Chapter 11

Chapter XXXIII: 'Tis the Season, Part 2 As they finished the said activity, Kota prepares the other presents. He distributes them to Tengen, Gin, Asahi, Hanako, and Enmei. As soon as he is about to give it to Akiko, he suddenly feels doubt and goes into another flashback at the time of ordering the second gift. He doesn't want his mother to know about it so he asks Asahi if he can buy the gift, which is a keychain. The latter assures him that he'll do it. Days before the party, he always remind Asahi about the gift. Two days before the party, he wants to investigate if the gift is ready since he's about to get them on the day before the big event. Asahi tells him that he's gonna send it. However, 10 minutes have passed and he hasn't send it. Because of this, Kota is frustrated so he annoys him by repeatedly texting him. At the final moment, Asahi then admits that he made a drastic mistake. The truth is that he haven't ordered it. He breaks down, saying that because of it, he is a terrible friend. Although he is very upset of him, he still forgives him. Since there would be no class before the party, he plans to go out and salvage the plan. As the day before the party comes, he goes to the mall to buy but he can't find an exact replacement for it. As an emergency backup plan, he travels to Akihabara to search for the gift. He finally finds an exact replica for it and goes home thereafter. The flashback then ends. As he wants to puzzle her, he writes on the gift tag that it's from anonymous. He finally gives it to her saying,"Here's a gift from a friend of mine. It's for you." She awkwardly receives it. He then sees something poking out of her."May I try your sword?", he asks."Oh sure. Don't you dare poke a hole with it, it might break"¸ she says. He pulls out the sword from its shaft. It looked very long, strong, and sharp, although it was made from wood. However, he goes outside the building and poses with it."FIRE BREATHING, FIRST FORM:-I forgot what it was damn it", he says while doing the breathing attack. While he's outside, Akiko opens the exchange gift. She finds a green bamboo container. As she opens it, a letter can be found inside. It reads,"Dear Akiko This might not what you expected. It might just be pointless making this message to you which in fact we could just talk in real life, YourBook, or Accord. I know that this may weird you out, but hear me out. I want to say the things that I can't fully express. You might be wondering where your present is. Guess the riddle to find out: 'Where the present is, is where a shadow finds its scent.' I hope you'll have fun guessing where it is. And I also hope that as we embark on a new journey, whatever they say, ignore them. Follow what your heart says, because the unity of freedom and decision is amidst our own restrictions. Feel free to invite me on an occasion like hangouts or games. Merry Christmas and Happy New Year.-Kota" She thinks it through and as soon as she gets it out from the tip of her tongue, she opens the anonymous gift. Inside, is an LED light, and a My Sister is a Demon keychain. To top it all, there's also a purple jacket. Kota goes back inside the classroom and returns the sword back to Akiko."I hope you haven't open my friend's gift", he says to her."Yeah, about that, can I talk to you for a minute?", Akiko asks. Kota nods his head and they then go outside the classroom."Look, I know what you're doing and I've already figured out where the gift is from", she says. Kota looks guilty and feels something negative from this but she adds,"Honestly, I like your gifts, especially the flame hashira keychain. I think I'mma put a hole in it with my sword if it fits lol.""Ahh, you're too kind", says Kota."Seriously though, I didn't think that you would give me these thing so easily", she says. She also adds,"I only got a question though; why would you do this?""Well, I can't get you out of my head. Back then, you're ubiquitous. In my dreams, and even coinciding signs. I know that I may have failed back then, infatuated very much. But for now, I know how to set the boundaries, to the limit of not being very clingy. And now, I know fate might change but I guess, we found each other again. Not like long ago yet something we find a new and brighter concept towards one another. We might not communicate on a daily basis however, what patches the hole in my core is you by my side.", answers Kota. Akiko's eyes goes watery and hugs him. Moments have passed and the others have finished eating. Akiko and Kota goes back inside."Where did you both go?", asks Hanako as the gang gets the wrong idea."You got it all wrong!", says Akiko."We just went out and had a talk in private", adds Kota."Oh, how private was that?", asks Tengen while the others looked suspicious. As the two try to persuade them, the class president/host of the party interrupts them saying,"Alright, does anyone want to get some fun? It's time to party!""Ok guys, time for jamming. Let's go!", says Enmei to them. The students sing and jump along with the music. Vibing and at one point, they all said a swear word by accident. The door opens and the prefect of discipline enters with a creepy smile, and a foggy eyeglass, denoting that they did something wrong. However, they defend themselves by telling him that it was the music video. Convinced, he decides to leaves the classroom. After that, they all rest because of tiring themselves by jumping and shouting. Kota then calls the squad for a brief meeting. He says,"So, before we all leave later, I want to invite y'all on a hangout on new year's eve. You guys can come if you're not busy."The gang agrees and they all thank him for the gifts."Oh I almost forgot", says Tengen as he pulls out a gift behind and gives it to Hanako."Here, Happy Holidays!" As they all go out of the campus, Akiko walks slowly and goes to Kota's side."You know, I'm really thankful to have somebody like you, gifted and innocent", she says. Kota mumbles,"I'm not that innocent""Mmm?", Akiko puts a question mark. He responds,"I'm not that kinda innocent, I'm sometimes -naughty- if you know what I mean hehe.""Bruh, wtf? Well we all got that", Akiko says. As of saying goodbye, she hugs him. The other students go home as well. At home, Kota unwraps his exchange gift and gets a neck pillow. On the other hand, at the Chisai residence, Akiko looks at the gift and snaps a photo of the LED light. Something then came up to her."Oh god, if I look at the mirror light then take a photo with my tongue rolled out, it's gonna look sus. At least, I can now do succubus pics, kudos!", she tells herself. The scene ends with each of the gang celebrating Christmas with their family.