Creating Games and a Visit

Sitting at my desk I began working away at some new games. My mission said to create games, not release them, therefor I would make these games and stagger their releases. The first two games, Minecraft and Plants vs Zombies were already being handled by Twitch, her marketing skills undoubtedly effective as many kids around the world were looking at Minecraft and my phone game with hunger.

SWTOR was the most massive game in the world at this time, but still, there were many people who could simply not afford to sit at home unconscious in the game world for hours and hours on end.

Thus my next games were focussed on working with the Augma reality headset I got in a reward. It was the perfect display for calls, texting, chatting and, even more excitingly, real life virtual overlay games, VOG, as it was termed by me. My first experiment with this style of game was something akin to a horror game like Phasmophobia. 

Part one of this creating this game was the AI technology to scan the environment using the sensors on the headset... This AI tech would be focussed into generating real-life projections that could be seen by everyone around the people playing the game. These projections would only target the players of the game and would operate via certain rules. 

The game worked like this: The AI in each Augma would connect to one another when the people made a 'lobby' for their game. These AI would then team up to use their GPU power to monitor the heart rate, the surrounding environment, the languages spoken and other factors to generate a scary encounter. This encounter would then be given missions by the AI for the people to complete, using the Augma as an interface. Taking pictures of certain objects that begin to 'float' or perhaps taking a snap of an 'actual' ghost. Once they completed their missions they needed to reach a certain part of the terrain around them and hit the 'complete' button. Once the task is complete, points are distributed to everyone and they can spend those points on unlocking new flavour packs, new creatures, cosmetic appearances for their Augma and all sorts.

Given the Holographic nature of the Augma, the skins for them were very easy to 'paint' onto a basic bitch version. Making this game work required some advanced components but it was honestly very cheap in comparison to SWTOR as it didn't require the purchase of a sophisticated Overmind-AI.

A few hours later I had another game finished, the Augma working perfectly with it as it was easily downloadable from the Internet and playable offline. The game even connected wirelessly to other Augma users that were nearby, making a LAN of sorts that could allow the other gamers to build upon the data for the missions; essentially, the more people, the harder or more complex the scenario was. I did add a warning at the start of the game though... People needed to be in a relatively spoopy place to play it, like an abandoned hospital, or in the forest at night-time. This warning came with the advice that people only play the game in known safe locations and or with security nearby, user discretion will apply. 

The second game I made for the Augma was chess. This chess however was different. It was akin to a battle. Four players were allowed to play at once, each player has a single King and a base currency start of 100 Points per round of movements. With these points you can purchase any chess piece bar a king. Each player had a board that connected to an empty board in the middle, currency could be earned by taking another person's pieces. The entire game was effectively Chess but with economy management and strategic decision making... Alliances could be made, destroyed, truces made... There were a multitude of option and each had consequences or point costs. It was a delicate decision to choose to make more pieces or secure temporary alliances with your opponents.

My final game for today was a Gacha game. Genshin Impact. I did very little to this game except replace all monetary payment systems with in-game currency systems. All of the gacha was possible, you just needed enough patience. Naturally there was value in playing the game as well, people being able to trade characters and all... First of all the characters could be made into a permanent AI assistant for your Augma and was also capable of being transferred into a computer as a program to act as a virtual assistant there as well. The rarer the character, the more comprehensive the assistant and the more features that would be unlocked. The only truly different thing I did was remove all of the sexualisation of loli characters... My game didn't need to do that, the weirdos out there would do so besides the point; I didn't want to assist them. 

[Points: 971,133,611]


Ceiling Fan- (5P down from 10P)

 Advil Tablets (2P down from 4P)

Halo Spartans (50,000,000P down from 100,000,000P) 

Stargate (100,000,000P down from 800,000,000P)

Experience Card -Sub skill-(2,000,000P down from 10,000,000P)

The One Ring (100,000,000,000P down from 500,000,000,000P) 

---BATTLEPASS, Journeyman Level---

* Own Two Fate-Style Servants * : 1 Experience Card [COMPLETED]

*Create Five more games* : 5,000,000,000 Points [COMPLETED]

* Level Up 20 Times* : 200 Billion USD

* Upgrade The 'HUB' into a Reality Engine* : 1 Godly Item

* Topple the Kabal of Corrupt Organisations* : 200 Skill points

*Lose Your Virginity* : A good time, Blessing Upgrade [COMPLETED]

*Merge the Uchiha and Uzumaki Bloodlines* : Sage Mode Unlock, Mangekyo Evolution

* Have 1 Billion people play your game* : 10,000,000,000 Points, Augma from SAO [COMPLETED]

* Purposefully Master a Power, Ability, Energy Type or Super Power by yourself* : High-Servant combining any historical figure's mysteries

*Learn a Complete Magic System from Someone* : Psycho-Magical Energy Evolution [COMPLETED]


[Points: 5,971,133,611]

Before I could start perusing SWTOR and figuring out what land on Earth I was launching my Star Destroyer from, a massive psychic presence emerged from the front of my company HQ, the signature familiar to me. 

Visions swirled in my mind, a teenager unconscious, Storm and Jean sitting next to her worriedly as the remainder of the X-men begin searching around the school. Xavier's face drawn in concentrated lines as his eyes shine in thinly veiled blaming. Frowning I concentrated on the feelings of those around the girl and specifically the girl... A pang of familiarity smacked into me as my own visage met me, a force projection of myself attached to the girl's brain, protecting her from her power as a natural vergence for...

'Oh fuck...'

[The first spatial anomaly has been detected, THE FORCE, has merged with this multiverse. Congratulations on introducing people to the concept before the anomaly took affect]

[+50 Levels]

[Skill Points: 100]

'oh... fuck... fuck... That could be really bad...' The vision tightened as a monumental darkness pushed down upon my barrier within her mind, this force construct having appeared without any of my own influence in the first place.

[Concept Empowerment will increase in power as you have introduced a game's powers to reality...]

'I did this!? HOW!!!!????'

The psychic presence intensified as the front gate was warped by Xavier's powers. My mind whirred at speeds beyond comprehension, the intelligence stolen from Reed pounding away at the minute details of the situation I found my myself in. Until, finally, I came to an answer.

'This universe itself may be fucked...' Why was I able to come here and summon people, entities, things and so much more from other dimensional existences and presumably different multiverses? The answer had been before me but not noticed.

'Anomalies... Perhaps this multiverse is, 'evolving'? 'Growing'? No that's speculation... But what if... Oh this could be all kinds of bad for the people of this multiverse. For me! Shit. That is why I was brought here, to save myself and therefor save whatever was going to happen!?'

{User is not incorrect, but not fully correct. This multiverse is a combined multiverse of the fictional universes: MARVEL, DC, HELLSING ULTIMATE ABRIDGED and JOHN WICK. More universes will merge, User has been given the opportunity to escape mortality and embrace power. Recompense for doing so is the continued survival of this Multiverse in some shape or form. Thanks for your cooperation, feel free to ask for more tips in future. Good luck.}

The message flashed but I didn't even need to read most of it to understand. That was why I was gaining power so fast, I wasn't meant to eke my way out at the bottom for long, but at the same time my games were a way of potentially, maybe, stabilizing reality and binding these new 'things' to this multiverse. But why? No reason came from this, there was no benefit to this happening, so why was it my goal to ensure its survival, other than my own survival.

My concept empowerment flared as Minecraft was played for the first time by Twitch and shared amongst the millions of people who watched our official streams. Enjoyment flooded into me from SWTOR, Spiffing Brit conquering another couple of fleets whilst touting Her Majesty's Navy garb of the British Empire. It snapped into focus.

"Enjoyment, laughter, excitement, life... You wish for me to use these to move this multiverse forwards. To bring the very ideas of certain universes into fruition so that they might merge into this singular multiverse and... I don't know..."

A pit of acid in my stomach roiled as another psychic spark struck towards the magical wards placed by Frey just a day before this. 

'I-i need to focus! Xavier first, girl first, then I can sort the rest out.' I exhaled a shaky breath, leaving my apartment and speeding outside behind the barrier, flames wreathing my form for seconds until it dissipated from the change of my eye colour. 

"Freya! Open this damn thing. I have a student hurt because of what you did!" His tone was immensely displeased, he was merely a psychic murmur of his true self but that didn't make his appearance less real for everyone in the compound.

Sighing I spoke aloud to him. "I didn't hurt her, I was protecting her from something even I just learnt about." He turned towards me, his eyes locking onto my position behind a cloaking spell. Invisible as I was he could not see me, but my words reached his metaphorical ears.

"What was it then, I saw it myself and it reflected my mental power as if I was but an ant before its' immensity."

The acid in my stomach threatened to rise, but I held it down with sheer will, barely. This entire situation was immensely worrying for me, as it meant that the powers I am gaining could grow here... Meaning my servants could bring the grail wars to this world, to other universes, my Naruto summons could bring Chakra and the Ōtsutsuki... The Vampire Diaries could bring the force of nature, Star Trek... The Borg, or worse, the Q. It was already fucked here on this world, now I had to deal with all of these possibilities.

'It's time I start doing shit in the open. No time for pussy footing around.'

"It was the Dark Side of the force..."

"The Force?" He sounded confused.

"A power from the game called Star Wars the Old Republic, that I made."

His immense psychic might recoiled a little at the information and then spread back out, his emotions lightly displayed on the very fringes of his psychic shielding. He was nervous, angered and slightly dubious of my intentions.

"Undo it then."

"I cannot. What has been done is done, it is part of this multiverse now, even I could not erase it..." 'Not as I was now,' I added in my own mind as he burned with righteous fury.

"WHY DID YOU RELEASE IT THEN!?" The wards shattered and I was revealed fully, my own psychic power rising to match his own. It was still hopelessly outmatched in it's current amount but the density of mine was backed by an overwhelming 'Force'.

"Xavier, I did not intentionally release it. If I did, why would I shield your student from its effects, it would have been what I planned..." I couldn't tell if my persuasion was working or not, his mind was just as protected as mine, perhaps much greater than my own, it was akin to trying to probe the sun with your pinkie finger. 

He grit his teeth as his power dimmed a touch, he was stepping down, for now... But it would come with conditions no doubt. He wasn't the only one here however. Bruce Wayne, hidden at the edge of our confrontation was now stepping out, his Batman suit less intimidating in the day time as behind him was Damian, Night Wing and a man in a red suit that I hadn't yet met... The Flash.

"Prove yourself, come with me and help my student." Xavier offered his right hand as my other uninvited guests stepped in.

"Are we perhaps intruding on a moment?" 

'For fuck's sakes...'

"Okay, everyone, let us go to Xavier's mansion first, then we can discuss whatever the fuck you all have in store for me. Itachi! Hope! Minato!" The three names I shouted soon projected through my mental projection and into the brains of those three, all of them rushing as speeds beyond normal humans towards me. Hope was here first as Minato arrived literal nano-seconds after her; he had deployed his talismans everywhere around the compound. Itachi was last but he had brought with him multiple teams of Uchiha Shinobi.

"Freya? What's up ttebayo?" Minato emulated his wife when speaking at this moment, his casualness thinly covering for his extreme readiness to immediately kill anyone of these people before me. 

Hope was silent, her magics stirring the atmosphere around us as she was imperially staring out at Xavier, as if looking at a dead man. Itachi was beside her with his Sharingan whirring into action; the other Uchiha hidden behind him in shadows and recesses. 

"I need you three to come with me to Xavier's school. I will most likely be unable to protect myself whilst I 'fix' what is wrong." Itachi stepped forwards, concern shining in his eyes as they tracked the flash picking his nose at ultra fast speeds, speeds that he could barely follow.

"This isn't wise Freya-sama, perhaps if we wait for Artoria to come back..."

"No, Xavier is more than willing to explode if I don't help him now. I will go and clear my name... Your orders are to ensure that I survive and that all three of you survive... Give command over the HQ to Twitch in my short absence."


A crack of thunder and lighting resounded around all of us as a rainbow bridge of light pealed the sky in twain and blasted in the area between me and Xavier, Batman and his kids jumping back in complete distrust of what they had stepped into.

"HAHAHAHAHAHA! That was very enjoyable! Loki, we should do that more often!"

"Yes, yes... Now could you please get your backside off of my face?"

"O-oh! Sorry about that... Hahaha..."

My Norse concept empowerment sky-rocketed as one of the rewards that had been dormant flared out at this exact moment.



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