
Moving out of the garden and towards the HQ, Cassian moving behind me, I began flicking through live streams of SWTOR. People were incensed and angered. Martial law was spoken about frequently as people from other countries began speaking of their own country's actions.

Australia, Philippines, Japan, Europe, Israel, United Kingdom, Canada and most of South America had moved in tandem with the USA. The worst of all of them was Australia, supposedly, as their police and military abandoned all pretence of constitutional sovereignty and simply invaded homes, placing people into camps... Except for insurrection that occurred in some parts of the military and police that were force sensitive. All of the Western World had turned on force sensitives and Mutants. 

It wasn't just the western world either, I discovered. China was actively cleansing them, the message slipping out on the dark web as videos were spread and then taken down in the same time span. India was completely in chaos as the Hindus erupted against the Muslims who saw the awakening of the force as some form of proof of 'god'. The middle east was fanning the flames of war as most of the Muslim countries began calling for Jihad. Israel itself was calling for the cleansing of the non-believers...

The world was in strife and I, told by the system, was meant to ensure the safety of the entire multiverse... From collapse. How was i to know if this counted as collapse or simply change? That was the question I was contending with.

What I did know, was that force sensitives were innocent. Mutants were also mostly innocent and unjustly attacked by the Humans... I didn't want to see them die or be experimented upon. No one deserved that. Thus... I had a choice to make.

Do I abandon Earth saving those I can, or, do I found my own country and stand up tall. Stand to defy all of the corruption and disgusting fear mongering. Stand to defend the market which I had carved out for myself using my games... To allow people to once again enjoy my games and the changes to reality without fear of malevolent governments and politicians. 

'I feel like there is only one option here...'

My mind was made up once I crested the front entrance way. A stand I shall make. Like the founding fathers of America I would stand against a tyrannical force of monarchs and spit right in their face.

The only choice was where to found my country. That choice was obvious after some reflection also, my gait taking me up the stairs to my office. The worst of places needed to stand as an example of what not to do... I would make my point in one of the most deadliest places in the world. AUSTRALIA.

"Cassian, what do you think is the correct move to make when it comes to a certain part of a civilisation becoming empowered?" The Spartan stopped off to the side of my office table, his emotions swirling in deep thought as some flicker of emotion communicated itself to me.

"In my personal view, it would be best to peacefully resolve the issue. Perhaps inform the public about these changes and request that the government take some blood tests from every citizen confirmed to have these 'powers'. If that isn't an option, perhaps a curfew and a spec ops mission to acquire some DNA of these effected peoples... That is just what I would do given the idea that I am a country or world government."

His words were crisp and coherent, plain and understandable... Yet the question remained, why did this happen in almost every Government, nay, Country, in the world?

"A good evaluation." He nodded and felt slight pride at being told he was correct. 

"Unfortunately we find ourselves in a situation that has the local government declaring martial law and using military personnel to take people from their homes and experiment on them indefinitely." Cassian felt anger, deep anger... As if he was there seeing it happen. His fists tightened around the stock of his weapon in response. 

"I am now faced with two decisions... Leave them to their plight..." His aura flashed red in fury for a second. "Or... Stand up against injustice and save all of these people." My voice echoed out, the room dropping come degrees in warmth.

"The choice is obvious General. Face them down on the same playing field. Then, if we lose, we can die like men."

I chimed in directly after he spoke. "I have already chosen the latter. But, it will involve the conquering of an entire nation state..." Conviction wreathed his entire aura, battle readiness hidden thinly behind such an imperious and all consuming aspect. He was everything I wished for from my intended bodyguards. Weighed heavy with gravitas and determination but willing to engage me in whimsical theoretical situations. 

 "Then a nation will have to fall." He spoke of it so plainly that it seemed as if he was mentioning buying food from the supermarket... It was jarring at first but gave me the perspective to see that the ends justified the means in this scenario... Whether or not I was choosing to see it that way was anathema to me at this moment as I simply operated upon it.

"Very well. You've convinced me fully." I opened the door to my apartment and stepped through with Cassian, the man marvelling at my dimensional home. 

Moving over to my desk and turning on the computer I quickly activated SWTOR and emerged in the Sith council, where there was currently a session being held. I ignored it and simply left, teleportation guiding me to the path between worlds where I quickly summoned up the command console of SWTOR.

Hovering my finger over the stream button and the 'get all attention' button I exhaled one final time before letting it drop... Twitch activating across all of the current players in SWTOR.

"Everyone. I will not mince words... Almost every government in the civilised world has turned against its own people. Force sensitive people are now being gathered up, arrested indefinitely and experimented upon. Mutants from around the world are also suffering alongside this new percentage of the population." I took a moment to collect myself before moving forwards. Chat was silent and many hundreds of millions of people were listening to me from all across the world.

"I WILL NOT, STAND FOR IT!" My words roared across the entire game, my empowerment sending rippled through the force both inside and outside the game. "All who wish to escape the oppressive yolk of those politicians who seek to destroy the normal man and woman, the average person... We the people... Are to gather here in two days time." I paused to let the words sink in.

"I will have a place for you to live in harmony. I will protect you from those who would harm you... I WILL GIVE YOU, your freedom." I attempted to make myself as stalwart and as impactful as possible before closing the stream down... The affects of my attempt unknown... I would have to find out in two days, after I conquer Australia.


Wayne Manor...

The atmosphere was sombre and dark here. Silence was a shroud that covered everything that lived here. Bats within a cave below the building known as Wayne manor were eerily vacant today, their sleep maintained well into the hours where they should have been awake.

At the heart of this silence were six people... Standing before what was known as the Bat-computer, watching the speech of one of the backers of their newly formed organisation.

~"I WILL NOT, STAND FOR IT!"~ The words of the woman on screen rang with conviction and more than their heavy share of vitriol. Of what these people knew about her, they could tell that she was in fact 'over it'. 

"Freya is looking to make a move..." A thick masculine voice cloaked behind a Batman suit declared out into space, breaking the silence.

Behind him was a black and blue dressed man, his son, who nodded deeply. His face looked worn and tired as he watched the screen further. Next to him was a teenager who was dressed in a black and red Robin suit, his face hidden behind a thin mask, both physically and made of pure will.

A man ate pizza in the background as he watched on with as much rapt attention as Greyson and Damian had. His red suit sparked in red light for several moments as he placed the food down and leant over the side of Batman's shoulder.

"She is feisty, that is sure... Though I don't know if she can do much..."

Cuffed hands clapped onto the back of the Flash's body, a black haired woman shaking her head as the video replayed and she heard Freya speak out about the atrocities.

"Her spirit is such that it matters not if she can do it now, but that she will do it as soon as possible." The flash cocked his head and nodded slowly as the final member of their team stepped forwards.

"Bruce... We need to help her in her efforts. Normal people are being swept up in this and we cannot stand idly by whilst they suffer at the hands of their own Governments!" An 'S' graced his outfit as he floated a few centimetres off of the ground. His hair was perfectly wavy except for a single curl that swept down to his forehead, the very nature of his presence screaming righteousness as he stepped to the empty side of the Batman.

They all fell into silence again as they turned to look at the founder of the Justice League.

"We will help the mutants and the force sensitives. I will search my contacts for a reason why the Government has leapt to such conclusions. Damian, I want you to contact your mother and inquire with her..." He looked slightly pensive at asking that of him, but simply moved on thereafter... "Greyson, I hope you can do the same in Bludhaven."

His sons smiled before stepping away and walking off, their paces controlled and confident. Superman and Wonder Woman looked at him still, inquiring as to what he thought was best for them.

"Clark, Diana... Do what you think is necessary, but focus mainly upon rescuing people from the clutches of the military. Make it public, make it easily seen... We want people questioning the government and thus resisting against their tyranny." The two super heroes gestured in agreement, Clark grabbing Diana before soaring out of the cave at breakneck speed.

Finally there was a single member left, and he was staring at Bruce as if he were angered at being chosen last. "What do you want me to do, huh?"

"We're going to go meet Freya as soon as possible. Which means-" The Flash cut him off, "You need me. Fine, hold on tight though!" 

A literal flash of light sparked into the atmosphere as the two were launched at vast speeds in a short period of time... Right as Alfred stepped into the Bat-computer with freshly served cups of tea.

"It seems... I've missed them all...Huuu..." He sighed as the video of Freya replayed once more, his eyes misting slightly as he faded into past memories. 


Stark Tower New York...

Helicopters flew high in the sky, past the expansive skyscraper that was Stark Tower. It was a monument to avarice and a monument to Tony's ego. At this point in time however it served as a perfect viewpoint for its owner to gaze upon the military dictatorship that the 'Land of the Free' had become in this moment.

Screams filled the streets below where usually car horns would resound. Gunshots rang out in the night as people resisted the military and police, or simply people were shot. Chaos was omnipresent and for Tony, it was even more surreal as he could now feel every single cry from every force sensitive in New York.

"Those politicians are mad if they think this is the way to reign people in..." The tapping of footsteps resounded behind him, a man wearing an eyepatch and a black trench coat limping to his side.

"They aren't thinking... All of them are dead..." Tony looked over to see the blood covered man, a man who he had been consulting with for years... One who worked for an organisation that was the epitome of 'Government Power'.

"Serves them right I guess. All of that corruption had to come crumbling down eventually... Just didn't think it'd end like this." He gestured out to the fires and sirens below.

"Tony, this isn't the time to crack jokes... Shield has been infiltrated as well, Hydra has been released and they are now actively aiding the US military in hunting down, what they consider to be, impure abominations." 

Tony sighed as he felt another force sensitive die, the hundredth he had felt tonight.

"Then, I can only think of one person who would possibly be standing up to them... Even if it is because she's batshit crazy." Fury rubbed his bald head and sighed, his right foot tapping onto the ground.

"Yeah, well, I haven't heard back from her and I can't call her company as all of the satellites were destroyed." Tony simply turned around and walked from his circular balcony inside... Coming out several minutes later in his Ironman suit.

"I'll take you to her, as the one who introduced the force before it spread to people, she will know what is going on." Fury narrowed his eyes and looked close to saying something as Tony picked him up and flew him directly off the side of his tower, heading towards the outskirts of New York.


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