Star Destroyer itself with my own hands, using Droid technology from SWTOR... A cheap outlet for me, as I could buy hundreds of HK-51 Protocol Droids for only around 10,000 Points each.
[Points: 9,229,123,619]
Thus I spent 2 Million points to buy the droids, keeping them in my inventory for now. They would serve as the crew for my Star Destroyer. Next, I needed some advanced tools for making Artificial Kyber Crystals, Droids, Augma Glasses from SAO and Blasters. These would all be placed inside of the Star Destroyer and fitted to be produced automatically, as much as possible, by the droids.
My list was long, but essentially these were the requirements per category:
Artificial Kyber Crystals- Kyber Synthesizer Furnace, High-Temperature Forge, Plasma Cutter, Laser Spectrometer, Electrostatic Resonance Chamber, Pressure Sealer and Magnetic Confinement Field.
Droids- AI Programming Stations, Microservo Assembler, Automated Hydrospanner Repair-bays, Automated Welding Torch / Plasma Welders, Circuit Etching Machines, Power Core Fabricators, Repulsorlift Generator Fabricators, Vocabulator Synthesizer Computers, Holoprojector Interface Fabricators, Auto-Sensor Array Calibrators.
Augma Glasses- Nano-Optic Lens Printer, Micro-LED Fabricator, Quantum Processing Unit (QPU) Programmer, EEG Sensor Calibrator, 3D Circuit Printer, Neural Interface Chip Engraver, Micro Power Cell Fabricator, Haptic Feedback Module Fabricator, Electromagnetic Shielding Case Assembler.
Blasters- Plasma Containment Chamber Assembly, Energy Coil Winder Assembly, Power Cell Fabricator, Magnetic Rail Assembly Tool, Cooling Rod Injector Fabricators, Laser Calibrator Printer, Electromagnetic Pulse Regulator Assembly, Recoil Stabilization Framework Design Modules.
There was much more to all of those areas, but they were all tied into those larger tools/parts. Each segment would cost me around 100,000,000 Points to get, but each of them would allow me to arm my followers. Create an expendable army at a moments notice; given enough resources and time. Corner the market for electronic hardware across the planet and create badass weaponry for my main summons to use in melee combat.
[Points: 8,829,123,619]
Immediately these segments were installed into the Star Destroyer as the System interfaced between the two items in my inventory, saving me hundreds of hours of work in just a few seconds.
'Thanks system!'
I had a new dilemma now however, how to spend my last 5 skill points. Gaming and DEV paths were off the table as they were major nexus nodes, having no branches connected to them. This left Einherjar, Mind, Trickster, Path of Nature, Glitch, Admin, Devourer and Conqueror, out of those I had already gotten or seen before. Each upgrade in a tree I had already gone down provided another 10% bonus to what I had already gained, a small but powerful upgrade that could influence my path as a user of the system.
| Path of Nature: +60% Damage with Nature-based Abilities|
|Path of the Mind: +60% Damage/Control over Psychic Abilities/Powers/Superpowers|
|Path of the Trickster: +110% Charisma Bonus, +60% Coerciveness |
|Path of the Einherjar: +20% Damage Reduction , +20% Life Span , +20% Physical Statistics|
|Path of the Glitch: +5% Chance to Break A Rule of Reality|
|Path of the Admin: +5% Chance to fix Glitches in Reality|
|Path of the Devourer: 2% Chance to consume 5% of an enemy's power permanently; on death|
|Path of the Conqueror: +100% Intelligence , -10% Constitution , +2% Dominion Quotient |
Each upgrade on a path required 3 Skill Points now. But there were new paths, costing the original price of only 2 Skill points and offering a new direction to travel towards.
| Path of the Paragon: +30% to All Attributes when Facing a Weaker Opponent |
| Path of the Revenant: +10% Chance to Return from Death at 50% Power, +50% Damage when Near Death |
| Path of the Abysswalker: +70% Power in Dark-Based Abilities, +30% Resistance to Madness Effects |
| Path of the Puppeteer: +90% Control Over Summons/Servants, Constructs, or Mind-Controlled Targets |
| Path of the Eternal: +1% Passive Health Regeneration per Second, +50% Resistance to Aging Effects |
| Path of the Monarch: +100% Influence Over Those Who Swear Fealty, +20% Leadership-Based Bonuses |
| Path of the Primeval: +80% Damage with Primal or Ancient Powers, -10% Control Over Instinctual Urges |
| Path of the Executioner: +50% Damage to Weakened or Injured Targets, +20% Armor Penetration |
I was stumped on what I should choose, most of them were epic and I only had 5 Points. I decided to shelve the topic for now... My choice would be made later today.
The last major thing I needed to digest was amount of powers I had. Each were powerful all on their own, downright cheaty together, but I was untrained in many of them and spreading myself much too thin.
Thus, with the gaining of Obi-Wan's experience in the Force I decided to focus purely on that for the foreseeable future. Meditation, Force exercises, training the different lightsaber stances.
Many people in my last life complained about the stupidity of the techniques and the flaws they had, but from Obi-Wan's experiences in the force and matters related, each stance held a powerful connection to an aspect of the force. The Jedi techniques were focussed particularly on the light-side, almost radically so, but they held a deeper connection to emotions... Which I could see as I was not clouded by the dark-side as the Jedi were during Obi-Wan's time.
Form I: Shii-Cho- Emphasizes the natural large-scale movement of the Force, guiding the blade like water.
Form II: Makashi- Precision and Control, The Force guides the wielder's hand with elegance, ensuring each strike is deliberate.
Form III: Soresu- Surrendering to the Force, allowing it to dictate their movement, making them untouchable.
Form IV: Ataru- The detailed movements of the force, Momentum and Flow, The Force amplifies movement, allowing the Jedi to perform impossible acrobatics and strike with speed.
Form V: Shien / Djem So– Power and Will, The Jedi uses the Force to turn defence into offense, embodying an unyielding presence.
Form VI: Niman- Balance of the Force, The Jedi flows with the Force, seamlessly blending all forms while incorporating Force powers.
Form VII: Juyo / Vaapad- The Bridge between the light and Dark Sides, The Jedi walks the edge of the Dark Side, using controlled aggression while maintaining their Jedi ideals.
While many in his life might have seen the Jedi's techniques as outdated, inefficient, or flawed, Obi-Wan understood that each form was an extension of the Force's different aspects. It wasn't just about practicality; it was about philosophy, emotion, and how a Jedi embraced their connection to the Force.
The techniques weren't flawed, their execution and understanding were... The use of a Saber was not for lethality, just in the same way one would no wield a paintbrush to behead someone. A lightsaber was, in the Jedi's beliefs, a peacekeeping tool and an extension of their connection to the force.
Only during early eras of the Republic and the Clone Wars did this change. Mainly due to the presence of the Sith and the deception of Sidious and his massive dark-side obfuscation respectfully.
Thus the rest of my day was spent meditating on the balance between my Dark Side and Light Side... A task unfamiliar to Obi-Wan but definitely needed for my own purposes. Too much on either side of the scale would cause imbalance and ruin my objectiveness. Which is why I debated spending 6,000,000,000 Points on Darth Vader's Experience in the Dark Side.
'Should I...?'
This chapter was needed so that I and your, the reader, could keep up with the powers she has gotten, those she is focussing on and also the exploitation of abilities, skills and experiences that she had gained.
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